Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:57 AM

Chapter 1246

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Brandon's arm is not good after five minutes. Which one to choose? "

Just as he was in trouble there, FIFA President Garfield robins saw his office wide open and knocked on the door and came in.

"Brandon, what are you doing here? Still worrying about the theme song? "

Brandon Dreiser shrugged and said with a wry smile: "I'm really worried, but I don't know which song to choose now, because they are so excellent. It seems that it's a huge loss to give up which capital. Garfield, since you're here, it's time to listen and give me an idea. "

The two are friends who have worked together for many years and have a good relationship, so they talk casually.

Garfield robins is very clear that his brother has been worrying about the lack of a suitable theme song for the world cup. He also mentioned this matter in the afternoon meeting. Unexpectedly, after only two hours, he actually had two suitable songs, which surprised Garfield robins.

Zhao WanFei's two classic songs, which can be called "the world's two great songs" by Zhao WanFei. Who wrote this? That's brilliant. "

Brandon Dreiser said: "the two songs were written by the richest Kung Fu Xiao in the world. The singers are him and his wife, Ms. Zhao."

Robbins suddenly realized that he was the king of pop in the world. Since the two songs are so good, we might as well take them all away. It is said that Ms. Zhao has become a world-class pop queen, and her songs have won the championship for six weeks on the American charts. With Mr. Xiao, the king of pop, it's hard for both of us to have them in the world cup

Brandon Dreiser nodded and said, "good. I'll call Mr. Xiao and ask them to record the MV of the world cup as soon as possible. "

Garfield Robbins waved his hand and said with a smile, "don't worry. Their identities are different, so it's not formal to call. Tomorrow afternoon, Mr. Xiao and Ms. Zhao will come to our auction in New York. We will have a good talk with him then. I think the most important thing is to ask someone to write the MV script as soon as possible according to their songs. "

"That's right. I'll arrange it now."

At 10 a.m. on May 28, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing arrived in New York by private plane. Ms. Kristi was also with them.

Originally, the director of Yunqing TV station, Robert donheim, also wanted to come here, but he had something important to do and flew to Europe.

Yesterday, Huaxia successfully put three communication satellites into the scheduled orbit. He went to Europe to deal with the broadcasting of American Yunqing TV station there. As a result of adequate preparation, I believe it will not take a week to cover the whole of Europe.

Xiao Yunhai and his party collapsed in a five-star hotel. After lunch, Kristi introduced the auction to Xiao Yunhai.

"Mr. Xiao, the auction of broadcasting rights of the world cup has been divided into several regions, including Europe, North America, South America, Oceania and Asia. All the world-class TV stations have come to participate in the auction. There are no less than 20 rich people in the world's top 100. The competition will be more cruel than we thought before."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "FIFA can really make money. The signals of our Yunqing TV station have covered North America, Europe and Asia, so we should take the broadcasting rights of these three regions at all costs. "

Christie said, "Mr. Shaw, I don't know what your bottom line is."

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "this time, we have brought us $85 billion. The competition for broadcasting rights in Europe is the most fierce. If we want to make a name there, we must obtain the broadcasting rights. My bottom line is no more than 50 billion dollars. The second is Asia, where we are not famous at all, but there are billions of fans there. The influence is too great. My bottom line is 30 billion. These two regions must be taken care of. If necessary, they can even give up North America. "

Yunqing TV station has made a thorough reputation in North America. Its ratings have been in the champion position for three consecutive weeks, which can be said to be a household name. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai focuses on Europe and Asia.

Christie nodded and said, "I understand. I think we should be able to buy the right to play without spending so much money. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm not afraid of ten thousand, but I'm afraid that if I do something, it's better to be sure."

Four years ago, the broadcasting rights of the world cup were only sold for 80 billion yuan. Even if it is to develop again, it is impossible to double after four years.

Xiao Yunhai's purchase of broadcasting rights for the world cup in Europe and Asia with 85 billion US dollars can be said to be sure.

At 2:30 p.m., Xiao Yunhai, Zhao Wanqing and Kristi, dressed in full clothes, entered the auction house.

As soon as he got in, Kerry Smith came up.

Two people have been missing for many days, but did not affect their friendship.Embracing each other, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Kerry, what are you doing recently. Every time I see you, it's at the auction. "

Kerry said with a smile: "you have been in America, but I have been in China all the time. Of course, I can't see each other. Xiao, I want to congratulate you. The establishment of Yunqing TV station has made up your biggest short board. Your entire entertainment empire is complete. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "I don't intend to build an entertainment empire. The establishment of Yunqing TV station should be regarded as an accident. I didn't think much about it before. Kerry, how are you MGM TV? But I heard that your ratings in China last month ranked third, which is much higher than our famous Jiangsu TV station. It's amazing. "

Some time ago, MGM TV had a good time in China. Recently, MGM not only prepared to shoot some Chinese TV dramas, but also bought many excellent Hollywood works at a high price, which was loved by Chinese audiences.

The reason why Kerry stayed in China is to consolidate the status of MGM TV.

Kerry said: "to be honest, we didn't expect MGM to have such a good performance in China. Xiao, we will be competitors in the future. You should be merciful. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "come on, our Yunqing TV station's ratings are now in the tens of places, which can't compare with you MGM. Yes? Are you interested in the broadcast rights of the world cup

MGM's economic situation has not been very good, because of their ability, it should not be possible to participate in the competition.

Sure enough, Kerry said, "we don't have the strength. This time we're just joining in the fun. Xiao, you have to be careful. There are too many world-class rich people coming this time. They are rich and powerful. They have no less money than you, the richest man in the world. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I understand, try my best."

"Xiao, you are here, too."

Two people are chatting, a soft and beautiful voice from Xiao Yunhai's back ring.

Xiao Yunhai turned around to have a look, suddenly a burst of big head, is Anne Winslet.

"Annie, long time no see. Are you with your uncle Xiao Yunhai asked bravely.

Winsley nodded and said, "of course. Xiao, I apologize to you again for the last European TV rights incident. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's not necessary. You know, my Yunqing TV station is going to cover the whole world. "

"It's your ability, it's none of my business. Originally, I wanted to help you, but I didn't expect my uncle would do that. "

"There is a saying in China that it is a blessing in disguise. I want to thank your uncle for his success. I'm afraid he'll lose a lot if he doesn't , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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