Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:17 AM

Chapter 1231

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

At 8:00 a.m. Los Angeles time on May 5, Warcraft, which attracted tens of millions of players, was finally launched on major game distribution websites.

Because the first 100000 people download games for free, it's not time for millions of players around the world to wait in front of their computers.

Near eight o'clock, experienced players are constantly clicking the download button on the web page.

In the past, many game companies were worried that the server could not bear the rush of downloads, so they released them three or five minutes in advance.

However, the storm game company's "Warcraft" did not do so, because their server is Xiao Yunhai spent tens of millions of dollars to buy, the capacity is frightening, can accommodate 100 million people online at the same time, if you open the standby server, even if it is 200 million people, there will be no problem, so there will be no jam.

The data room of storm game company

Xiao Yunhai and the people from the game company sat here, waiting for the results.

Originally Raul, Kristi and others also wanted to come over, but Xiao Yunhai stopped them to go back and let them do their own work well without having to deal with the game.

Maybe the war is coming. The atmosphere in the room is a little heavy and depressing. Xiao Yunhai looked around for a week, clapped his hands, and said with a smile, "don't be too nervous. What has the final say, what we can do, we have already done, and the rest is not what we can control, but the game player. No matter how the final result of "Warcraft" is, in my heart, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Believe in yourself, "Warcraft" will work

Although Xiao Yunhai's words are very provocative, but everyone's heart is still not a bit relaxed, speaking of some absent-minded, eyes are staring at the computer screen.

Xiao Yunhai gave a bitter smile and shrugged his shoulders.

At eight o'clock sharp, "Warcraft" finally went online and had a strong momentum at the beginning.

In less than three minutes, the number of downloads has exceeded one million, and it is still growing exponentially.

1.2 million

1.5 million

2 million


3.2 million

4.6 million

5.8 million


crazy, Warcraft is completely crazy.

In just 15 minutes, the download volume of Warcraft broke through 6 million, more than 90% of online games.

"Haha, I've got a free download of Warcraft, and there's still three free days. It's great."

"My God, it's too fast. As soon as I arrived at 8:00, I pressed the download button. I didn't realize that I still ranked after 200000. This is crazy. "

"I'm so fucked up. The speed of the computer was so slow that I was ranked no more than three million and had to buy it in full. In other words, don't everyone go to work at this time? "

Many players in the download of "Warcraft", and not in a hurry to play, but in the forum launched a post.

Looking at the crazy growth of the number there, the entire data room is in a jubilation.

"Yes, we did."

"6.3 million downloads in 15 minutes, the first time in game history."

"It's great. Our efforts didn't go in vain."

The crowd clapped their hands and were excited.

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said in a loud voice, "everybody, it seems that it's early to be happy now."

Hearing what the boss said, everyone stopped celebrating and looked at him.

"The reason why we achieved such results in the early stage is not because of how good our games are, but because of our publicity. That is to say, players actually use the mentality of picking up the cheap to download. What really plays a key role is the word-of-mouth of the game and the number of people playing the game online, so we'd better not be too happy. "

Shermo nodded and said," the boss is right. We just lost our temper. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is normal. Seeing more than six million downloads in more than ten minutes, anyone will be excited, let alone you designers. "

On the other side, Spencer Ackerman, head of stell game company, opened the web page of "Warcraft" and frowned when he saw that there were already 6 million downloads on it.

Is it true that this "Warcraft" can really be popular around the world? Or is it because of Kung Fu Xiao's powerful influence that it causes such a high number of downloads?

Spencer Ackerman thought for a long time, picked up the phone, dialed a number, and said, "according to the plan, let our water army attack Warcraft on the forum immediately, and stop its rising momentum in any case."

Although Spencer Ackerman told David Stern that there was no way to organize Warcraft, some of the necessary actions had to be done.

Soon, the Forum on the network appeared a lot of attacks "Warcraft" the post.

"What's going on with Warcraft? My internet speed is so fast, how can I rank more than 2 million. Is there something fishy about it"Mine, too. Just bought the computer, the speed is fast, even the computer in the Internet cafe can not match, even ran to 870000, what international joke. "

"Strongly protested that storm games forced us to buy Warcraft. I just wanted to compete for the top 100000, but I only got more than 630000. In vain, I spent 50 dollars. Xiao is very good at making money. "

"I strongly suspect that Kung Fu Xiao is using the top 100000 downloads for free to pit our players."

"shit, what game is this? It's not fun at all. "

"I've been playing Warcraft for half an hour, and I can't stand it. No wonder it's free. If it's not free, who will play? "

"It's a loss to spend 50 dollars on the download."

In a short period of time, the network water forces have given full play to their ability, and in a short period of time, there has been a wave of anti Warcraft on the famous forums.

Xiao Yunhai does not need to guess that this must be a good thing done by STEL network company.

He had expected it.

Just to let the propaganda department to deal with this matter, who knows the players took the lead.

"I'll bet it's the water army upstairs. I prove that "Warcraft" is really free. I'm 98200, and I didn't spend a cent. "

"Me too. Not only did I spend no money, but I could play three days for nothing. It was wonderful."

"Even though it cost me 50 dollars to download the game, I'm not angry. It's normal. Which game doesn't cost money to play? Kung Fu Xiao is already very good. "

"It must be the water army of STEL network company upstairs. Kung Fu Xiao beat them up at the press conference. Naturally, they will take revenge."

"Say the game is not good? Hehe, I'm going to laugh. Are you a player or not? Can you find a game that is more detailed, easier to operate, and more perfect than Warcraft? Although I only played for half an hour, I was really attracted by it. It's a great game. "

"Support storm games, support Warcraft."

Looking at the forum, countless players spontaneously launched an attack on the water army, to rectify the name of "Warcraft", Xiao Yunhai was moved.

"Shermer, send a public announcement in the game to let all players know. In order to thank the players for their support of storm and Warcraft, we decided to give all players free of charge in the first three days. "

"Boss, in this case, we will lose a lot."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it doesn't matter if we lose some money. The most important thing is to win the hearts of the people."

Shermore nodded and said, "OK, boss, I'll let the technology department send the message."

Five minutes later, so the players who played "Warcraft" got the news, and immediately set off a frenzy.

"The atmosphere. "Warcraft" is free for three days, and Xiao Kung Fu is really generous. "

"I want to support Warcraft as far as I'm concerned."

"The cloud emperor certainly is sees the forum player to send the post just to do so, is really the disposition person."

"Come on, storm games, come on, Warcraft."

As soon as this news was sent out, more and more players downloaded "Warcraft". By 12 o'clock, the number of players who downloaded "Warcraft" had reached 15 million, and the number of online users was 9.6 million.

Those who play "Warcraft" players, there is no bad.

Thanks to the word-of-mouth effect, the number of downloads of Warcraft reached 32 million on the day of its launch, with a maximum number of 29.8 million online, creating a new game record.

On May 6, the number of downloads was 48.6 million, and the maximum number of online users was 44.6 million.

On May 7, there were 66 million downloads and 62.8 million people were online.

……………… . , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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