Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:28 AM

Chapter 1224

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Five minutes later, Xiao Yunhai and John Oliver came to a small conference room.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Oliver, I hope you can sell me that 23% share. Anyway, you can't enter Yazhou any more. Why keep the shares? "

John Oliver was directly amused by Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, you are so fantastic. We are optimistic about Yazhou and expect it to bring us great benefits. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm afraid you will be disappointed, because it will not bring you any benefits. On the contrary, it is likely to do harm to the cyclone

"What do you mean? Are you threatening us? "

"Mr. Oliver, we don't speak in secret. You have spent so much effort to acquire the whirlwind. It is only for the built-in system of the mobile phone that they developed. I found a lot of experts to test yesterday. It is really very powerful. It is no less than the influence of 3D imaging technology on movies. Once it enters the market, it will be popular all over the world. "

"Yes. So we can't give up the shares to you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Oliver, if you don't sell it to me, I can guarantee that the universal system will be completely out of your whirlwind. Unless you can develop a built-in system that's similar to or better than omnipotent, you're going to die. You have to be clear, when all the other mobile phone manufacturers use the advanced universal system, but you still use the system of the past, what do you think the result will be? "

John Oliver changed his face and said angrily, "Mr. Shaw, you are going too far."

He doesn't think Xiao Yunhai is joking. This is a lesson from the past.

It's no secret on Wall Street that stell networks got a 3D theater and a range of related devices for ten times the price.

Although whirlwind technology company is strong, it still has an obvious gap compared with stell network company.

Xiao Yunhai dares to fight against it, and the whirlwind is no exception.

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "Mr. Oliver, you almost let my financing plan fail. Do you think I will let you go? What's more, if you don't sell me these shares, I will make your business in China difficult. You should know that I have that ability. "

John Oliver's anger at this time, like the volcano out of control, completely erupted in his body. His face turned red, but he did not dare to send it out in front of Xiao Yunhai.

Looking at his cold eyes, John Oliver was suddenly excited and his anger was extinguished.

He knew very well that this one was not a good one. As the richest man in the world, he would not believe it if he didn't have the strength behind him.

I'm just the deputy general manager of whirlwind technology company. Even if the acquisition fails, I don't have any loss to myself. Where can I offend Xiao Yunhai.

Thinking of this, John Oliver looked much better and said, "I'm sorry, it's too much trouble. I need to call the headquarters."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. Don't worry, I won't let you suffer. I will buy your 23% shares at a price more than 5% of the current market value. It is also a reward for your long efforts. "

John Oliver's heart is straight scolded, the market value is now the lowest in recent years, according to this price to buy, cheap is occupied.

But he didn't say anything, just nodded and went out to make a phone call.

Ten minutes later, John Oliver reappeared in front of Xiao Yunhai and said, "our headquarters has agreed to your request, but there are two conditions."

"Go ahead."

"First, no matter what happens in the future, Yazhou Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. can't take back the use right of universal system by any excuse. Of course, we will still pay for the annual patent fee."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem."

"Second, the price must exceed 10% of our purchase price."

Xiao Yun frowned and said, "tell me first, how much money did you spend?"

John Oliver said, "more than 78 billion."

I'll spend more than 7.8% of my shares in Haiyun, but I'll spend more than 7.8% of my shares in Haidao? "

John Oliver said:" Mr. Shaw, we paid a huge price to get this 23%, but in the end we got nothing. If we follow the price you said, we will lose a lot. "

Xiao Yunhai narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Mr. Oliver, I'm afraid you haven't understood your situation. It's not business, it's about the life and death of whirlwind technology. Yes, whirlwind. Don't agree. Whirlwind dies. With so many mobile phone manufacturers around the world, the whirlwind is not the only one. "

In the past, Nokia was such a bull's-eye, but in the end it was not because of the built-in system that it quickly disappeared in the world and was replaced by mobile phones such as apple and Samsung.In this world, whirlwind also faces Nokia's problems, so Xiao Yunhai is a sure bet.

John Oliver frowned: "Mr. Shaw, please give me your final price so that I can account to the headquarters. If not, it has nothing to do with me. "

If it had not been for the fact that the universal system was much more powerful than the whirlwind system, John Oliver would have gone.

Xiao Yunhai stretched out five fingers and said, "at most 50 billion, this is my limit."

John Oliver couldn't contain his anger again, and said sharply, "Mr. Shaw, do you think we'll agree with you?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said, "you have no choice. Even an outsider like me knows the serious consequences of the failure of the built-in system, let alone you insiders. You can ask now. However, I can tell you clearly that if you don't agree this time, you can talk to me next time, that is 20 billion yuan. Don't try to find Mr. Xia. Since I have become a shareholder, no one in the board of directors dares to oppose my decision. There's no way. China is the first country in politics, followed by economy and culture, and we Xiao's family do well in politics. "

At this time, John Oliver was full of gas and smoke. He clenched his teeth tightly, for fear that he could not control his emotions. He squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "OK, I'll report it now."

John Oliver went out again, and Xiao Yunhai sat in the conference room and played mobile games.

This time, after waiting for 20 minutes, John Oliver came back with his cell phone.

"Mr. Xiao, our president, Mr. Judson, would like to speak to you."

When Xiao Yunhai listened, his face showed a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Judson. This is Xiao Yunhai."

At last, Mr. Xiao Yunhai got two and a half percent of the shares of xiaoyunhai.

When other shareholders learned of this situation, they were puzzled. They didn't understand what kind of handle Xiao Yunhai had grasped in whirlwind, and let them sell their shares at such a price.

Xia Fujun is even more imaginative. Xiao Yunhai's shares have reached more than 40%, and he has become a well deserved major shareholder. His situation is somewhat embarrassing.

Xiao Yunhai is very clear what Xia Fujun is thinking, and has a conversation with him personally, which makes him feel relieved. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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