Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:40 AM

Chapter 1215

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After solving the problem of the Land Management Bureau, Xiao Yunhai drove to the education bureau again.

That is, for his grandfather, otherwise, Xiao Yunhai is too lazy to handle these things himself.

Twenty minutes later, Xiao Yunhai came to the Municipal Education Bureau and met with Wang Jingping, director of the Bureau.

"Director Wang, I want to set up a martial arts school. What are the conditions?"

"Set up a martial arts school?" When Wang Jingping heard Xiao Yunhai's words, he was also very surprised and said, "Mr. Xiao, how could you have such an idea?"

Xiao Yunhai said the old man's story again and said, "director Wang, do not know if we have this qualification to run the school?"

Wang Jingping thought about it and said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, according to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of education, if you want to be a martial arts teacher, you must have a teaching qualification certificate. Of course, we can do special things, such as master Xiao, a famous Kung Fu Master in China, only need to hand in a few photos to make up for one. The main question is, where do your students come from? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the orphanages in Anhui Province. We set up this school to promote Chinese martial arts, not for profit. All the students who come to our martial arts school, I'll give them pocket money every month. At the same time, find some excellent teachers to teach them cultural lessons. All the expenses will be borne by me. Hehe, as long as the old man is happy, I will spend hundreds of millions a year. "

Wang Jingping said with admiration: "Mr. Xiao is very filial. It's also a very good thing for those orphans. I'll handle the relevant procedures for you as soon as possible. "

Xiao Yunhai said happily, "that will trouble director Wang."

Like the Land Management Bureau, Xiao Yunhai left Chen Zhan's mobile phone number and returned home.

"Husband, how are you?"

Zhao Wanqing, who was cooking in the kitchen, heard the sound and came out to ask.

Xiao Yunhai said triumphantly, "I am the richest man in the world. What else can be difficult for me. Within three days, there should be news. Where are you? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "Mr. Li has a very high prestige in the village, and we have paid so much money, of course, it is no problem."

"What about grandfather? Why didn't I see him? "

"Mr. Li is playing chess. I came back early to cook. "

"So it is. Come on, let's do it together. "

The couple were talking and laughing while cooking. The scene was very warm.

At noon, Chen Jiahong returned home with an old man in his eighties, white hair and healthy health.

"Grandfather, is this grandfather Li?"

Chen Jiahong nodded and said, "yes. Lao Li, this is my grandson Xiao Yunhai. You should have heard of it. He's famous. "

Li shouchang rolled his eyes and said, "can I not know him? Langyabang, Yongzheng Dynasty and legend of Zhen Huan are all my favorite telephone dramas. It's said that you have become the richest man in the world. You have donated a lot of money to the Red Cross Society and helped countless people. It's really meritorious. As the sage said, poverty is the only way to be good, and to reach the goal is to help the world at the same time. It's amazing that you can do that. "

Xiao Yunhai said in a hurry: "grandfather Li flattered me."

This old man Li is very eloquent and has extraordinary temperament. His eyes full of vicissitudes reveal the wisdom of insight into the world. It is no wonder that such a proud man as his grandfather will be in love with him.

Chen Jiahong said with a smile: "OK, Yunhai, go to the kitchen and serve the food. I'll have a good drink with Lao Li. Ha ha, he lost three games of chess to me today. It's so happy. "

Li shouchang shrunken his mouth and said, "I let you win because you built a school to help those orphans. Well, you're serious

Chen Jiahong disdained to say: "you don't look for reasons here. Not convinced, after dinner, let's kill another plate. If you don't lose your armor and armor, I'll read Chen Jiahong's name upside down. "

Li shouchang said with a smile: "hongjiachen, this name is not bad. That's what I'll call you from now on. "

Chen Jiahong said, "if you win first, I'll talk about it."

Seeing the two old people fighting there, Xiao Yunhai smiles and goes to the kitchen to bring up the dishes that Zhao Wanqing and himself have been busy doing all morning. Instead of using a bowl, he uses the basin directly.

Opening a bottle of Maotai liquor that Chen Jiahong has kept for many years, Xiao Yunhai fills the two old people and himself and says: "grandfather, grandfather Li, I'd like to propose a toast to the two old people. I wish you a happy life and a happy life."


The two old men drank it all at once. Of course, the glasses they used were only three yuan.

Chen Jiahong said with a smile: "as long as this school can be completed, I will be happy. At the very least, you don't have to stay at home all the time

Li shouchang nodded and said, "yes. There is no better place for Lin Lao to have such a good place to be with those children. Brother Chen, Yunhai, I want to thank you. "

"Don't do that. I didn't run the school for you. Chinese Kung Fu is unparalleled in the world. I didn't expect that in recent years, it has been oppressed by some tripod Kung Fu such as karate and Muay Thai. It's really unreasonable. Chen Jiahong doesn't believe in this evil. I have to teach a group of outstanding kung fu masters. " Chen Jiahong said in high spirits.Li shouchang raised his thumb and said, "brother Chen said well. How many people are you going to recruit? "

Chen Jiahong was stunned and said, "I haven't thought about it."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "grandfather, you don't need to think about these things. We will arrange a vice president for you to be responsible for all the work of the school. You just need to teach Kung Fu. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Grandfather, you are the headmaster. You can leave these miscellaneous things to the people below. As for the size of the school, I want to recruit 300 students in the first year. When everything is on the right track, we will expand enrollment. What do you think? "

Chen Jiahong said, "OK, that's the decision. By the way, when can our school be built as soon as possible? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'll call Yu Hai, the boss of Yu's real estate company, and soon he will send some elites over. While ensuring the quality, we should strive to finish the school within half a year. "

Chen Jiahong patted the table and laughed: "great, I can't wait. Lao Li, your calligraphy and painting are pretty good. It's also good to find some good students and teach some calligraphers and painters. "

"What does it mean to be ok?" Li shouchang said discontentedly: "that should be called quite good. I have copied Wang Xizhi's preface to Orchid Pavilion, which sold millions at the auction

"Where's the money?"


"Nonsense, can you have such a high consciousness?"

"How do you know I don't have one."

Seeing that they were going to quarrel again, Xiao Yunhai even said, "stop. Grandfather, grandfather Li, let's talk about the school.

the most important thing for us to do is to get rid of Xiao Yunhai.

The two old men began to play chess again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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