Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:59 AM

Chapter 1244

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The so-called one wave is not even, another wave rises again. Not a day later, the battle between Xiao Yunhai and paramount started again.

Xiao Yunhai and marvel published the premiere of "master of a generation" on his and Marvel's home pages on June 6.

In just 10 minutes, Paramount Pictures responded by showing "Boxer" on June 4th and "Boxer" on June 10th.

Let alone those entertainment companies, even ordinary fans know that paramount is deliberately sniping at Xiao Yunhai's films.

Xiao Yunhai was not too surprised with Paramount's approach. To his surprise, the other side learned how to use strategies. Knowing that he could not beat him in Asia, he chose to fight only in Europe and the United States, which was a smart time.

What's more, the cost of paramount's two films has been reduced by at least one third, which is an additional gain for them.

When the great master, the God of fist and the Titan were fully publicized, Mo Yina came to Xiao Yunhai's office and reported to him about the actors of prison break.

Xiao Yunhai respected Zhao Wanqing's agent very much. He made a cup of tea for her and said with a smile, "sister Mo, did you bring me good news?"

Mo Yina shook her head and said, "Yunhai, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Only a few people agreed. Most of the actors, including Scott bloom, did not

Xiao Yunhai was stunned. He didn't want to use his present position to shoot a TV series that was rejected by so many people. This is too unscientific.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai's astonished eyes, Mo Yina explained: "Yunhai, these people you are looking for are all excellent performers, but they are all very personalized. He was rejected by the company, just like he didn't like entertainment. It's just that he didn't want to be entertained. We marvel comics has a good development momentum, and they also hope to cooperate with you, a world-class director, but they don't want to join us. "

"They don't want to be famous in the world, even if they can make it?"

"I've told them that we're going to have a minimum ratings of 10 percent for prison break, but none of them believed it. Yunhai, if I didn't know you, I would not believe it. Because so far, no TV series has been able to achieve such a ratings worldwide. "

Xiao Yunhai felt his nose and said, "it seems that I need to talk to them in person. Sister Mo, in my name, invite them to our Marvel Comics company. I think they will give me that face. "

Mo Yina nodded and said, "OK."

At 10 a.m. the next day, nine actors who didn't promise to play prison break came to marvel comics.

Xiao Yunhai personally went downstairs to meet them, giving them enough face.

Sitting in a small conference room, Xiao Yunhai looked around for a week, especially paying attention to Scott Bloom's face. He was very satisfied.

The most important thing for actors is temperament. Although these people are not so popular, they are undoubtedly very consistent with the characters in the film.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for taking the time to come to marvel comics company. I think you should know the reason why I invited you."

Scott bloom said: "Mr. Shaw, part of the script of prison break, which I have read, is very wonderful. I also believe that this TV series will be very good-looking, but I will never join your Marvel Comics company for a TV series. Please understand that. "

Others nodded.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I understand what you mean. This "prison break" is my painstaking efforts to write out, absolutely wonderful. No matter whether it's the leading role or the supporting role, as long as you take part in prison break, you'll be able to make a hit in the world. I chose you to play because you are all free men. I don't want to marry other companies. "

The bearded louishart asked, "Mr. Shaw, are you so confident in prison break? I heard from Miss Mo that your goal is to achieve an average audience rating of 10%. Do you think it is possible? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I dare not say that in other places, but the ratings in Europe, America and Asia can certainly exceed 10%. But what I want to tell you is that this is not my goal, but my bottom line. "

Louishart shook his head and said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw, you are a little overconfident. It's impossible to get 10% ratings at this time

Scott bloom said, "yes. Since the popularity of the Internet, not to mention the average ratings, even the highest ratings are few TV series can reach 10%

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "in this case, we might as well make a bet. If the ratings of prison break exceed 10% in Europe, America and Asia, you can join us in Marvel, and I will make a contract according to your value at that time. If the ratings don't reach 10%, then I'll give you double pay. What do you think about joining marvel? "Scot Bloom's eyes brightened, and without thinking about it, he said, "I agreed. This prison break is really good. I love it

The others thought about it and all nodded in agreement.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "then we have a deal. Because of the double pay involved, we'd better sign an agreement. I've already signed it before, so you can have a good look at it. "

With a nod from Yuna, momona took out the agreement and gave it to them.

The above terms are clear, no one has any objection, five minutes later, everyone signed the agreement.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "welcome to join our Marvel cartoon company."

The crowd was stunned. Scott bloom said, "Mr. Shaw, we don't seem to be your artists yet?"

Xiao Yunhai said confidently: "it's not now. It will be a few months later. I can guarantee you that prison break will make some of the best actors in Hollywood

Scott bloom laughed, "I hope so. By the way, Mr. Xiao, when will our play begin? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it should be in late July or early August. I'm a fan and want to go to London to watch the world cup

Scott bloom said, "that would be great. I also want to go to the world cup

All of them were football fans. After signing the contract, they began to talk about football.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai handed over the script of prison break to everyone and asked them to go back and have a good look.

After confirming the actors, Xiao Yunhai started to set up the "prison break" crew. After careful examination, Xiao Yunhai found an Italian director who had been working for more than 30 years as his deputy director, and asked him to take people to find a suitable shooting place. Especially in prison, most of the plots in the TV play are unfolded in it. Xiao Yunhai doesn't want to fool around.

In order to be successful, Xiao Yunhai will use the strict requirements of making films to shoot this TV play. I believe that with its own plot and its own directing ability, it will surely be popular all over the world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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