Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:19 AM

Chapter 1230

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All the reporters took a breath of cool air. Xiao Yunhai's tone was really too big.

Another reporter got up and asked, "Mr. Xiao, why are you so confident? What do you think is special about Warcraft and other online games? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I have played some online games. They are far inferior to" Warcraft "in terms of picture quality, setting and playfulness. Of course I have confidence. "

"Mr. Xiao, several Games launched by STEL network company are very good. The global download volume has reached more than 40 million, which can be said to be popular all over the world. Do you think Warcraft is its rival? "

In recent years, stern network company has acquired many game companies all over the world, and then integrated all the excellent technical personnel together to develop many good games, which can bring them tens of billions of dollars of wealth every year.

This year's upward momentum is even stronger. In the first quarter, the profit volume exceeded 50% of last year's, surpassing those of Japan and South Korea's top game companies, which has the potential to dominate the world's game industry. If it continues to develop in this way, some experts estimate that stell network company will make more than 150 billion dollars of profits from the game this year, and even more than 200 billion dollars.

Xiao Yunhai also had some understanding of this, and said: "Mr. David Stern and I are old friends, and we are very clear about the strength of STEL network company. In terms of scientific research ability, we storm game company certainly can't compare with them. After all, our foundation is not as thick as others. But the most important thing in game research and development is not strength and technology, but innovation. They really made a lot of good games in the past two years, but I am confident that with this piece of "Warcraft", I can beat all his games. Therefore, I advise Mr. David Stern not to engage in the game industry to avoid heavy losses. "

Although I know that the reporter mentions the STEL network company is certainly not well intentioned, but Xiao Yunhai still does not have the slightest politeness, depreciates their game to be worthless.

The reporters on the stage are very satisfied with Xiao Yunhai's lofty words and aspirations. Without such provocation, how can their sales increase.

Then the reporters took turns bombing, intentionally or unintentionally, to the stell network company.

Xiao Yunhai also has no scruples. He tries his best to belittle each other's game, and then elevates his "Warcraft". Anyway, he has already been unable to do so, so he doesn't need to be polite.

An hour later, the conference was over.

All the major game websites on the Internet, without exception, all published Xiao Yunhai's "Warcraft" press conference.

"Kung Fu Xiao's first game" Warcraft "was born, and it was launched globally at 8:00 a.m. on May 5."

"Kung Fu Xiao is full of confidence in Warcraft, and the publicity cost is as high as 850 million US dollars."

"Warcraft" online, Kung Fu Xiao advised stell network company to change careers, so as not to lose money. "

"Kung Fu Xiao claimed that he wanted to get rid of STEL network company. Was it powerful or mysterious? We'll see. "

Not only are the major game home pages, netizens have also left messages on the forum.

"Warcraft is finally coming online. I'm looking forward to it."

"Ha ha," Warcraft "online, the top 100000 download free, but also send so much time, did not say, grab."

"Xiao's press conference is really too overbearing, even the stern network company are not in the eye, enough courage."

"Warcraft" vs. six games owned by STEL network company, Kung Fu Xiao even threatened to blow them up

"Kung Fu Xiao dare to have such a big tone, I believe that" Warcraft "must be very good."

"Come on Xiao, I am a loyal fan of you, and I am also a senior game fan. Come on, I'll give you my full support and support for Warcraft. "

On Wall Street, the headquarters of stell network company

David Stern looked at the news about "Warcraft" and gave a cold hum and made a phone call.

"Let Spencer Ackerman come to see me."

Spencer Ackerman is the general manager of stell game company. He has a lot of brains and talents, and is also an excellent technician.

In the past two years, stell game company can have such a big development, Spencer Ackerman has played a key role in it and made great contributions.

So even if Spencer Ackerman arrived half an hour late, the strict David Stern was still very kind to him, asking him to sit down and even asking his secretary to make him a cup of coffee.

Ackerman took a sip of his coffee and asked, "Mr. stern, what can I do for you? Is it for the launch of Warcraft tomorrow? "

David Stern nodded and said, "that's right. Spencer, what do you think of Kung Fu Xiao's Warcraft

Ackerman thought about it and said, "it's hard to say. Storm game company was very famous in the industry before, and then several games were not very successful, which quickly declined. But the technicians are very good, especially the three founders. I once recruited them personally. It's a pity that the three founders are more ambitious than ever, and we can't accommodate them. Unexpectedly, they chose to join Kung Fu Xiao, which is very surprising. ""From the" Warcraft "publicity, I think this game is very good, absolutely is the game's boutique. Their design is very novel and unique, the picture is like a movie picture, giving people a strong sense of substitution

"It's about quality, and it's about impact. His fans are still the fans of the game, and he is the first one to design the game

David Stern frowned and said, "Spencer, I'm sure you know the hatred between Shaw and me. I have to admit that paramount is not an opponent of marvel in terms of film and television, so I don't want to lose to him in the game. Do you have any idea? "

Spencer Ackerman shook his head and said: "boss, Kung Fu Xiao's propaganda technique is very clever, and his handwriting is very large. The first 100000 people download it for free, the first one million people pay half price, and they also give away different game time. This makes us almost helpless. Even if we want to reduce the price of our game, he can't do it, everything can only see the real strength of both sides. In the world of games, good is good, bad is bad, basically impossible to think about. Unless we can find bugs in their games, or hack their servers to paralyze the game, it's hard to stop them. "

David Stern said: "hackers can't be used, otherwise once Kungfu Xiao finds out, we will be in a situation of irreparable. It's a good thing to look for bugs. So, Spencer, you're going to get some good gamers to find bugs in Warcraft. As long as they can find it, they will be given rewards ranging from 100000 to 1000000. "

Spencer Ackerman said, "OK, I'll do it right away. Mr. stern, don't worry too much. Even if we can't stop Warcraft this time, it doesn't mean we will lose. In three months' time, the large-scale online game "Tianxia" that we have spent three years building will enter the testing stage. Once it is launched, I believe this game will be popular all over the world and no one can stop it. No matter how good "Warcraft" is, it will never be its opponent. "

David Stern, with a satisfied smile, said, "Spencer, you've done a good job. I promise you, as long as the profits of the game companies can exceed 150 billion dollars this year, you can get 2% of the profits by the end of the year. "

Spencer Ackerman's eyes brightened, two percent of the draw was $300 million, much more than his current 10 million annual salary.

"Mr. stern, I'll do my best."

After Spencer Ackerman left, David Steele looked at Xiao Yunhai, who was sitting there chatting on the computer. His eyes were colder than the ice and snow. He snorted and said, "Xiao, one day, I will avenge Hanks." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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