Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:23 AM

Chapter 1228

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The next day, Xiao Yunhai came to the dream special effects company and started the post production of the master of the first generation.

Xiao Yunhai attaches great importance to this film, which has rich connotation of Chinese culture. It can be called the slowest film he has ever made.

The story inside, Xiao Yunhai has also undergone a substantial change.

The artistic color of the former king of sunglasses was too strong to be understood by the ordinary audience. A story was disordered by his editing, and it was difficult to string together. Therefore, although he won numerous awards, the box office of the film was generally not very high.

Xiao Yunhai has been positioning himself as a commercial director. Naturally, he will not copy the shooting techniques of the king of sunglasses.

However, he only accepted his artistic treatment, but the story is very clear, at least the ordinary audience can understand.

According to the current progress, Xiao Yunhai estimates that it will take at least half a month to complete.

A week later, Xiao Yunhai got the broadcasting rights all over the world, and marvel TV station in North America was renamed Yunqing TV station by him. As a result, a TV station covering the whole world was established.

"Uncle Liang, thank you very much. When you have time, I'll treat your family to dinner. "


"Don't worry. I'll get all the preparation done before our communications satellite goes up. I'll give it to my Uncle Chen Zhan in Asia, and Robert from Marvel TV in other regions. I promise there won't be any problems. "


"Good bye."

Xiao Yunhai put down his mobile phone and shook his arm with force. Unexpectedly, he made a loud noise. The two children were frightened and cried. Zhao Wanqing was angry and scolded Xiao Yunhai.

On Wall Street, the president's office of Time Warner headquarters

Bix looked livid and regretful when he looked at a TV magazine report about Yunqing TV station.

In order to prevent Xiao Yunhai from entering Europe, Bix tore up the contract and indirectly lost more than 30 billion US dollars.

Not only did he think that a few of his international TV stations could compete with NBC for two weeks, but also they could not cover the whole world.

That's how Bix can stay calm.

Now he wants to know with his buttocks. The next economic daily will say that his gains outweigh the losses, and he loses his wife and loses his army.

"I'm so sorry. Why didn't I think of the Chinese government. "

Bix has broken the road of xiaoyunhai manwei company through his relationship. Unexpectedly, he found a new way to buy a TV station in Huaxia, and then opened a channel to the world through the Chinese government. It has to be said that this is his serious mistake.

Everyone has a habitual thinking. At that time, Xiao Yunhai didn't expect to do this through the Chinese government, so he went out of his way and went to Time Warner. Bix also didn't think of the Chinese government, so he made an extremely wrong decision.

Franklin, the CEO of Paramount Pictures, was also annoyed. He was furious with the director of the company's television department and scolded him for half an hour before he was relieved.

The recent ratings of his IMD TV station are not very good. The average audience rating in Europe and the United States is only 0.87%, while that of Marvel TV station in North America is 2.18%. NNC, NBC and his IMD TV station are completely abandoned.

In particular, "the voice of America" and "multimillionaire" are simply sharp tools to increase the audience rating. They have caused a great sensation in North America. The highest ratings of each issue almost all exceed 20%, and even the replay can reach more than 5%.

According to their agreements with advertisers, it is roughly estimated that these two programs alone can bring Xiao Yunhai billions of dollars in profits, and robbing banks is not as fast as him.

The performance of the TV series was also very good, more than two percent. Especially when Marvel's "lightning man" was aired, it received a lot of good reviews, and its ratings soared. The highest ratings of the series broke through 5 percent early.

Next, Marvel's main animated cartoon "Transformers 3" is about to be broadcast. How big a sensation it will cause at that time, it makes people feel terrible to think about it.

At this moment, Franklin had to doubt himself.

"Kung Fu Xiao, am I really inferior to you? Are you really invincible? "

Other TV stations have their own ideas. They are afraid of manwei, no, it should be Yunqing TV station.

On May 3, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing flew to Los Angeles again with their children, accompanied by Chen Xiuzhu and Yan Feiyun.

Zhao Wanqing's English album has been completed, ready to promote in Europe and the United States.

As people think, there is no suspense about her song "my heart forever" to be the champion of the billboard. The single MV has been released and sold more than 30 million copies in more than ten days, surpassing the record of Xiao Yunhai's first album. This shows the popularity of this song.Xiao Yunhai is here to shoot the MV for "Hey Jule" and hold a press conference to officially push storm game company to the world.

Yan Piaoyun and Chen Xiuzhu came to take care of their children.

When they arrived at the manor villa, the two children were in the arms of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. They looked around with dark eyes and were very curious about everything here.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "baby, this is our home. You can play here next

Zhao Wanqing said: "they are still so young. It's strange that they can understand these things."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's not necessarily. They are more than a year old, simple words can still be understood. Isn't that right, babies? "

Zhao Wanqing said, "OK, let's have a rest soon. I think they are tired and need a good sleep. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded, holding his son, and said, "well, let's take a bath and go to bed comfortably. Ha ha ha."

As soon as the words fell, a burst of childish urine appeared on his face, even his hair was wet.

Looking at Xiao Yunhai's silly and embarrassed face, everyone laughed, even those serious bodyguards showed a smile.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai received a phone call from Vincent.

"Hey, Xiao, have you arrived yet?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I just finished my meal in the manor. Come on, where will tomorrow's MV be filmed? Are you all ready? "

Vincent said with a smile, "it's been ready. In order to take care of you, you don't have many shots. If it goes well, it will be finished in the morning. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. I need to hold a press conference at 3 p.m. When it's over, it's the next day. "

Vincent said: "I heard that you are more and more powerful, not only to promote the television station to the world, but also to play online games, the battle is terrible. I ask you, how much did you spend on the advertising of Warcraft? I can see its advertisement everywhere I go. "

Xiao Yunhai attaches great importance to "Warcraft" this game, the investment cost is enough to spend 850 million US dollars, TV stations, cinemas, the Internet, newspapers and magazines are everywhere its news, supermarkets, bookstores, Internet cafes, audio-visual stores, shops have also posted its propaganda posters.

It can be said that "Warcraft" after this overwhelming publicity, has been thoroughly famous, the next thing is to see whether its quality can attract players.

This is exactly what Xiao Yunhai is most confident about.

Innumerable facts have proved that the thing that swept the world in the past life can still cause a huge sensation in this world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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