Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:02 AM

Chapter 1242

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That night, Xiao Yunhai came to a tea house not far from his villa and saw Franklin who asked him to come.

Xiao Yunhai sat down in front of him, sipped his tea, nodded and said with a smile: "it's really a great pleasure to have a cup of authentic Longjing before the rain in America. Mr. Franklin, I thought that after the last negotiation, you would not come to me again. I didn't expect that in less than a year's time, you asked me out on your own initiative, which surprised me

With a forced smile on his face, Franklin said, "Mr. Shaw, if I had a choice, I would never look for you."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you are very frank, then we don't talk nonsense. Are you here for the price of your dream special effects patent? "

"Yes. Mr. Xiao's price is down to 30 million a year, which makes us paramount very uncomfortable. After all, dream special effects patents bring you tens of billions of dollars in revenue, and paramount special effects technology patents have not earned us a cent. "

"What does Mr. Franklin mean? You know, Xiao Yunhai will never eat my words and become fat. "

"I hope you can set the price at 30 million and don't move any more. And our patent for Paramount's new special effects technology will be priced at 50 million. In this way, there should be film companies interested in our paramount special effects patents. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "how can I help you. What's good for me? "

Franklin said, "as long as you agree, we can use the new patented technology developed by paramount for your magic and fantasy free of charge. With the strength of the two special effects companies, as long as their work efficiency is increased by 30%, they will bring you at least one billion or even two billion US dollars every year. I don't think any businessman will refuse such a business. "

"Not necessarily." Xiao Yunhai looked at Franklin with a playful face and said, "Mr. Franklin is very good at calculating. Unfortunately, I won't agree. I can't accept a billion dollars to let you paramount make tens of billions of dollars with new technology patents. "

"Mr. Xiao, this is a win-win situation. Br >

for me, it's not worth a dollar. It is absolutely impossible for me to let go and let my enemies make tens of billions of dollars a year. Unless I have something as good as you, there is no way

As soon as Franklin heard this, he was silent. What he worried about most was that Xiao Yunhai bit him. Now, unfortunately, things happened.

After a long time, Franklin asked, "how can Mr. Shaw agree?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's very simple. In addition to the free use of your special effects technology that you just mentioned, I'll sell you our dream special effects technology, isn't it over?"

Franklin's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was no smile on his face.

Last time he bought Xiao Yunhai's things, he pocketed tens of billions of dollars, which made him remember vividly and never forget a cup. And this time he bought his things again, Franklin was expected to get a lot of money from him.

But at this point, he had to give in.

"Mr. Xiao, what's the price?"

Xiao Yunhai stretched out his right index finger and middle finger and said, "this price should be ok?"

"No way. Let's spend 20 billion dollars to buy a patent that is doomed to be eliminated. Mr. Xiao, you're too fantastic

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "in business, of course I want to sell for a good price. Mr. Franklin, this is only my first condition. The second condition is that I am in charge of Huaxia. I don't want the Chinese film and television industry to be restricted by you. Of course, we can split the profit in half. I'm not greedy. "

As soon as he said that, Franklin's face was livid. If he hadn't cultivated himself very well, he would have scolded him directly.

What's the international joke?

If the special effects technology developed by his side is in accordance with Xiao Yunhai's conditions, it is not a wedding dress for him.

"Mr. Xiao, negotiations need sincerity from both sides. You're going too far. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I didn't want to negotiate with you. I'm in a good mood recently, which gives you a chance to negotiate. In the next few days, I will open all the dreamlike special effects technology, and do not need any patent fee. Hehe, when the time comes, your paramount new special effects technology will be reserved for your own use. "

This is what Franklin was most afraid of. He pursed his lips and clenched his teeth and said, "Mr. Xiao is really cruel."

Xiao Yunhai said: "to blame, you can only blame that your patent technology is not leading enough, and you can't let entertainment companies all over the world pay for it. Mr. Franklin, if you don't have anything to do, I'll leave. "

"Slow." Franklin quickly stopped Xiao Yunhai, closed his eyes, adjusted his mood, and said, "Mr. Xiao, I want to report to Mr. David Stern. Please wait a moment."Xiao Yunhai said with disapproval: "whatever. The tea here is really good. I really want to have a good drink. "

Franklin gave him a hateful look and left.

Ten minutes later, Franklin sat back to the opposite side of Xiao Yunhai and said, "in Huaxia, we can patent new special effects technology to you, and the patent fees are 50% respectively. However, your dream special effects technology is not worth 20 billion, and we can give you 2 billion US dollars at most."

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "you have made a discount. However, since you are so sincere, I can promise only two billion dollars, but you will give me the patents of the whole Asian region. You can rest assured that I will never interfere with companies in other regions. "

Franklin snorted and sneered, "Mr. Xiao's ability to cover white wolves with empty hands is really powerful."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you can call Mr. Steele again and ask. But I want to say that's my bottom line. Yes, we both make a lot of money together. If we don't agree, we will die together. Anyway, I've made tens of billions of dollars in fantasy special effects patents, and I'm not losing money. "

Franklin said, "don't ask, I promise. We will renegotiate the new special effects patent fee. Tomorrow, I'll send someone to your headquarters to sign the contract. "

Xiao Yunhai showed a triumphant smile, stretched out his hand and said, "I wish us a happy cooperation."

Franklin turned a blind eye to Xiao Yunhai's hand and squeezed a sentence out of his teeth: "Mr. Xiao, I don't want to have a third negotiation with you. In my eyes, you are an asshole. "

Xiao Yunhai did not feel embarrassed at all. He touched his nose and said, "I can take this as a compliment to me. Mr. Franklin, frankly speaking, I will not have another chance to negotiate with you and me. Because our identities are not equal at all. You are just a CEO. You are far from me in terms of status and wealth. I can come here because you are a talented person. You'd better understand that. "

Franklin said, "Mr. Shaw, I will remember that. Goodbye. "

In this way, the new special effects technology painstakingly developed by Paramount Pictures was forced to share by Xiao Yunhai. He not only made 2 billion US dollars, but also got 50% of the patent fees of entertainment companies in Asia, which can be said to be a big profit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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