Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:06 AM

Chapter 1239

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Xiao Yunhai invited more than 400 program viewers to his company to watch "master of the generation". The media had already heard the news, so a group of reporters were surrounded outside early.

When the fans came out in groups, they immediately surrounded them.

"Sir, is Kung Fu Xiao inviting you to come to see the film for the screening of" master of the generation "in Europe and America

"Yes. Kung Fu Xiaoxin keeps his promise. Let's have a look at the great master from the beginning to the end. "

"What do you think? Can you understand that? "

"Most of them can understand it, only a small part of them are profound and need me to go to the cinema again. However, I gave it a very high score of 9.2, and I like the movie better than the previous one. Because it is more artistic, it gives people the feeling of being tall and tall, and the action above is fierce and cruel without losing the beauty. In particular, Miss Zhao plays Mr. Gong Er, which is just amazing. "

Most of the fans say yes, but there are always a few people who like to disagree with everyone.

"Sir, what do you think of the great master?"

"I didn't rate it because I didn't understand what it said from the beginning to the end. Of course, the fighting scene is good, but I think it's not as good as "Jingwu hero."

"Do you think it's necessary for" master of the generation "to be shown in Europe and America

"Forget it. I dare say that no more than 20% of the fans can really understand this movie. Chinese Kung Fu is so profound that the truth is really hard to understand. "


these fans are talking about their true feelings, but they are different when they hear other people's ears.

Kung fu movies full of artistry are similar to the Chinese kung fu movies I've seen before. No wonder Kung Fu Xiao doesn't want to bring it to European and American cinemas.

For a movie, the good things are often ignored, while the bad things are magnified infinitely, especially when there are enemies.

Xiao Yunhai's biggest enemy is undoubtedly STEL network company.

David Steele is really depressed recently. The biggest reason is that the game "Warcraft" developed by Xiao Yunhai, a storm game company under his old enemy, has swept the world. The global coverage rate of the game of STEL network company has plummeted, from more than 20% of the market share to a single digit. Originally, the profit of 300 million US dollars per day has dropped to a single digit 120 million, and it's still dropping at a rate of 10%. It's estimated that within a few days, all the players of their own games will go to Warcraft.

He spent a lot of money to invite some hardcore players to look for bugs in Warcraft, but more than ten days later, not only did they find nothing, but they themselves became loyal players of Warcraft. I heard that a guy also sold a weapon to a rich second generation, making a wild profit of $500000.

After the news came out, countless professional players all gathered in "Warcraft", which made it more fire in a mess.

David Steele lifted a stone and hit himself in the foot.

Now, Xiao Yunhai's first film after 2012 has appeared, and it is also a Chinese martial arts film like "master of the generation". Naturally, David Stern will not miss this opportunity to hit him.

"Ricky, has the release date of Shaw's" master of the generation "been announced

"Boss, they haven't decided yet."

"Do you have any specific plan?"

"Boss, Kung Fu Xiao's last film" 2012 "was the first 3D movie, which made a terrible achievement of $20 billion. This time is different. We are all 3D movies, and "master of a generation" is a pure Chinese kung fu movie. No matter how good he makes, there will always be acclimatization. We can't believe that the news of "zongjun" will be published on the Internet for a long time, if we don't expect it to be published on the Internet for a long time

"What's more, as long as the release date of" master of the generation "is fixed, we will also set the schedule for the three-dimensional films" Boxer "and" Titan "which we have spent a lot of money on. I'm going to show the movie Titan two days later, regardless of its effect. Even if we pay some price for it, we must kill Kung Fu Xiao and suppress his momentum. In Asia, however, we do not. After all, it's his base camp, and it's hard for us to take advantage of it. "

After listening to Franklin's words, David Steele was very satisfied. He gave a rare smile and said, "rich, you've done very well. Although I would like to beat Xiao, I am very clear that there is no such possibility for us in China. You can see that, which shows that you, the CEO of Paramount Pictures, has done a very good job. By the way, the other day, I heard that our new special effects technology has been completed. How about the effect? "

Franklin said with a smile: "the effect is very good. It completely achieves the effect of falsehood and falsehood on the screen. In terms of efficiency, it is far more than the technology of dream special effects company, and the operation is more simple. As long as we make this technology public, Kung Fu Xiao's fantasy special effects technology will be completely destroyed. When do you think it's appropriate to announce it, boss? "David Stern thought it over and said, "I'll go to Hollywood in two days and announce it in public."

Franklin said, "OK, boss. I will inform the media to hold a press conference at 2:00 p.m. the day after tomorrow. "

Soon, under the planning of STEL network company, the "master of the generation" was attacked by the water army on the web pages of various famous forums, and many unknown fans joined in.

Xiao Yunhai, who had always liked to defend and counterattack, did nothing this time, allowing them to make mischief there.

Xiao Yunhai is very clear, this matter must be the start of the STEL network company, other entertainment companies saw their bad luck, they stepped in to help Stella make trouble in Hollywood.

In such a general situation, Xiao Yunhai did not intend to fight against them, and directly regarded it as a disguised propaganda.

Only those more than 100 fans who have seen "master of the generation" proved it on the Internet, but it was drowned by a vast ocean.

Just as the event got worse and worse, David Stern came to Hollywood in Los Angeles to host a press conference.

In the face of hundreds of media reporters, David Stern said in a high spirited manner: "Dear journalists, I want to tell you a piece of good news today. Through the efforts of our special effects R & D Department of Paramount Pictures, we have finally made a breakthrough. Last week, a new generation of special effects technology has emerged, with a simulation degree of 98%, and the efficiency is about a third higher than the most powerful fantasy special effects on the market. We have applied for a patent. Entertainment companies all over the world can contact us with paramount. The cost of the patent is the same as that of fantasy effects. The top 20 companies that use our paramount special effects can get 20% discount. "


Stern said these words, the whole scene completely exploded.

"Damn it, new special effects technology. Stell networks is really good."

"Now, Kung Fu Xiao is in big trouble. The efficiency of paramount's special effects technology has increased by a third. How can dreams compare with it

While taking pictures with cameras and cameras, the reporters had a heated discussion with the people nearby.

This news has a great impact on Hollywood and the world film industry. Especially for Xiao Yunhai, it is definitely bad news that can't be worse.

"Mr. stern, congratulations on Paramount's special effects technology. What do you think will change the world's film industry?"

David Stern chuckled: "of course it will be a huge boost. It is inevitable that the new technology will replace the old one. We can't stay where we are forever. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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