Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:38 AM

Chapter 1217

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Xiao Yunhai also drank it all in one gulp. Seeing Xia Fujun's appearance, he was surprised and said, "Mr. Xia, is your drinking capacity very ordinary. It's just the first cup. It's like it's not going to work

Xia Fujun said with a wry smile: "I'm old, and I seldom drink these years. Otherwise, I would not have invited that evil son to come over. "

Chen Zhan said: "it turns out that Xia always wants him to drink with us. Hey, you don't have to do the same thing at the liquor store. Yunhai, let's not be difficult for Mr. Xia. I think we'd better change the champagne. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "good."

Xia Fu Jun said in a hurry: "how can that be done?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "why not. Mr. Xia, I come to you for business, not for drinking. If you're drunk, what do you want me to do? "

Chen Zhan said: "yes. Mr. Xia, this morning, you said you would like to see the sea of clouds before you would talk about your Yazhou TV station. Now that he's here, we can have a good talk. "

Xia Fujun nodded and said, "of course. Mr. Xiao, I don't understand. You already have manwei TV station abroad. Why are you interested in Yazhou TV station? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "manwei mainly broadcasts European and American programs, which can't be brought directly to the Chinese audience. It's not acclimatized

For the real reason, Xiao Yunhai naturally won't tell him, so as not to create extra branches.

"Mr. Xiao, it seems that you are very optimistic about the TV industry in China."

"Of course. With such a rapid development, China may surpass the United States in the future. Of course, I am very optimistic. Mr. Xia, since you have asked me to come, it means that you must want to sell. But if it's just business, you don't need to invite me. So you should ask me for help if you have something to do? We're all great men. There's no need to hide. "

Xia Fujun nodded and said, "Mr. Xiao is really quick. In that case, I'll be frank. I want to borrow 50 billion yuan from you to help me tide over the difficulties. "

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he said in his heart, as expected, Kristi did not expect that the Xia Fu army was really in trouble with funds.

The 50 billion Chinese dollars is not a big figure for Xiao Yunhai now, but he is not a fool. He loaned the money to Yazhou electronic technology company in a muddle headed way. If Xia Fujun did not survive and broke down, his own money would not be the same as throwing it into the sea.

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Mr. Xia, your company's market value is hundreds of billions. You stand at the same time with Hu's electronics company and Huasheng Technology Company in Huaxia. I don't understand what you mean by the difficulties you said?"

Xia Fujun sighed and said: "Mr. Xiao, to be honest, we Yazhou electronic technology company is almost on the verge of collapse, and rice grain series electronic products have been devastated. What's more serious is that some foreign companies are secretly and maliciously suppressing the acquisition of our shares. It is estimated that the other party already owns 16% of the shares, and some of my enemies on the board of directors hold shares. If we let things go like this, Yazhou electronic technology company will soon be taken away by the other party. The reason why I sold the TV station was mainly to stabilize the stock price. "

"Mr. Xia, I don't know which overseas company you are talking about?" Christie asked

Xia Fujun said: "it's the whirlwind technology company that is popular all over the world for mobile phones and tablet computers. They want to take Yazhou electronic technology company as a springboard to enter the Chinese market thoroughly. "

Christie shook her head and said, "it seems that Xia is always hiding something from us. If whirlwind technology company just wants to invest in China, why should it spend so much effort on you. It seems easier to acquire other companies. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at her with appreciation.

Professionals are professionals, and they grasp the crux of the problem at once.

Indeed, the market value of Yazhou electronic technology company is hundreds of billions. If there is nothing to make the other party's eye watering, the fool will do it.

Xia Fujun said with a wry smile: "Ms. Kristi is indeed the top financial adviser on Wall Street. Yes, I do have what whirlwind dreams of, and that's the universal system. "

It turns out that Yazhou electronic technology company has been developing an advanced mobile phone built-in system in the past five years, which is the universal system just mentioned by Xia Fujun.

In the second half of last year, with the efforts of more than 200 researchers, the biggest difficulty was overcome.

At that time, the R & D team had a great change. The leaders of the two key departments suddenly resigned and went to America to join whirlwind technology company.

After learning about the excellent performance of this system, whirlwind technology company sent many people to negotiate with Xia Fujun, hoping to get a share of it. Naturally, it was rejected by Xia Fujun.

The whirlwind saw that the soft was not good, so it had to come hard.

They did not hesitate to use various means to buy the shares of several Xia Fujun's allies on the board of directors, but also acquired many in the world, and began to suppress Yazhou electronic technology company.

The current problem is actually more serious than Xia Fujun said.

First of all, the bank has terminated all cooperation with Xia Fujun and forced him to repay the previous loan as soon as possible. Secondly, the researchers in the R & D team were upset and their work efficiency almost dropped to the lowest point in history. Finally, Xia Fujun had no money for another two months.Banks do not lend, friends dare not borrow, their savings over the years have paid the loan interest, now it can be said that there is no way out.

The reason why Yazhou TV station was sold is to raise money and give it to the bank, because the repayment deadline is due next month.

Don't even think about it, Xia Fujun is sure that the bank will let him repay the loan.

This morning, Chen Zhan and Kristi, on behalf of Xiao Yunhai, approached Xia Fujun to discuss the purchase of a TV station. When Xia Fujun heard this, he quickly got the idea of the richest man in the world, and this was the dinner party of this evening.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Xia, I'm sorry. I really have limited knowledge about mobile phones, computers and other electronic products. To put it bluntly, you are now at this point. In case I lend you money and your Asian electronic technology company is eventually acquired or goes bankrupt, where can I find you. In China, such things are not rare. "

"What's more, we don't want to compete with the top 30 companies for a TV station," Kristi said

Xia Fujun said: "Mr. Xiao, Ms. Kristi, it's normal for you to have such doubts and scruples. I'm not surprised. However, what I want to say is that this universal mobile phone system developed by Yazhou electronic technology company is definitely a revolution in the smartphone market, and its significance is no less than the impact of Mr. Xiao's 3D imaging technology on movies. Half a year, just need to survive the past six months, I can completely change the world. "

Christie shook her head and said, "you are only talking about a possibility. Even if the probability can reach 90%, there is no guarantee that the other 10% will not happen. Mr. Xia, as Mr. Xiao's economic adviser, you can't convince me. "

Xia Fujun said in a hurry: "I can take you to have a look tomorrow."

Christie shrugged and said, "I'm sorry, we don't understand these things. What's the use of going there?"

Xia Fujun opened his mouth for a long time, but he didn't say anything. He was disappointed and said, "in that case, let's talk about the price of Yazhou TV station."

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "Mr. Xia, are you still willing to sell us the TV station?"

Xia Fujun cleaned up his mood and said, "of course. It's not easy to have such a big client as Mr. Xiao. Naturally, I don't want to miss it. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "but what you just said almost revealed all the cards, which can let us make a big bargain, at least in the negotiation, we will be in an absolute advantage."

I'm not going to sell 10 billion yuan, because I have not decided the price

Kristi frowned and said, "15 billion, that's too high."

Xia Fujun said: "the price is not high. You all went to watch the TV station. You should know that all the facilities and equipment in it are the top-notch in China. Even if it is put in the world, it can be counted. I'm not afraid of your jokes. My son-in-law vowed to build Asia's first TV station, so he spent a lot of money wrongly. Even that building has strong earthquake resistance. Ah, who ever thought that it would be over in less than two years at such a high price. It's a shame to say so. "

"Mr. Xiao, if you really want to buy Yazhou TV station, the price of 15 billion is my bottom line, and it must be paid within one month. But if you agree to lend me 50 billion yuan, I can give you a discount of 5 billion yuan. Of course, the interest of 50 billion yuan is also included

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Xia always thinks that I will lend 50 billion yuan for 5 billion yuan?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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