Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:39 AM

Chapter 1216

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Xiao Yunhai made them a pot of tea. Hearing the sound of a car outside, he went out and saw Chen Zhan, Kristi and Mo Yina back.

"How about it? Is it done? " Xiao Yunhai asked with a smile.

Chen Zhan shook his head and said, "No. Our identity is not enough, Xia Fujun said he would like to see you in person this evening. We'll talk about the TV station then. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "what does he mean?"

Christie said, "I suspect he has something to ask you. After our previous investigation, his Yazhou electronic technology company's main products such as rice grain mobile phones, tablet computers and other products have fallen very fast, the market share has reached a new low, the share price has plummeted, and the market value of the company has been greatly reduced. Therefore, it is very likely that he wants to borrow money. "

Recently, whirlwind technology company of America launched a mobile phone and tablet computer named whirlwind king, which sold well all over the world. After coming to China, it quickly occupied the market and occupied 32% of the total market share, which greatly affected Yazhou electronics company.

The reason why Xia Fujun wants to sell Yazhou TV station is not only because of his son, but also because his main purpose is to recover funds and tide over the difficulties.

Xiao Yunhai said: "well, I'll see him tonight to see what he wants to do. By the way, did you eat? "

"Yes." Chen Zhan said with a smile: "Xia Fujun personally took us to Yazhou TV station for a tour. Last time I was on a tour. After careful investigation, I found that their TV station is really very good. Apart from other things, the sound equipment in the studio is more than one grade better than that of Anhui TV station. It is almost as good as the sound on the singer's night of Jiangsu TV station. Ha ha, I have to say that the second generation ancestor really gave up spending money. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the rich second generation with great ambition and little talent can be found everywhere. The most skilled thing is to spend money. It's nothing strange. Uncle, let me tell you something. I saw my grandfather doing nothing at home all day. It seemed that he was very depressed, so I found him a job

"What kind of job?" Chen Zhan asked in surprise

Xiao Yunhai said it again and said, "uncle, in a few days, the Municipal Education Department and the land administration bureau may call you. At that time, you will go and do it. I have already informed Mr. Yu Hai that he will send someone to build our school in the near future. When the time comes, it's up to my grandfather to decide what it will look like. "

Chen Zhan a listen, face a burst of desolation, wry smile way: "shame, I when the son of unqualified ah."

Mo Yina, who was next to her, said, "Chen, you don't need to be like this. Who in the country can build a school just like him. Apart from anything else, 99% of the people can't solve the problem of funds alone. It's no use comparing us with him. "

Chen Zhan cleaned up his mood and said, "Miss Mo, don't comfort me. Leave it to me. I can't solve the problem of funds, but I can still make some contribution. "

Xiao Yunhai took out a bank card from his pocket and said, "uncle, there are almost 150 million yuan in it. The password is my grandfather's birthday. I think it is more than enough to build a school with this money. The rest of the money will be used as the starting fund for my grandfather's school. "

Chen Zhan nodded and said, "OK."

At 7 p.m., Xiao Yunhai and his party arrived at the five-star hotel reserved by Xia Fujun.

As soon as he entered, Xiao Yunhai saw a middle-aged man in his fifties, tall and serious, sitting on the sofa in the hall.

Next to him was a young man of twenty-five or six years old. After seeing Zhao Wanqing beside Xiao Yunhai, a pair of eyes kept turning on Zhao Wanqing, and his mouth was even watering.

Xiao Yunhai's face sank and he was very unhappy.

Chen Zhan said softly: "the middle-aged man is Xia Fujun, and the young man is his son Xia Yongfei, who once studied in Europe and America. The whole thing is a bad one

Xia Fujun wanted to say hello to him, but he suddenly found that Xiao Yunhai's face was not very good-looking. He turned his head and saw Xia Yongfei's pig like brother. He was very angry and gave him a hard hit on his head. Then he said to the bodyguards on both sides: "you get him home and let him be here. It's really a shame for our Xia family."

Xia Yongfei was not happy to hear it. He touched his head and yelled: "Dad, how can you do this? Why did I disgrace you? "

Xia Fujun said angrily, "shut up. Didn't you two hear me? Get him out of here. "

For Xia Yongfei's son, Xia Fujun was extremely disappointed. He thought he was studying hard abroad. He didn't expect to learn anything useful, but brought back all the useless things.

In particular, his audacity made Xia Fu Jun angry.

At the beginning, Xia Yongfei wanted to create a TV station. Originally, Xia Fujun did not agree with it. But he could not bear the persuasion of his family members, especially his grandparents. In addition, TV station is indeed a good industry, so he reluctantly agreed.

Who would have thought that the boy ran a TV station just to make those female stars out of fashion. Some of them were even pregnant. Xia Fujun almost fainted after learning about it.Now it's better. I dare to stare at Zhao Wanqing with the eyes of a pair of color Mimi without looking at the identity of the other party. It's really hopeless.

Xia Fujun asked his bodyguard to take him away. In addition to being afraid that he would cause trouble, he also worried that Xiao Yunhai would be annoyed.

Joking, this is the master of the Xiao family. He is also the richest man in the world, not to mention his ignorant son. Even if he is himself, he may not be regarded by others.

Want to destroy their own Yazhou electronic technology company, but is a matter of a word.

After Xia Yongfei was carried away by two bodyguards, Xia Fujun came to the crowd and said, "Hello, Mr. Xiao, Miss Zhao. I'm really sorry. Xia Fujun has no way of discipline and raised such a thing. Ah, I'm really ashamed. "

Xiao Yunhai said quietly: "Mr. Xia Yongfei's behavior just now is indeed some... Inappropriate."

Just that Xia Yongfei was rude to Zhao Wanqing in front of his own face. Xiao Yunhai was very unhappy.

Although they did not speak at that time, their attitude still needs to be revealed.

If it wasn't for Xia Fujun's quick handling, Xiao Yunhai would like to beat Xia Yongfei.

Seeing Xiao Yun's expressionless face on the sea, Xia Fujun's heart thumped for a moment. Knowing that the other party was really angry, he hurriedly said, "Mr. Xiao, you have a lot of adults. Don't argue with Yongfei. Although he is more than 20 years old, he is actually a straw bag. Miss Zhao, I'd like to apologize to you on behalf of that jerk. I'm really sorry

With that, Xia Fujun will bow to Zhao Wanqing and Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yun Haiyan, quick in hand, took a step forward. Before Xia Fujun bent down, he held him in a soft voice and said in a low voice: "in front of so many people, bow to me. What will others think. Are you trying to make trouble for me

Xia Fujun said: "Mr. Xiao, I definitely don't mean that."

Zhao Wanqing showed a slight frown and said, "husband, just let it go. Xia always does this, and he is very sincere. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK."

Xia Fujun said happily, "thank you for your generosity. I have already reserved the best private room. Please come with me

Under the leadership of Xia Fujun, they came to No. 1 compartment.

The interior space is really not small, and the atmosphere of decoration is elegant, plus some flowers and plants embellishment, it makes people feel very comfortable.

Two well-looking waiters made a cup of tea for everyone, and one of the older ones asked, "when will you serve it?"

Xia Fujun looked at Xiao Yunhai. Xiao Yunhai said, "now, I'm really hungry."

In only five minutes, the food and wine were ready.

Xia Fujun waved, and the waiter left.

"Mr. Xiao, Miss Zhao, I apologize to you again. That son of a bitch is really a disgrace. I'm really embarrassed. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "Mr. Xia, since we don't investigate this matter, we should not mention it again. However, I would like to advise you that it is better to discipline your childe, or something will happen sooner or later. "

Xia Fujun nodded and said, "Mr. Xiao said yes. When he was young, I was often away from home because of my busy work. His grandparents were used to him and neglected to discipline him, which formed his lawless character. Well, it's too late to repent. "

"Oh, look what I said. Here, I'd like to propose a toast to all of you. Thank you for giving me this thin noodles. In particular, Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao have taken time out of their busy schedule to come here. I am very happy. I'll do it first. You can do whatever you like. "

With that, he raised his head and drank the wine in the cup, and his face and neck turned red immediately. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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