Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:52 AM

Chapter 1250

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Xiao Yunhai heard about Huang Qiusheng and his daughter, and said, "Mr. Huang, you can go and be busy. I can handle the rest. Work is not as important as family. When are you going back? "

Huang Qiusheng said: "the assistant has just bought the ticket. At about three o'clock in the morning, he leaves after dinner."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't be so troublesome. You can go back by my private plane, which is more than two hours' journey. I'll call the pilots and ask them to apply for routes from the aviation department. "

On hearing this, Huang Qiusheng said in a hurry: "it's not necessary. "Yunhai, you..."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "Mr. Huang, don't refuse. Anyway, the plane is idle in the airport, so let it play a role. "

Huang Qiusheng saw that Xiao Yunhai had finished the call and sighed, "that's really very grateful."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Huang, do we still need to be so polite? Come on, let's raise our glasses together. I wish Mr. Huang good health and happy family


They all raise their glasses and touch each other.

Two hours later, Xiao Yunhai personally put Huang Qiusheng on the plane, from Yanjing to Xiangjiang, and then from Xiangjiang to Yanjing. It took only four and a half hours before and after, which was very convenient and fast.

The next morning, Xiao Yunhai flew to Yunqing TV station with his crew.

Chen Zhan came to pick up the plane in person and asked about the world cup in the car.

Xiao Yunhai said: "uncle, you may be disappointed. The broadcasting right of the world cup in Asia was almost snatched by us, but it was intercepted by STEL network company with us $30 billion at the last moment

"How much? More than 30 billion dollars? They're crazy. " Chen Zhan was stunned.

If you spend more than 30 billion dollars to buy the broadcast rights of the world cup, even if the advertising costs are skyrocketing, you can't earn it back.

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "people want to improve their influence, not just to make money."

Chen Zhan frowned and said, "No. It seems that the company owned by stell network is IMD TV station. It's OK for them to play in China, but not in other Asian countries. I didn't hear that their TV coverage was all over Asia? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "the video website of STEL network company will be online soon. We estimate that he wants to put the World Cup games on the website so that fans can spend money to watch the live broadcast."

Chen Zhan said: "no, they are digging their own grave. Fans in other regions can watch it for free on TV, but in Asia, hundreds of millions of fans pay to watch it. Isn't it a long life to eat arsenic

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is just our guess. It won't take us long to know whether it is true or not. If they really dare to do this, I'm going to let stell networks suffer. Uncle, now that you are on your territory, what are you going to do with us? "

Chen Zhan said with a smile: "after lunch, you can go to a talk show in the afternoon. In the evening, Yunhai will follow me to the airport to meet people. The big stars you've invited will basically arrive in the evening, and then tomorrow morning, we'll have a rehearsal to make sure we're safe. "

"OK, no problem."

On that night, ye Yongren, Chen Huan, Yao Na, Han Shilei, Ningxia, Dong Piao, bessier, David Hume, Katrina Graham and Eliot arrived at the airport one after another. Xiao Yunhai and Chen Zhan naturally entertained each other.

In addition, senior brother Luo Tianxiong and his Luo family troupe's performance team also arrived. Xiao Yunhai only glanced at them and found that the worst of them were Mingjin masters.

Today's luojiaban is amazing. It has become an international level action team. When many international directors shoot action films, they are the first choice. This makes luojiaban one of the symbols of Chinese kung fu movies, and more and more experts are competing to join them.

This time, Xiao Yunhai hoped that they could perform real Kung Fu on the stage. Therefore, Luo Tianxiong brought these experts to come.

After arranging the accommodation for all the people, it was already three o'clock in the morning. Xiao Yunhai and Chen Zhan had to get up and go to the TV station to direct the people to arrange the scene after only three hours' sleep.

At nine o'clock in the morning, in the huge studio of Yunqing TV station, dozens of superstars held a collective rehearsal here. In addition to singing and dancing, the latest eye-catching performance of luojiaban was undoubtedly the Kungfu performance of luojiaban. During the exercise of Xingyiquan, a dark power master hit the air concussion and burst continuously. Finally, he directly knocked out the wooden man pile weighing 300 Jin Ten meters away, it caused the exclamation of all the stars on the scene. And Zhao Wanqing's Bagua palm and Deng Yue's Baji Quan are also very wonderful, which leads to applause.

Xiao Yunhai's Taiji was the finale of the party. As things were not ready, he didn't rehearse on stage.

During the meal, ye Yongren gave Zhao Wanqing a thumbs up and said, "Wanqing, your performance today is really impressive. It's so beautiful to have a set of eight trigrams in your hand. "Yao Na next to her nodded and said, "yes. Wan Qing, I really admire you. I didn't expect you to have such ability. It is true that those who are close to the ink will be red and those who are close to the ink will be black. After staying with Yunhai, the first Chinese expert, you are almost a martial arts master. "

Deng Yue said, "sister Na, you are wrong. It's not that you're going to be a martial arts master, but you've become a master. With Wanqing's present Kung Fu, seven or eight big men may not be able to get close to her

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "brother Deng, don't brag for me. I don't have that ability."

Luo Tianxiong said: "Wanqing, have you developed your Ming strength? During the rehearsal, I seemed to hear a few crackles. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "elder martial brother, Wanqing just reached the point of Mingjin a few days ago. The Bagua Quan teacher you found for her has passed on all her family skills to her. I didn't expect that after practicing for a year, I was actually trained by Wanqing. Even I felt a little incredible. "

Yao Na snorted and said, "I don't like to hear that. Why can't we women practice Kung Fu? Are you looking down on us

Xiao Yunhai quickly arched his hands and said, "sister Na, I'm wrong. I can't afford that."

The crowd burst into laughter.

Eliot said, "Miss Zhao, I haven't apologized to you. As a European and American musician, I can't pretend that I can't see the billboard. Please understand. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "if it was me, I would be like you. You don't need to apologize for this. But it's not that easy to win me. There are many good songs behind me

Eliot said, "I'll see. In any case, I can't get you back to the record Xiao set last year. Otherwise, we European and American musicians will be too shameless. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Eliot, in the world of music, there is no face without face. If you want to beat us, just let your horse come. "

Eliot said confidently: "Xiao, let me tell you one thing in advance. I will release a new song next week. It is carefully composed by my teacher and I, and it is not in my album. If you don't have an assassin's mace, Miss Zhao will come down from the championship

Xiao Yunhai listened and said with a smile, "Eliot, I just want to tell you that no matter how good your songs are, you can't win in the last two weeks."

Eliot wondered, "why?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "because the world cup is about to open, we will sing its theme song. After the show tonight, we are going to New York to record the MV. "

When they heard this, they congratulated them one after another. At the same time, there was a trace of envy in their eyes.

We all know that it is a great honor for a singer to sing the theme song of the world cup. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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