Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:27 AM

Chapter 1225

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After signing two contracts with Yazhou electronic technology company and whirlwind technology company, Xiao Yunhai got up and shook hands with everyone.

In the face of Hu Kant who is closely following the whirlwind, Xiao Yunhai takes a deep look at him.

Hu Kant's face turned pale in an instant. Originally, he wanted to take the position of chairman of the board of directors with the support of whirlwind. Now he can't even afford the whirlwind. His fate can be imagined.

On the bus, Kristi smiles and buys 40% of Yazhou's shares with more than 40 billion US dollars. This business is really a good deal.

"Mr. Xiao, I don't understand. How did you persuade whirlwind technology to sell you that 17% share?"

As Xiao Yunhai's financial consultant, Kristi is very clear that Xiao Yunhai has never contacted whirlwind technology company, and it is impossible to grasp the handle of others. Therefore, Kristi has never thought about how Xiao Yunhai did it.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "even coax and scare. I told him that if you don't sell it to me, you won't want to use the universal system developed by Yazhou in the future, unless you spend ten times the patent fee as the STEL network company does. "

Christie said, "then he can talk to Mr. Xia."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I directly pulled out the Xiao family. Although I did not say anything, I mean, I am Xiao Jia, and the board of directors has the final say. Without my consent, even the general manager Xia dare not do so. I didn't expect that they believed it. This is called pulling the tiger skin and pulling the flag. "

Christie shook her head and said, "if it were me, I would believe it. First of all, we all know that China is a political country, the Xiao family is the first family in the political arena, and your uncle is the head of government. Who dares to doubt your ability. Second, you've pocketed tens of billions of dollars for stell network company. Who can't stand it. What's more, the impact of mobile phone built-in system on the mobile phone industry is far stronger than 3D special effects technology. Can the whirlwind not be afraid? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it may be because of these reasons that they were completely fooled by me and finally agreed to my request. But... "

speaking of this, Xiao Yunhai's face turned cold and said:" Ms. Kristi, I asked you to help me deal with a person, that is, Hu Kant. Things have settled down, he should still follow whirlwind technology company and I do the right thing, really unreasonable. If I don't give him a lesson, I'm afraid I'll lose a lot of prestige on the board. "

Christie nodded and said, "I'll get the team to focus on him. Mr. Xiao, today you let me see a real domineering entrepreneur who is the richest man in the world

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "life is like a play, and drama is like life. I'm just acting. "

This time, Xiao Yunhai's performance is really appreciated by Kristi.

First, I called my uncle and asked him to help inform Wang An'an and establish his own advantages in the board of directors. Then, he won the victory with the posture of destroying Gula, and showed his hegemony to everyone. Finally, he even coaxed and cheated to buy the shares of whirlwind technology company.

Next, Xiao Yunhai only needs to kill Hu Kant, who is against him. Then his position in Yazhou electronic technology company will be established, and others will be honest.

When Xiao Yunhai came home, Hu Kant was talking to John Oliver.

When Xiao Yunhai was leaving, the look at him made Hu Kant cold all over his body.

Now that he is full of regret, he should not go too close to whirlwind technology company. Now he is in a dilemma. Even his backers are forced to transfer their shares to Xiao Yunhai. He loses in a mess. I can imagine what will happen to him.

Xiao Yunhai is the richest man in the world with hundreds of billions of dollars in his hand. One arm is thicker than his whole person. In addition to his identity as the Xiao family's son, it is not a simple thing to find trouble with him.

So he was a little nervous, Xiao Yunhai left, he found John Oliver for help.

"Mr. Oliver, you promised me that once you became a shareholder of Yazhou electronic technology company, you would let me be the general agent of whirlwind technology company in China. You won't forget it? "

"I did say it, but it's a pity that we didn't win yachow, and the natural agreement was annulled," said John Oliver, deadpan

What do you mean, Mr. Oliver? In order to support you, I even offended Mr. Xiao. You even abandoned me like my shoes. "

John Oliver said, "I'm sorry, but it's none of our business if you don't offend Mr. Shaw. I need to report back to America right now. Good luck. "

With that, John Oliver turned away.

Hu Kant stood there, his face blue and white. After a long time, he swore: "you whirlwind technology company is an asshole."

"These foreign devils are not worth believing. Mr. Hu, you are on the wrong way. " Xia Fujun came to him and said, looking at the car that John Oliver left slowly.

Hu Kant said: "Mr. Xia, it seems that you and Mr. Xiao have a good relationship. For the sake of all the years we've worked together, please ask him for mercy. "Xia Fujun shook his head and said, "on the board of directors, Mr. Xiao asked me to ask who was against him, that is, he wanted to build up prestige. As a result, you openly challenged him on the board of directors. Ha ha, Mr. Hu, if it was you, what would you do? "

Hu Kant was as pale as clay and said: "kill the chicken and make an example of the monkey. I know what to do. "

Hu Kant has always been Xia Fujun's competitor on the board of directors. Today, he almost joined whirlwind technology company to oust him. Now that the dust has settled down, Xia Fujun is very happy to see his lost heart.

Hu Kant pursed his lips and said, "Mr. Xia, can you tell me Mr. Xiao's telephone number?"

Xia Fujun said with a smile: "of course."

After knowing Xiao Yunhai's telephone number, Hu Kant found a corner and called immediately.

"Hello, who is it? I'm Xiao Yunhai."

Hukant took a mouthful of saliva and said, "Mr. Xiao, I am hukant. In any case, I didn't want to do anything at the board meeting

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "it's Mr. Hu. It doesn't matter, everyone will not be perfect, I can't make everyone's mind consistent with me. If you don't mention this morning, I'll forget it. "

When Hu Kant heard Xiao Yunhai's tone, he knew that the other party had not really put the matter down. He gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Xiao, I am in urgent need of money recently. I want to sell my 8.4% shares of Yazhou technology company. Do you have any interest?"

Hu Kant was engaged in import and export trade and relied heavily on the government. Therefore, he had to ask the young master of the Xiao family to forgive him. Otherwise, he only needed a word from the other party, which might bring him disaster.

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said with a brilliant smile: "Mr. Hu, I don't know what price you are going to sell to me?"

When Hu Kant heard that Xiao Yunhai did not refuse, he gave a sigh of relief in his heart and even said, "of course, it's the price now."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "that's really good. I'm very optimistic about Yazhou electronic technology company. Since President Hu is willing to give up, I'll send someone to see you this afternoon. "

"OK," said hukant

Hung up the phone, Hu Kant showed a painful expression and said in a soft voice: "ah, one step is wrong, one step is wrong, one can only break money and avoid disaster."

For his own import and export trading company, Hu Kant gave up 8% of Yazhou electronic technology company. He did not know how brilliant Yazhou would be in the future. Even if this eight percent can top his company.

That afternoon, Kristi signed a contract with Xiao Yunhai, found Hu Kant and bought his shares.

So far, Xiao Yunhai already has 49% of the shares in his hand. He only needs to purchase another 2% from the market to have the controlling right of the whole Yazhou electronic technology company.

This is undoubtedly a big bargain for Xiao Yunhai.

Think of apple, Samsung and Huawei in the past, and maybe Yazhou will become a giant enterprise like them in the future. At that time, the benefits brought to Xiao Yunhai will be hundreds of billions. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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