Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:42 AM

Chapter 125

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Under the guidance of Chen Xiuzhu's words and deeds, Xiao Yunling is also very good at singing. Although compared with professional singers, Xiao Yunling is definitely a master among the experts among amateur singers.

In particular, she is very ethereal, clean, like a clear spring, let people hear, from the inside to outside a burst of transparent, cool, hit the listener's heart, even ye Yongren was surprised to look at her, heart: "worthy of the cloud emperor's sister."

Soon, a "lovers are not full" singing, the audience gave out a crazy cry and cheers.

Xiao Yunling pursed her lips excitedly. This was the first time she sang on such a large stage. She didn't feel very good when singing. She felt inexplicably nervous after singing.

Ye Yongren clapped his hands and said, "ha ha, do you think we can sing well?"

"Good." The audience cheered.

Xiao Yunling repeatedly thanks and bows.

Ye Yongren waved his hand, and the shouting stopped immediately. He asked, "miss ling'er, do you know why I called you all at once?"

Xiao Yunling was surprised and asked, "isn't it your mother's birthday number?"

"Of course not. In fact, I just cheated everyone that my mother's birthday is in June, not march. "

Ye Yongren's words made fans wonder. Is it possible to say that Xiao Yunling was deliberately called up by the idol. However, the girl's surprise doesn't seem to have been rehearsed in advance.

Ye Yongren continued: "miss ling'er, do you know? You have a brother who loves you very much. After knowing that you want to sing with me, he quietly came to my lounge and asked me to help him realize your dream

"What? It's my brother. " Xiao Yunling suddenly remembered that Xiao Yunhai had just gone to the bathroom for a long time. At that time, he still laughed at him.

Did not expect that he is to make his dream come true, secretly went to find Ye Yongren.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunling's tears can no longer stop.

Fans on the stage also clapped their hands for this strong family affection.

A girl enviously looked at Xiao Yunling on the stage and said, "if only my brother were like this."

"Xiao Ya, don't dream. Just the big brother in your family, it would be nice not to get into trouble. " Said the student next to him.

"Ah." Xiao Ya sighed deeply when she thought about her brother's behavior.

Ye Yongren said, "your brother and sister's affection is really enviable. Do you want to invite the elder brother of miss ling'er to the stage? "


There was a round of applause. As ordinary fans, they have a sense of substitution and like that stars can do more interaction. In this way, they may have a chance to meet their favorite stars face to face.

Ye Yongchao showed a mysterious smile and said, "in fact, I tell you, the identity of this brother is very unusual. He is actually an artist, but a very low-key artist. It's a rare sight on weekdays. When I saw him, I was also surprised for a while. Well, I'll tell you all about him and see if you can guess it right, OK? "


"He is a very talented artist and has made remarkable achievements in various fields. He is a singer, screenwriter, director, actor, songwriter and martial arts novelist. I heard that he has recently invested in a TV play written, directed and performed by himself. He is also an investor. Do you know who he is? "


"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

Some fans of Xiao Yunhai screamed wildly, almost breaking through the whole venue.

Xiao Yunhai's reputation in the network music industry has long been up, "yunhuang products, must be a boutique" these eight words have become his label.

It can be said that those who usually like to listen to music do not know the emperor.

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "yes, it's him. Now let's welcome emperor Yun to our concert with the warmest applause, OK? "


With the storm like applause, Xiao Yunhai stepped on a brisk pace, came up.

See pear with rain sister, Xiao Yunhai smile, take out a paper towel from the pocket for her gentle wipe, said to her: "do you feel surprised?"

"Thank you, brother."

With that, Xiao Yunling came up and hugged Xiao Yunhai tightly and began to cry again.

When we saw such a warm scene, we all gave warm applause to both of them. Some emotional fans even shed tears.

Xiao Yunhai patted her sister on the shoulder and said, "OK, don't cry now. Everyone came to see teacher Ye's concert, not to see you crying all the time."

"Ha ha ha." Xiao Yunhai's words made the audience laugh and ran to one side.

Xiao Yunhai went to Ye Yongren and said, "thank you, Mr. Ye."Ye Yongren said with a smile: "it's just a piece of work. In fact, I'm a fan of yours. I've heard every song you write and sing, including those online songs. It's really good. I never thought you would watch my concert secretly. Now that we're here, we have to leave something behind. Is that right? "

The audience at the bottom naturally cooperated with each other and cheered.

Hearing Ye Yongren's words, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I don't know if teacher Ye is going to let me leave my arm or let me leave my leg."


"Ha ha."

The audience in the gymnasium was amused by Xiao Yunhai's words, but they didn't expect that the cloud emperor was so humorous.

A fan who was about to drink water couldn't help but spray the water out of his mouth. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and lowered his head. If he sprayed it on others, it would be a big problem.

Ye Yongren didn't expect Xiao Yunhai to say such a thing. He said with a smile, "your arms and legs are useless to me. Even if it's useful, I don't dare to take it. It's against the law. "

"Ha ha, ye Tianwang is also infected."

"Yes, that's interesting."

Ye Yongren continued: "we all know that you are a very good songwriter. We have heard all the songs we have sung before, and it's meaningless to sing again. Well, you can sing a new song that has never been published on this stage. Do you agree? "

"Good." Fans yelled in unison.

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "I see there is a piano nearby. I'll give you the only one that I just wrote a few days ago."

"Great. The product of emperor Yun must be a fine product. Let's enjoy the new song "the only one." Ye Yongren exclaimed happily.

The audience bowed deeply in front of the audience. Then, sit quietly in front of the piano, adjust the microphone to the best, take a deep breath, and then play. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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