Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:16 AM

Chapter 1232

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Although all three days of "Warcraft" are free of charge, it has made a profit of 3.4 billion US dollars just by downloading.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the statistical table, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "no wonder those game companies are so rich that they are so rich. So it makes money. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "do you think the money of the game is so easy to earn? I tell you, more than 95% of online games can be enjoyed by more than 100000 players. Even the most famous game companies have only 46 million downloads, and it has been falling rapidly in a short month. Although Warcraft is very popular now, maybe it will be replaced by other games next week

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "wife, can you not say that? This is our game anyway, OK? Even if it can't last ten or eight years, at least three or five years will do. "

In the previous life, Warcraft has been popular for more than ten years, making Blizzard one of the world's leading game companies.

And this world, up to now, there has not been a game that can be on fire for two years.

However, Xiao Yunhai thinks "Warcraft" is still very possible.

Zhao Wanqing said: "husband, if" Warcraft "really can be popular for three years, then you can earn at least 20 million dollars with this game. But it's hard to do that. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "everything depends on people. Maybe it will be."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "hope. Husband, now that the world of Warcraft has been completed, are you going back to Yanjing

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. The post production of "master of a generation" will be completed in another week. I am considering whether to bring it to Europe and America? What do you think, wife

Zhao Wanqing said, "of course. You have forgotten that when you participated in the interview of our TV station Star talk, you promised that after the film was finished, you would watch it in advance for the live audience at that time. Yes? Don't you mean what you say

Xiao Yunhai patted his forehead and said, "if you don't tell me, I almost forgot. OK, make the English version first and let them have a look. If I think it's good, I'll get it shown in Europe and America. Hehe, this is a good publicity. How's your wife's song

Zhao Wanqing said: "at present, it is still in the first place. However, Eliot is very close to chasing, the second straight airborne ranking, and I am almost the same. After this week, I have to release new songs or he will catch up with me

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "wife, don't you care?"

Zhao Wanqing said angrily, "before that, my goal now is to sell more than 100 million albums," master of the generation "made a good box office, and then I focused on watching children. Come out once in a while to get some air and shoot a movie or TV series or something. "

Xiao Yunhai gently stroked her hair, a face spoiled said: "you like what you like. After finishing "master of the generation", I will take a break and prepare to go to England to watch the world cup. Are you interested in going together? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "good. However, I only watch the games of our national team and hope they can get good results. Husband, do you plan to bid for the broadcast right of the world cup? It's more than a hundred million fans in the world

Xiao Yunhai bought the right to broadcast the Grammy Awards in China for 50 million US dollars. So far, it has brought him a total of 120 million US dollars in profits, which can be said to be very good.

However, compared with the tens of billions of dollars in advertising expenses at the world cup, it is obviously nothing.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I am ready to buy it regardless of the cost. Even if it is a loss, I will do it. In June, Yunqing TV station will be able to cover the world. For a TV station without any fame, the world cup is the best chance for us to make a name

Zhao Wanqing said, "then you have to prepare well. It's estimated that the competition will be very cruel. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there is no need to prepare. Time Warner's $110 billion purchase of our paramount playground is enough for us. Now we are big money. "

Zhao Wanqing hooked up Xiao Yunhai's neck and said with a charming face: "husband, I feel really happy."

Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhao Wanqing, who had spring water in his eyes. He picked her up and said, "I'm making you happier now."

All rooms are full of spring.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai took a plane and flew back to China alone.

Originally, he wanted to take his children back with him, but the two children seemed to like it very much. They played on the grass every day and giggled all the time, so he didn't ask for it.

He went to my grandfather first.

At this time, the land use and related procedures of the school had been approved. Yu's real estate company designed the school plan according to Chen Jiahong's idea. Xiao Yunhai looked at it and felt very good.

Under the management of Chen Zhan, Yunqing TV station is on the right track. With high salary, some elite TV stations have been recruited. Although there are not too many changes in various programs, the audience rating has improved.While eating, Chen Zhan said, "Yunhai, we don't have any good programs now. Can you bring over the program being broadcast by Marvel TV station?

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I have already asked people to do this. English dialogue, Chinese subtitles, should be no problem. It's just that one of them is a suspense film, and the plot is a bit creepy. I wonder if the Audit Department of the film and television administration can pass it? "

Chen Zhan said with a smile: "it seems that you haven't watched TV series for a long time. I tell you, with the entry of foreign TV stations, the Audit Department of the film and television administration has relaxed the standards. As long as there are no particularly violent and pornographic scenes, there is basically no problem. Foreign suspense films have been deeply loved by our Chinese audience, especially in the late night, the ratings are very high

Xiao Yunhai listened and said with a smile, "we Chinese audiences are seeking stimulation."

Chen Zhan said: "maybe. And what about your variety shows? Have you ever thought about giving it to Yunqing TV station? "

Xiao Yunhai did not care to say: "what you say, I do, anyway, copyright is in my hands."

Chen Zhan thought for a moment and said: "the voice of China and the running man have been in progress for several seasons. It's not interesting to take them back. But the show "multimillionaire" has to be taken back, because it still has a lot of potential. "

Under the impact of the singer's night, the audience rating of the fourth quarter of this year's "good voice of China" has dropped from 10% before to 3% now.

Although the grassroots singers are very powerful and their voices are very unique, there is still a big gap compared with those singers whose singing skills are nearly perfect in singer's night.

Television programs are like this, with contrast, there is harm.

Getting used to the top luxury music feast like "the night of the singer", going to see the performances of those grassroots singers makes people feel very uncomfortable, and the audience rating naturally drops.

After the end of "voice of China" in the fourth quarter, Xiao Yunhai made a profit of only 300 million Chinese dollars, which was thanks to the good sales of online video. Otherwise, he could not even get 300 million yuan, and his performance was far worse than that of the previous three quarters.

There is also "running man", which faces the same serious problems. Up to now, it has been shooting for three seasons. Maybe the Chinese audience is a little bored, and the audience rating is also declining sharply. The highest rating is less than 5%, which only brings about 200 million profits for Xiao Yunhai.

The potential of these two programs has almost been dug out, and Chen Zhan naturally can't watch them.

But "multimillionaire" is different. It may have been stimulated by tens of millions of Chinese dollars. The audience rating of the second season is even more popular than that of the first season. Even if foreign TV stations enter the country on a large scale, it still can't stop its super high ratings. The ratings of Chinese variety shows are the highest.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK, the third season of" millionaire "will be recorded by our Yunqing TV station. Uncle, I want to do another variety show about singing

"Singing again?" Chen Zhan was stunned and said: "Yunhai, since the birth of" the voice of China "and" the night of singers ", both talent shows and professional singing programs have been eclipsed. I'm afraid it's very difficult to be brilliant."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "uncle, the audience of these two programs focus on singing, while my program focuses on singers."

"What do you mean?"

"I'd like to invite some actors from the film and television circles who are good at singing to participate in the program. The top three performers who score can enter the PK seat. One singer is selected for each stage to participate in the final final, and a new actor will be added immediately in the second stage. The actors who have not entered the PK seat for three consecutive periods will be eliminated directly. Do you think there's something wrong with it? "

Xiao Yunhai said that this program was a cross-border singer with a very high audience rating in his previous life. He only deleted the part of professional judges and added some other rules. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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