Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:42 AM

Chapter 1257

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"Master of a generation" was shot by Xiao Yunhai after "2012". The two chatted for a while and then hung up.

Xiao Yunhai tells Zhao Wanqing about Zhang Xinyi's pregnancy. Zhao Wanqing is also very happy for them.

After a bath, he came to the study. Xiao Yunhai opened his computer and boarded the rotten tomato website.

The score of "master of a generation" appeared on the top, with 164000 people scoring. The score was very good, with an average of 8.37, which was much higher than that of boxing God.

There are a lot of film critics' posts below, most of them are good reviews, and the worst ones are 7.5 points.

In the famous film forums, countless fans have also expressed their views.

"Kung Fu Xiao didn't let us down. This is the most meaningful kung fu movie I've ever seen. It's great."

"From the beginning of" a generation of masters ", my idol is Wanqing. Zhao, she plays the second palace is simply unparalleled."

"What is the picture of" a generation of masters "? It's too detailed. Even a drop of rain is clearly photographed, and the Kung Fu used is a perfect combination of strength and beauty. I'll give it nine if I give it a score. "

"Classics," a generation of masters "is absolutely a classic. Fortunately, Kung Fu Xiao brought it here, otherwise we would lose a lot. "

"I've already smelled the smell of Oscar best actress, that is Wanqing Zhao. Unfortunately, she won't compete for the Oscars

Obviously, the fans are very fond of "master of the generation", and the box office is no worse.

The European box office was the first to show three shows on the opening night, winning 124 million US dollars, and the attendance rate was more than 95%.

North America is even more terrifying. The attendance rate has almost reached 100%, with 232 million US dollars in one fell swoop.

In addition to $117 million from other regions, the global box office of "master of the generation" broke through $720 million on the opening night alone, shaking the whole world.

Of course, it also has something to do with the number of screens and Xiao Yunhai's fame, but in any case, "master of the generation" has become popular all over the world.

However, what makes Xiao Yunhai feel a little depressed is that Paramount's "the God of fist" has also achieved very good results. On June 5, he won $621 million, and on June 6, he won $781 million, which was not affected by the "master of the first generation" at all, and its word-of-mouth is just a little inferior to that of "the great master of one generation".

On June 7, the global box office of "master of the generation" was $1.358 billion, while that of Europe and the United States was 782 million, while "boxing God" won 794 million, which was higher than "master of the generation" in Europe and the United States, ranking first and second in the box office list of European and American films on that day.

Seeing that "the God of fists" has achieved such good results, Paramount Pictures is going to hold a celebration party on the evening of June 8. It invited dozens of Hollywood stars in the name of David Stern, and even sent an invitation to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai saw the invitation, and with a smile, threw it in the garbage can accurately.

With his temper, if he didn't want to go back to China, he really wanted to make trouble.

On Saturday, June 8, the Grand Master of the first generation had an average attendance rate of 76% and a global box office of $1.728 billion. Europe and the United States brought him 897 million, far more than the 747 million of boxing God.

"Boxing God" is only two days earlier than "a generation of masters", at this time, there are some successors can not.

On June 9, perhaps due to Paramount's celebration, the box office of the film has increased to a great extent, with a good result of 817 million. Unfortunately, it is still not as good as the 942 million yuan of "master of the generation". The global box office nearly broke through 2 billion yuan, reaching 1.938 billion US dollars.

"Master of a generation" is in a mess in the global fire, word-of-mouth, not to say, Chinese Kung Fu also with this film completely popular.

When shooting "Jingwu hero", Xiao Yunhai was just a director who made his debut in the world film circle. Now, he is the richest man in the world, the director who has won the first box office in the world, and he is also an unparalleled kung fu master. His fans are almost over one billion.

Such people can vigorously promote Chinese Kung Fu, and the effect is much greater than any form of publicity.

There are long lines at the entrance of martial arts schools all over the world. Both Chinese and foreigners have asked to join in.

Those curators who have real skills will certainly not miss such a good publicity opportunity and show their efforts in front of them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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