Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:50 AM

Chapter 1251

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At 7:30 p.m., the stage, lighting and sound of Yunqing TV station

the stage, lighting and sound of the show had been debugged, and the audience continued to enter.

Xiao Yunhai's program is at the end of the day. It's estimated that it will be 10 o'clock, so he didn't rush to the backstage, but came to the data monitoring room with Chen Zhan.

When Xiao Yunhai decided to hold the party, Chen Zhan had already carried out extensive publicity on the Internet. News of the party was everywhere on the major portal websites, famous forums and video websites.

We are looking forward to seeing so many tianwangtiantian from home and abroad come to the party to show their singing voice and perform the mysterious Chinese Kungfu.

Therefore, ten minutes before the official start, the rating of Yunqing TV station has already broken through 6%, and the curve is still soaring upward.

Chen Zhan was very happy to see this situation, and said excitedly: "great. Judging from the current trend, the audience rating this evening will certainly exceed 10 percent. "

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of green tea and said with a smile, "uncle, are you talking about the average ratings or the highest ratings?"

Chen zhanbai glanced at him and said, "of course, it's the highest ratings. You don't think the average ratings of our party will reach 10 percent, do you? I'm afraid it's hard. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the goal must be there, in case it is achieved. Uncle, how about a bet? If the average rating exceeds 10 percent, I win, if not, I lose. "

"What's the bet?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. In this way, whoever loses will promise the other party one thing unconditionally. "

"Well, bet. There is no proof of what you say

Xiao Yunhai disdained to say: "this is the era of intelligence, who also set up a word as evidence. Just now, I recorded them with my mobile phone, and no one would like to be dishonoured. "

Chen Zhan pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "you boy... Eh, it's not right. If you win, take out this recording, and you can prove it. But if I win, you'll have to delete it immediately

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "uncle, am I that kind of person?"

Chen Zhan said with a smile: "you are that kind of person."

The two joked for a while and the party officially began.

In order to make the party more interesting, the stars of the show were divided into two teams, one led by Eliot and the other led by Ye Yongren. As soon as they came up, the two teams sent out heaven King Chen Huan and queen Yao Na to fight.

The two 20-year-old singers fully demonstrated their superb singing skills, which caused the audience to applaud in unison.

The second pair are young singer Dong Piao and American country singer Beth Beale. They are all their own representative works. They are very beautiful and very pleasing to the ears.

In this way, the two teams of people finished singing and I came on stage, bringing a wonderful hearing feast to the audience in front of the TV and the scene.

"Mr. Xiao, director, our ratings have exceeded 12 percent."

In Dong Piao Piao singing, the monitoring staff cried out happily. ,

"12% Chen Zhan was stunned for a moment, and then asked with surprise: "when did it exceed 10%? Why don't I know? "

The monitor said with a smile: "director, when Chen Huan started to sing, she had already broken through 10%. I also reported to you, but you seem to be listening to the infatuation, there is no response

Xiao Yunhai said: "I can testify to this. Uncle, just at the beginning, the ratings have reached 12%. It seems that I won the bet between us

Chen Zhan laughed and said, "I'm looking forward to losing myself. In today's Chinese TV market, the competition is too fierce, the audience rating can reach 10% can be called a miracle. You should have more such parties. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "rare things are precious. If there are more, the audience will not buy it. In any case, excellent TV programs are the guarantee of high ratings. Uncle, when the world cup is over, I will shoot a TV series, hoping to make our Yunqing TV station famous. "

Chen Zhan's eyes lit up and said, "you boy, you want to make a TV play. This is a big event in the TV industry. What theme? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "crime theme. It's called prison break. It's a pure American TV series, but the plot is very compact. I believe it will cause a great sensation all over the world. "

Chen Zhan said: "then quickly shoot it. Although the audience rating of Yunqing TV station has improved, it is far from that of other TV stations. We need good programs to attract the attention of the audience. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "uncle, don't worry. In a few days, after our Yunqing TV station covers the world, a series of excellent programs shot by Marvel will be broadcast one after another, and the audience rating will certainly be no problem."

Chen Zhan nodded and said, "that's good. You should thank your father-in-law when you go back. He left a lot of excellent TV dramas to our Yunqing TV station, otherwise, we may face the situation of no play to play. "Xiao Yunhai said, "I know."

This evening, Xiao Yunhai used the same method as the first broadcast Party of manwei TV station at that time. The stars who finished the performance didn't need to go back to the backstage, so they could directly sit on the scene to watch. In this way, the party was more grounded.

At a third of the party, Eliot said, "Ye, it's not interesting to sing alone. "Master of a generation" is a pure Chinese kung fu film. I heard that it contains almost all types of Chinese Kung Fu. I wonder if you have the courage to compare Kung Fu with our team? "

Ye Yongren said with a smile, "Eliot, you are not afraid of death. Do you know which is the most famous Kung Fu team in the world now? "

Eliot said: "of course, it's the famous Luo Jiaban. I'm not as ignorant as you think. It's said that the leader of their class is the elder martial brother of Kung Fu Xiao. "

Ye Yongren nodded and said, "yes. Kungfu is divided into performing method, practicing method and playing method. Today, our team has the top players of luojiaban. How good are they? So, ordinary people like us, one of them can easily beat ten of us. Do you dare to compare with us? "

Eliot, with a look of surprise, said, "it's a coincidence. We also have a lot of experts with unique skills. Who's better than you

Ye Yongren said: "good, then we are not polite."

Several young people in luojiaban costumes carried a seemingly heavy wooden figure pile onto the stage. Ye Yongren pointed to it and said, "do you know how much this sucker wooden pile weighs? I tell you, it's 150 kilos. We practice Yongchun martial arts often use wooden dummy, but not everyone can use it, it needs very good Kung Fu. If you don't believe it, you can try it. "

Ye Yongren randomly selected three spectators to come on the stage. No matter how they hit, the wooden dummy pile was still.

Under the curiosity of Eliot, he also tried. After only one hit, he stepped back with his arm in his arms, causing a burst of laughter from the audience.

Ye Yongren said, "Eliot, are you ok?"

Eliot said, "it's OK. It's not really easy to play. "

Ye Yongren said, "that's because your Kung Fu is not good. Now let's give the warmest applause to Mr. Yuan Liangping of luojiaban to perform Yongchun boxing , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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