Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:15 AM

Chapter 1233

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There are so many actors in China's entertainment industry that it is not difficult to find out some who can sing. If these people attract the audience's attention, even if they don't sing well, they forget words and can't find pictures. The audience will just laugh, and there will be no problem. The audience rating should be very good.

As a director of the station, Chen Zhan's judgment on the program is naturally very high.

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's plagiarized idea, his eyes brightened and he felt that the program was very interesting. He couldn't help but praise: "sometimes I really want to open your boy's head and see why there are so many fantastic ideas in it. I invite actors to sing. Thank you for your imagination. By the way, what's the name of the show? "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment: "the champion of the singer's night is called the king of songs. The champion of our program is called the God of songs. However, everyone is a cross-border actor, not a professional singer. Therefore, the word" crossover "must be added in front of it

"Crossover God, good name, great." Chen Zhan clapped his thigh and said happily, "that Xia Yongfei bought us such good sound equipment and built such a wonderful stage. If we don't make full use of it, it's a pity."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "by the way, what is Xia Yongfei doing now?"

At the last board meeting, because of Xia Yongfei's relationship, Xia Fujun almost lost his Yazhou electronic technology company, which he founded by himself. If he was Xia Fujun, he would have to beat the villain to death.

Chen Zhan said with a smile: "he is in the hospital. I heard that Xia Fujun repaired him severely after he came home. He was crying and howling. Finally, he fainted and went to the hospital

Xiao Yunhai said: "you deserve it. How did he get his 7% stake in whirlwind technology? Have you been tricked? "

Chen Zhan nodded and said, "yes. We had a drink that night. After he was expelled by President Xia, he went to the nightclub alone. There's an underground casino there. Ha ha, you can imagine the result. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's really self inflicted evil. You can't live."

After staying in his grandfather's house for one night, Xiao Yunhai returned to Yanjing at noon the next day.

Because his wife and children are not in, Xiao Yunhai didn't even return home, so he went to dream special effects company to do the later stage of "master of a generation".

In the afternoon, I went to the old man's courtyard, had a meal with my grandfather and father, and then went back to the villa.

A week later, the Chinese and English versions of the book were all finished.

Preparing to return to the United States of America, Xiao Yunhai received a call from the general manager of Yunqing coal company.

"No, boss. We're in trouble."

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "don't worry. What's going on?"

Lei Zhicheng said: "the meat of our coal company is really delicious. Almost all the second generation of officials and rich people in the whole northeast of China have arrived, and they want to invest in it."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "ha ha, you are so brave. Don't they know that this company is mine? "

Lei Zhicheng said: "yes. But they are not one person, but a group of people, quite threatening the palace. The northeast is very rich in resources. These two generations of rich officials will go to some companies to invest in order to make profits. Although our Yunqing coal company has not been officially listed, the output and quality of coal are there, so they all want to share a share. "

"Shit, these bastards don't seem to take me seriously. By the way, general manager Lei, have you asked Liaoyang military region for help? "

"Yes. But this is a legitimate investment behavior, and it is not easy for them to solve it. "

"How much are they going to invest? How many shares does it take? "

"Three billion, five percent."


when Xiao Yunhai heard it, he could hardly help but spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Are these bastards ready to blackmail? I'm really pinched like a soft persimmon. We spent more than 100 billion dollars to get this coal mine. It's not right that they want to exchange only three billion dollars for five percent. Well, don't say five percent. I don't agree with one percent. "

Lei Zhicheng said with a wry smile: "boss, they are not offering three billion US dollars, but three billion Chinese dollars."

Xiao Yun Haydn was stunned. After a long time, he said with a good temper and a good laugh: "I really don't know what to say now. They just want to be crazy about money. General manager, don't pay attention to them. Even if they have the courage of ambition, they will not dare to trouble us

Lei Zhicheng said: "but the problem is that they are already looking for trouble. There was news from the Highway Bureau yesterday that it was because of the problem of cultivated land and forest land that needed to be suspended. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "have you talked with the local farmers?"

Lei Zhicheng said: "that's right. It's really a good negotiation. After signing the contract, all the money has been paid. But those people returned the money and claimed to have been cheated by us, and they were not willing to sell it. Hundreds of people sat there every day asking for money, so they couldn't start work at all. I think they must be behind the group of childish brothers playing tricksXiao Yunhai sneered: "still need to say? Who else but them. By the way, who is the leader? I'm going to meet him in person

Lei Zhicheng said: "boss, their background is very strong, regardless of the boss and the second."

Xiao Yunhai said, "then give me their names. I'll see who has the strongest backstage, and I'll talk to them

"OK, boss. I'll send it to your email right away."

Soon, Xiao Yunhai's network mailbox appeared in the class Zhicheng sent the list, which has more than 20 people's names.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yunhai doesn't know any of them.

"There are enough people. No wonder they dare to trouble me." Xiao Yunhai's Secret road.

As the Xiao family's youngest and richest man in the world, most people dare not find trouble with him even if they eat the courage of ambitious leopard.

However, these people are fearless. They want to exchange only one billion dollars for tens of billions of dollars in future profits. Obviously, they are fascinated by the interests. At the same time, they feel that they are the local villains. The combined strength will definitely make Xiao Yunhai afraid. This is how bold they are.

To solve this problem, Xiao Yunhai first needs to find out the identity of these people.

He thought about it for a while, took out his mobile phone and called Wu Yifa directly.

"It's not easy, my Mr. Xiao. I am surprised that you, a busy man, should have called me. "

Wu Yi Fa picked up his mobile phone and yelled at him.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "we haven't seen each other for two months. There's no need to exaggerate. Mr. Wu, I heard a while ago that the revenue of our Yunyi shopping website reached a terrible 12.5 billion US dollars last month. It's really a great credit. "

Since Yunyi shopping network entered Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States, the turnover has increased dramatically with Japan. Up to now, the total membership of Yunyi has reached 260 million. After all the expenses, taxes and the share with partners, the daily profit is between 300 million and 500 million US dollars, which is much more powerful than Taobao in the previous life.

Especially in Japan and South Korea, because there are basically no decent competitors, Yunyi has almost monopolized the market and is the only one.

However, in Europe and the United States, the competition between Yunyi shopping network and Stell business network is extremely fierce. Although Yunyi shopping network is fully supported by general motors, it still has a big gap with stell business network.

With the right time, place and people, the market share of STEL business network has reached 42% of terror, while Yunyi shopping network has only reached 32%.

Fortunately, the economy of Europe and America is abnormally developed. Although the market share is far lower than that of Japan and South Korea, the benefits are better than the sum of them.

Today, the market value of Yunyi shopping website has exceeded 900 billion US dollars, and is moving forward to the trillion mark. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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