Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:20 AM

Chapter 1229

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After Xiao Yunhai told Vincent that he had spent $850 million on publicity, Vincent took a breath and said, "Xiao, you are a madman. That's more than eight billion dollars. You can shoot two Hollywood blockbusters. You've spent all of them on the promotion of a game. Are you so sure that "Warcraft" will sell well all over the world? You know, the game market is not easy to mix. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "do your best and listen to the destiny. Anyway, I have done what I should do. Whether I can succeed depends on the player's choice. "

Vincent said admiringly, "Xiao, you are the most free and easy person I know."

"Well, don't flatter me. My wife's records have already been made. Teana is in charge of Asia and you are responsible for the rest of the world. Is it the same as planned? "

"Of course. Xiao, the song "my heart will last forever" is really wonderful. According to my estimation, it can stay on the billboard champion position for at least one week, and then send out the third song, and then guarantee to sing it once a week until 13 weeks. However, I heard that your old friend Eliot does not seem to want Miss Zhao to get this honor. His new album, which he has already finished, will be officially listed tomorrow. In the interview, he may not be able to boast. Xiao, aren't you good friends? How could he have sniped at us all of a sudden? "

"This is not a sniper, nor is it deliberately aimed at us. He is trying to defend the honor of European and American music. He told me about this for a long time. It's a fair competition, just like on the stage of "singer's night", you don't need to care too much. If his songs beat us and won the championship, my wife and I will not be angry, but we will sincerely congratulate him. Do you understand? "

"I don't understand."

Xiao Yunhai was not angry and said: "I almost forgot that you are a big capitalist. I only know that you are a big capitalist. It's useless to tell you this in the eyes of money."

Vincent laughed and said, "you know. I hope "forever in my heart" can sell well, and the best sales volume can surpass your last album. Well, stop talking. I'm going to spend the night with a beautiful woman. Ha ha ha

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "then you can use more of the Indian products you mentioned to me last time. Have a good time."

Hearing Vincent's angry roar, Xiao Yunhai immediately hung up the phone.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai finished his meal early and came to the MV shooting scene that Vincent said.

The heroine is named Eve Hewlett. She is a very beautiful girl. She seems to be young. She is about 21-12 years old. She has just joined the original record company.

There is also a little hero named Jerry, 12 years old, who seems to be Hewlett's cousin.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, the two brothers and sisters are very excited. They take out a newly bought album of Xiao Yunhai from their bags and ask for his signature.

Of course, Xiao Yunhai will not refuse.

With Xiao Yunhai's acting skills, it's natural to shoot an MV, and Hewlett also performed very well.

Only that Jerry had a problem. I don't know whether he saw Xiao Yunhai nervous or other reasons. He couldn't shoot well at first.

Later, with the careful help of Xiao Yunhai, this was restored to the previous level, and the shooting was completed before 12:00 noon.

Xiao Yunhai invited the crew to have a meal and arrived at the hotel where the press conference was held at 2:30.

At this time, there was still half an hour before 3:00, but the huge conference hall was full of seats. Some reporters could only stand there without grabbing seats.

"Warcraft" propaganda is too grand, simply regardless of the cost, which has aroused the interest of countless journalists.

"It's said that Kung Fu Xiao spent a billion dollars on the promotion of" Warcraft. ". God, it's crazy. It's just two big movies. "

"From the propaganda film shot by Xiao, the game seems to be very good, and many game players are looking forward to it online."

"Since Xiao dares to use a billion dollars to promote it, he must have enough confidence in it. It is likely that his films will be as popular all over the world."

"It's hard to say. Storm game company used to be pretty good, but in recent years, it has become second rate. It's hard to say whether we can succeed. You know, the competition in the online game market is much more intense than that in the film market. "

"I think success is inevitable. Xiao himself acts as the spokesperson. I think this alone can attract the attention of his 400 million fans all over the world. As long as one percent of them play the game, there's no problem. If one tenth of the players play, ha ha, that's tens of billions of dollars a month. "

"Listen to you so say, network game is really make money."

The reporters on the stage talked about "Warcraft" one after another.

Soon, the time arrived at three o'clock, Xiao Yunhai almost stepped over, accompanied by three people in charge of the storm game company.

"Hey, friends of the media, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Thank you for coming to the world of Warcraft. First of all, I would like to introduce the three young people next to me. They are the founders of storm games and the developers of Warcraft, Mr. Shermer Moore, Mr. Matthew Gubler and Mr. Alan Adhan. A super online game "Warcraft" will be popular in the world. With the efforts of the three of them, we will finally meet with game players all over the world. I hope you will not miss it. Well, if you have questions to ask. "Looking at the reporters who raised their hands one after another, Xiao Yunhai did not think about it, so he ordered a reporter from Yunqing TV station, which attracted a burst of boos from the reporters.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Shhh, there's no way. Who wants him to be a member of our TV station. In Chinese, it's called "building near the water, getting the moon first."

The reporter, a handsome man with glasses, stood up and said, "thank you, boss, for the opportunity to ask me this question. What I want to ask is that in order to promote "Warcraft", it is said that you spent one billion dollars. I wonder if this is true? And what kind of achievements do you think Warcraft can achieve? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I also read some rumors on the Internet that Xiao Yunhai is very rich and spends billions of dollars on a game. Ha ha, I want to correct it here. I am not as rich as you think. It only cost 850 million yuan, less than one billion yuan. "


"Ha ha ha."

"Kung Fu Xiao is so humorous. Is 850 million small? It's in this tone. "

"In Kung Fu Xiao's eyes, the 850 million is nothing."

The reporters were amused by Xiao Yunhai's words.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "however, the bottom line I gave them at that time was one billion dollars. Who knows how our propaganda department of Marvel didn't know how to spend it. In the end, it was very difficult to spend 850 million dollars, which was severely criticized by me."


"Is this a show off, Xiao?"

"Who is not afraid of spending too much and the cost is too high. He is in favor of it and directly reverses it. "

when the reporters' comments came to an end, Xiao Yunhai continued:" as for the score, I think 50 million game players should be OK. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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