Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:43 AM

Chapter 1256

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It's not only the high ratings of Yunqing TV station, but also the number of hits and downloads of online video.

Xiao Yunhai's party was immediately posted to the video website after it was broadcast.

The number of Chinese video downloads exceeded 50 million. In just one day in Europe and the United States, the number of downloads exceeded 20 million.

At 19:00 p.m. on June 6, "the great master of the generation" premiered worldwide.

Xiao Yunhai did not hold any ceremony in Los Angeles, nor did he invite famous people from the film industry to attend the premiere. However, there were many reporters, film critics, filmmakers and chief editors, and there were more fans.

Xiao Yunhai walked into the cinema and saw a long line of fans who had bought tickets. The number was almost 100. He was very satisfied.

The person in charge of the cinema said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, these people bought tickets for the second scene. The first scene was sold out before 6:30 pm."

Xiao Yunhai said: "so the attendance rate of the grand master should be no problem. I hope the quality of the film can be recognized by everyone. "

"I have seen your film from the beginning to the end. It can be described as wonderful. I believe that word-of-mouth is absolutely not wrong."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I hope so."

At seven o'clock sharp, the film began to show on time. Xiao Yunhai quietly came to a studio and sat down.

At the beginning of the movie, ye man, played by Xiao Yunhai, fights with more than 20 gangsters in the rain with Taijiquan, including a powerful Hongquan master.

Under the high-definition camera, every punch, every foot, even every drop of rain and every hair in the film are clearly displayed in front of people. Especially, the fight between Xiao Yunhai and the Hong Quan master is extremely swift and fast, and the combination of hardness and softness is eye opening. The three minute fighting scene makes the fans clap their hands and shout Come on.

"Good fight. It's beautiful."

"The style is totally different from" Jingwu hero ", but it is equally wonderful."

"That's great. It's a really cool three minute fight."

An editor in chief of a film magazine wrote in his book: "the picture is exquisite and exquisite, and the action is vigorous and aesthetic. It is full of strong literary and artistic atmosphere."

In the first three minutes, the great master of a generation won over everyone with a wonderful fight.

The plot unfolds. Gong Yutian, the leader of the palace family of the northern generation, brings his daughter and apprentice to Foshan to meet friends with martial arts.

Ma San, Gong Yutian's great apprentice, had excellent kung fu. He defeated the southern Wulin people who came to challenge him with Xingyi and Bagua. Ye Wen was appointed as the representative of the South and fought with Gong Yutian.

During this period, he had a competition with Yongchun, Xingyi, Bagua and other boxing masters, and then defeated Ma San, before he stood in front of Gong Yutian.

In the film of his previous life, ye Wen and Ma San didn't fight each other. Xiao Yunhai felt that it was not appropriate, so he modified the plot and let them have a competition.

Many times of fighting and various kinds of martial arts show, once again caused a warm response from the fans, applause and cheers.

"It's wonderful. Every punch and foot is so beautiful and powerful and powerful."

"Kung Fu Xiao's movements are so handsome. With Taijiquan, I've been through so many levels in a row. It's amazing. "

"A big director is a big director. I feel worthy of this trip just for the performance of more than ten minutes."

"What I like most is the picture. It's too fine."

The plot continues. Gong Yutian takes out a cake and asks Ye Wen to break it off.

The version of the king of sunglasses let the two people turn around a few times, and then ye man broke the cake by listening to the bridge.

Xiao Yunhai felt that it was difficult to understand this treatment, so he added some special effects lens, including blood flow, pore shrinkage, cake virtual force, etc., mainly to show people the power of miyuda.

Later, ye Wen broke the cake and won the final victory.

Everyone applauded and applauded. Although the competition was not fierce at all, it was very tall and artistic conception.

Next, Zhao Wanqing plays Gong Er to see his father lost, and then to Xiao Yunhai contest.

In this competition, Xiao Yunhai designed a very beautiful and elegant movement, especially Zhao Wanqing's "gossip 64" style, which combined with her beautiful face and cold and gorgeous temperament, was absolutely beautiful, which shocked all the fans in the cinema.

"Miss Zhao is strong in her softness. She is so beautiful."

"It's a classic fight."

"It's amazing that I can see the love between each other from their actions."

Applause and cheers resounded through the whole studio. Xiao Yunhai breathed a deep breath and completely put down his heart.

The film continues. In order to avoid the pursuit of Japanese soldiers, master shiyitian of Baji got to know Gong er. Later, he betrayed the organization and fought with more than ten people. His cold temperament, cold eyes and ferocious actions made everyone take a breath of cold air. This man is too cruel.Ma San betrays his country for glory and kills his master Gong Yutian. Gong Er is determined to revenge and never marry.

After the Japanese left, Gong ER and Ma San duel in the snowy railway station. One is soft and the other is hard. Ma San is defeated by showing the way of hardness and softness in Kung Fu.

From the north of Xiangjiang River, ye man came across a line of heaven, Baji boxing vs Taijiquan, Baji Dao vs Taiji sword. The two fight together, which is eye opening.

Ye man finds Gong er. In the snow, the cool and gorgeous Gong Er shows him sixty-four eight trigrams palms, which is so beautiful that it amazes everyone again.

This is the end of the film, but instead of standing up, people are still sitting there with their eyes fixed on the screen.

Soon, Xingyi, Taiji, Baji, Bagua, Yongchun, Hongquan and other kungfu masters showed us the real Chinese Kungfu.

Watching the powerful explosive power, lightning speed and astonishing destructive power of kung fu masters on the screen, the fans took a breath.

"Damn it. It's scary."

"Is this the power of Chinese Kung Fu? My God, it's much better than the Taekwondo I learned. "

"It's unbelievable that a hand knife can cut off a tree with thick arms."

"I must go to the martial arts school tomorrow to learn Chinese Kung Fu. It's so cool."

Ten minutes later, the end of the film is over.

When the screen was completely dark, there was a great deal of applause.

"The great master of a generation" is so beautiful

"Fortunately, I didn't believe those spurts. Otherwise, I would have to cry to death for missing such a good film."

"Kung Fu Xiao is Kung Fu Xiao. The film is wonderful."

"I'm going to give this movie nine points, absolutely good."

In the crowd, the reporter quietly asked a famous film critic: "Mr. Hawthorne, what do you think of this" master of the generation "

Hawthorne pushed his glasses and said, "this is the best Chinese kung fu movie I've ever seen. The exquisite pictures, sharp editing, beautiful music and beautiful fighting all give people a kind of beautiful enjoyment. I think it's much better than "Jingwu hero."

"If you were asked to score, how much would you give it?"

Hawthorne thought for a moment and said, "I gave 8.5 points to the original Jingwu hero, and I will give 8.8 points to this artistic masterpiece" master of the generation. "

"OK, thank you for the interview." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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