Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:13 AM

Chapter 1234

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Wu Yifa, as the actual manager of the company, was naturally satisfied with the result. Hearing this, he said with a smile: "boss Xiao, we originally set the annual profit of 50 billion Chinese dollars. Now it seems that it is far beyond that. You'll be able to pay off the company in more than two months. I didn't expect that we would succeed so soon. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Lao Wu, to tell you the truth, do you have any regrets in your heart to ask me to cooperate? If you had been able to bite your teeth and survive the capital barrier, you would have been among the top 100 richest people in the world at least now. "

Wu Yifa sighed and said, "I'm all green now. I knew that Yunyi shopping network is developing so fast that I would not cooperate with you. Ah, a slip has become eternal hatred, and looking back on it has been a hundred years. "

Xiao Yunhai couldn't help laughing and said, "it's not so serious."

Wu's method of playing chess was not angry and said: "it's more serious than you think. However, in good conscience, we Yunyi shopping network can develop to today, every great leap forward is your financial support, in this regard, you are the world's richest man or some credit. Come on, what can I do for you today

Xiao Yunhai said: "I want you to check the background of a group of people for me."

"That's too simple. With the contacts of Wu's chess playing skills, as long as he is a senior member of the ministry level or above, whether he is in Yanjing or other places in China, he has no problem at all, and can be solved in half an hour at most. "

"That would be wonderful. I'll read their names to you and see how many you know. Li Kaifeng, Yong gaolang, Qu maoxun, Zhang Xinde.... "

Xiao Yunhai read these 20 names once and said," Wu Dashao, I don't know how many of these people you know. "

Wu Yifa said: "I know five or six, and I've heard the names of others. They are a group of second generation officials and second generation rich. They are famous in Yanjing city. Li Kaifeng's grandfather is the leader of the older generation, and his father is the head of Heilong Province. Qu maoxun is also very good. Now the fifth in office is his uncle. Zhang Xinde's father is the second leader of Linji Province, and Yong gaolang's grandfather is...... "

hearing about the family background of these people, Xiao Yunhai can't help frowning.

No wonder they dare to find their own trouble, it turns out that their backstage is so good.

Although a single family is not as good as the Xiao family, the power of integration has far exceeded that of the Xiao family. They want money, money, power and power.

Hearing that Xiao Yunhai had no movement, Wu asked tentatively, "Xiao Da Shao, these people are all in the northeast. Are they troubling your Yunqing coal company?"

Xiao Yunhai also did not conceal, said the matter for a while, way: "Lao Wu, what do you say to do?"

Wu thought about it and said, "if you don't, you will have a big plan. Lao Xiao, the energy of these people in Northeast China is frightening. Although you are Xiao family, Qianlong does not oppress the local villains. If you want to do business there, you must have a good relationship with them. I think you can talk to them and keep the price down. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Lao Wu, you are making me bow my head. Do you think it is possible? I'm a martial arts practitioner. I'd rather be a broken jade than a complete one. I Xiao Yunhai would rather not open this coal mine. They bastards can't get any benefits from me. It's just a group of poor people who have no bottom line. It's too ugly to eat. "

"Lao Xiao, don't try to be brave. Because of your identity, they have been very gentle. If it had been for someone else, it would have been impolite. This is not without precedent. "

Xiao Yunhai said angrily, "it's really lawless. Does the government not care? "

Wu said with a wry smile: "how to manage it. They are normal business practices and do not violate the law. Besides,

besides, who dares to control? Their background is so good. Even the No.1 chief executive should think twice before acting, let alone us. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, Lao Wu, I know. Today, I will fly to Liaoyang to meet these bastards. Still that sentence, want me to bow down, even if the sky falls down is impossible. "

That night, Xiao Yunhai flew to Liaoyang and saw Lei Zhicheng.

"You don't look very well, old man. Is there a lot of work pressure? "

Xiao Yunhai takes a cup of tea from Lei Zhicheng's hand, looks at his slightly pale face and asks with concern.

Lei Zhicheng shook his head and said: "the work pressure is not big, mainly because of the external pressure. Boss, as soon as we finished our conversation today, the other party called and said that he would come to sign a contract with us tomorrow and exchange 3 billion Chinese dollars for 5% of the equity. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's great. I'll go with you tomorrow. I must teach them a good lesson. "

Just then, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rang. Open a look, it is the second Bo Xiao Shengli call.

"Second uncle, you are very well informed. You know that I have come to Liaoyang so soon."

"Have you come to Liaoyang?" Xiao Shengli said softly, "I really don't know about it. Well, when I arrived in Liaoyang, I didn't even know to come and see me. Did you still take my second uncle seriously? "Xiao Yunhai said: "look at what you said. I just arrived here? I'm going to be there tomorrow morning. But something happened to Yunqing coal company again. A group of bastards are coming to trouble me, so I can only report to you this afternoon. "

"A bunch of bastards? Hehe, this title is really suitable for them. If the word greed is added to the front, it will be more appropriate. " Xiao Shengli said with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Er Bo, it seems that you know about Li Kaifeng and their affairs. Anyway, the Yunqing coal company is full of veterans from Liaoyang military region. Are you allowed to bully us like this? "

Xiao Shengli said: "what? A group of second generation ancestors, you can't deal with it. Come to me? It's too damaging to be the richest person in the world. "

Xiao Yunhai didn't have a good temper and said: "I'm not to worry about the influence? If I clean them up and get the people behind them to target our Xiao family, then it will be troublesome? "

Xiao Shengli laughed and said, "you don't need to worry about this. Since the Xiao family is known as the first political family in China, it is not for ordinary people. What's more, there is an unwritten rule in the officialdom that young people's conflicts should be solved by young people themselves, and the forces behind them should not intervene. Is that why they dare to trouble you? And why I can't help you? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "so I can knock at will?"

Xiao Shengli said: "yes. As long as you don't kill people, whatever you do. "

Xiao Yunhai showed a smile and said, "then I understand."

The next day, Xiao Yunhai and Lei Zhicheng came to the headquarters of the company, waiting for the arrival of these second generation ancestors.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Mr. Lei, how did you get in touch with Kristi last night?"

Lei Zhicheng said with a smile: "I sent the list and situation of these people to Ms. Kristi. She said that it was too bullying to deal with them with our strength. The only real estate company Qu maoxun set up in Northeast China has a market value of several billion yuan. However, if they really want to fight back, they will not be able to fight back. As for other companies, it's just a shell, and it's just a blow. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "these guys are playing with white wolves in empty hands. Businessmen, in fact, are villains who, depending on their own background, take advantage of our businessmen. Now it's better to bully me. All right, get Christie ready, and if the conversation breaks up, I'll clean them up. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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