Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:44 AM

Chapter 124

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Hearing Xiao Yunhai's self introduction, ye Yongren's eyes brightened. He took Xiao Yunhai's hand and jokingly said, "look at me. I'm old, and my memory is not good. It turned out to be the famous emperor Yun. It's really a loss to welcome him. "

Xiao Yunhai said in a hurry: "Mr. Ye, you really hurt me by saying so. If you can look up to me, call me Yunhai. I know Mr. Ye's time is precious now, so I'll make a long story short. "

Xiao Yunhai said something about his sister Xiao Yunling, and finally said, "teacher ye, do you think you can help me..."

Ye Yongren waved his hand and interrupted Xiao Yunhai's words, saying: "it's just such a little thing, it can't be simpler. Don't worry. No problem. "

"Thank you very much, Mr. Ye." Xiao Yunhai said happily.

"I should thank your sister for always supporting me. Hehe, you are very kind to your sister. "

"But since you've come to my concert, make me a guest. As you know, I don't have any heavyweight star guests coming to support me today. Although the fans don't say anything, I'm afraid they will be a little disappointed. But if the always low-key cloud emperor can appear at the scene, I think they will be very excited

Ye Yongren looks forward to Xiao Yunhai and says.

If other ordinary singers, ye Yongren really doesn't care. When a top celebrity like him holds a concert, I don't know how many singers will scramble to be his performing guest.

Once upon a time, some new people even offered a price of 2 million yuan, but ye Yongren refused without hesitation. Because the new singer's singing skills are really not praiseworthy, once on his concert, not only won't help him to support the scene, I'm afraid it may also help him.

But Xiao Yunhai is different. His fame is almost unknown among young people. There are tens of millions of fans and book fans. However, his low-key is almost unbearable. Except for two consecutive songs in the premiere of Emperor Kangxi, he has not been seen in other media.

Today, I finally saw him. If I could ask him to sing a song on stage, I think the scene would explode.

Hearing the speech, Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a smile, "as long as teacher Ye doesn't dislike my low singing skills, I don't have any problems here."

"Great." Ye Yongren clapped his hands, beamed with joy, and said, "don't say you are not good at singing. I've never been tired of hearing your live version of the preface to Lanting. By the way, what song are you going to sing on stage? I'll have people prepare in advance. "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "I wrote a new song two days ago. The song is called" the only one. ". The rhythm and melody are very good. It's better to sing it. Mr. Ye just needs to prepare a piano for me

"That's great. Today's concert, my fans are lucky."

The two men also discussed the issue of some appearance, and Xiao Yunhai left.

When you go back to the restroom, you have to go to the bathroom for a long time

"Can you pay attention to the little girl's words. Who's up there? It's a good song. "

"It seems that this is a new person, whose name is Lu or something. I don't remember clearly."

After the young man named Lu finished singing, he asked: "is this song good?"

When Xiao Yunhai heard what he said, he almost laughed. He said in his heart, "a new man without any popularity foundation dares to ask such a question. He is just an idiot, stupid and bold."


Sure enough, ye Tianwang's fans didn't give him any face in the meeting, and they started to yell. The young man's face was blue and white. When he saw something bad, he quickly bowed and escaped.

It is estimated that the boy will be scolded to death by his agent when he goes back.

At this time, an ordinary looking young man stepped onto the stage with steady steps.

When Xiao Yunhai saw his appearance from a distance, his whole body was shocked. His eyes almost protruded from his eyes, and his face showed an incredible look. He said, "isn't this Lin Junjie? He's wearing it anyway

yes, as like as two peas in the past, JJ is the same as the JJ of the past. The young man next to

said, "big brother, you are still a member of the entertainment circle. What kind of Lin Junjie? Is his name Yan Kun? He won the third place in this year's super singer competition. His singing is very good

"Third place in the super singer contest?"

Xiao Yunhai has been filming in the production team these days. After returning, he is busy writing his novels. When he has time, he will pay attention to the super singer contest.

He only heard Su Yingxue say on the phone that Dong Piao finally won the first place. As for the second and third, Xiao Yunhai didn't care at all.

This singer named Yan Kun brought a classic old song "endless love". After listening to the first sentence, Xiao Yunhai almost thought that this man was JJ, mainly because their voices were too similar.No matter the timbre, intonation and even the nasal sounds brought out during singing, they are the same as JJ in the previous life. If Yan Kun's typhoon was not very different from JJ, Xiao Yunhai almost regarded him as JJ Lin Junjie.

After Yan Kun finished singing, ye Yongren came to the stage again and called out, "are they singing well?"

The audience at the bottom called out with face: "good."

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "thank you, thank you. They are all singers with great potential. I hope you can take good care of them. Now, I'd like to play a game with you, OK? "


"I'd like to say a seat number in the audience, and then invite the friends in the seat to come up and we can sing a song together?"

"Good." Everyone yelled with excitement, hoping they were the lucky one.

"My mother's birthday is March 24, so let's go on the 324. Where are my friends on the 324?"

"Ah, big brother, it's me. It's really me." Xiao Yunling stood up excitedly.

Xiao Yunhai smile, said: "that you are still waiting for what, go up."

Ye Yongren looked at Xiao Yunling who came to the stage and said with a smile: "look, how lucky I am. Casually, I am a beautiful little beauty."

The fans laughed. Xiao Yunling's face was bashful and frightened. He didn't know what to do.

Seeing that Xiao Yunling was nervous on stage, ye Yongren walked over and said with a smile, "what's the name of this beautiful young lady?"

When Xiao Yunling saw the idol talking to him, he was very excited and said: "I It's called Xiao Yunling. "

Ye Yongren nodded, looked at her with a smile, and encouraged: "miss ling'er, you don't need to be so nervous. Do you usually like to listen to my songs

Xiao Yunling nodded and said, "I like it very much. I've heard almost every song." Maybe it was Ye Yongren's words that played a role, and Xiao Yunling's emotions returned.

Ye Yongren said with a smile, "thank you for liking my song. I don't know which one you can sing? "

Xiao Yunling thought for a moment and said, "let's sing the song" love is not full "that you cooperated with queen Yao Na, can we

Ye Yongren nodded: "of course you can."

he turned his head and yelled to the audience, "do you want to listen to the love story that Xiao Yunling and I have brought to you."

In exchange for the audience's crazy cry.

Ye Yongren took Xiao Yunling's hand and felt that she was slightly dripping with sweat. He whispered, "don't be nervous, just like usual."

Xiao Yunling nodded and took a long breath. His mood gradually recovered. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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