Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:03 AM

Chapter 1241

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For Xiao Yunhai, dream special effects technology has made a profit for him, let alone thirty million dollars. Even if he doesn't make a cent in the future, he will not lose.

But stern networks is not the same. They have spent so much manpower, material and financial resources to create special effects technology, which has not brought them any money. If we fight the price war now, stell will surely suffer a lot.

David Steele threw the cup on the ground, his face was black, and he swore: "Kung Fu Xiao, you are a bastard."

Next to Franklin is no better, his face is hard to see the extreme, Xiao Yunhai's practice is simply a typical harm to others, not to their own benefit.

"Mr. Xiao, don't you feel the loss is heavy?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if I don't reduce the price, then the loss will not be heavy? I'm very clear about the importance of special effects technology in movies. If I don't do anything, my dream special effects will be really finished. The reason is very simple. No entertainment company will use the same price to buy patent technology which is inefficient by 30%. But now my price has dropped by as much as 70%. I believe it will attract most film companies to continue to cooperate with me. Because the effect of our special effects technology is not compared with the variance, the only difference is that the efficiency is only 30% lower. If we exchange 70 million US dollars for this 30% speed, I believe that we will be very clear about this account. "

Indeed, the effect of the film is the same, just a little later release can save 70 million yuan a year, which is completely acceptable for any film company.

Next, reporters kept asking about Paramount's new special effects technology, and it took 20 minutes before they moved on to his film "master of the generation.".

"Mr. Xiao, all the major media magazines and famous online forums have been talking about your new work" master of the generation "recently, saying that it is not suitable to be shown in Europe and the United States. What's your opinion on this matter

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's just a trick made by some clowns. I don't care at all. Ha ha, what's interesting is that I just invited hundreds of audience who participated in star talk last time, and 90% of them scored more than 7.5 points. I really don't know why there are more than 100000 people posting posts. You know, I haven't even released the trailer yet. They seem to have seen my movie, and they scold me to the bone. To them, I just want to say that even if you accept other people's money, I hope you can be more professional. At least I'll have to wait until I release the trailer, right? "

"Ha ha ha."

The reporters laughed again.

The audience in front of the TV set thought about it. They didn't even put out the trailer. You just scolded there. It's just bullshit.

"Then why don't you come forward and clarify it? On the contrary, let the netizens on the Internet spread it

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "good information is propaganda, and bad information is also propaganda in disguise. Has the final say that this "master of the great master" is to be shown in Europe and America, not by my final say, but by the hundreds of fans has the final say. Now they have given me a clear answer, so no matter how bad they sing, I will put "master of the generation" in the cinema, so that European and American fans can see this kung fu movie full of artistic features. "

"Mr. Xiao, when are you going to show this film?"

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "I haven't decided on the specific time, but it must be before the world cup. I'm a football fan, but I don't want to let my work keep me from going to London

"Mr. Xiao, how much do you think the global box office of" master of the generation "can reach? Can we break through the box office miracle created by 2012? "

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he laughed and said: "Mr. David Stern has a saying that it is true that I used to rely on 3D movies to defeat paramount. As for 2012, it is a miracle that can not be copied. It is also stained with the light of 3D special effects technology. Nowadays, the ticket price of 3D movies is 35 dollars. It is impossible to break through 20 billion yuan. Even if it is 10 billion yuan, it is not an easy thing. "

"Mr. Xiao, it seems that you don't have enough confidence in the box office of the grand master?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's not lack, but self-knowledge. This is not a pure commercial film. There are not many commercial elements in it, but it is absolutely wonderful. The fierce Kungfu duel is still the focus of the competition, involving dozens of Chinese Kungfu. Every move and every form is real. Different from the previous "Jingwu hero", this film is a combination of the power and beauty of Kung Fu, which is very beautiful. If you let me estimate the box office, I think it will be more than 8 billion dollars at least. "

Eight billion dollars is a lot less than Xiao Yunhai's 2012, but the general trend of the film industry is just like this.

Since Marvel's four 3D superhero films have broken through the 10 billion mark one after another, MGM's "Star Trek 2" has won 10 billion box office tickets. The highest number of other films is just over 8 billion.As Xiao Yunhai had expected, 3D movies fell to normal after a brief burst of popularity. In the past, it was fans who were curious about 3D films, and then they rushed into the cinema regardless of the high box office. Now, after a series of 3D movie bombings, visual fatigue has been produced, and it is impossible to see the cash scene before. Some shoddy 3D films can not even recover the cost.

Xiao Yunhai's press conference soon ended, but the impact was very big.

Especially for Paramount's new special effects technology, it was a blow to the head.

A patent fee of $30 million a year is hard for paramount to accept.

Regardless of the presence of David Stern, Franklin directly patted the table and swore at Xiao Yunhai. After a long time, it stopped.

David Stern did not feel any dissatisfaction with Franklin's behavior. Instead, he felt that he shared a common hatred for the enemy.

"Ricky, what do you think we should do next? I had hoped that our new special effects technology would sell well, which was completely destroyed by Kung Fu Xiao. "

Franklin said with a wry smile: "boss, Kung Fu Xiao has reduced the price to 30 million US dollars. If our price remains unchanged, I dare say that no one will be willing to spend 70 million dollars more on our patents. Kung Fu Xiao hit us on the weak side. For now, we should negotiate with him as soon as possible and reduce our patent fees. Now it is 30 million yuan a year. If it is reduced to 10 million yuan or even without charge, we may only use our own technical patents. "

"Negotiate with Kung Fu Xiao?" David Stern frowned and said, "it's not a good job."

Franklin nodded and said, "it's not a good job, but we can't do anything about it."

David Stern took a deep breath and said, "I was thinking that with the new special effects technology, we would no longer have to be restricted by Kung Fu Xiao. I didn't expect that his technology was not good, but he did something about the price. This young man took the initiative everywhere and was indeed a powerful figure. Ricky, are you going to negotiate with him in person

Franklin said with a wry smile, "boss, I really don't want to talk business with Kung Fu Xiao. This man is a bastard who gets more and more. But there's no way. The situation is better than people. This matter must be settled as soon as possible. If he goes mad, we'll lose a lot. "

David Stern patted him on the shoulder and said, "it's hard for you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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