Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:39 AM

Chapter 1258

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According to statistics, more than 10 million people around the world have gone to the Chinese martial arts school to learn martial arts due to the influence of "master of one generation". Among them, Taiji, Baji, Bagua and Xingyi are the most popular martial arts. Thus, it can be seen that the film has great power in cultural propaganda.

On June 10, Paramount's fantasy blockbuster Titan was shown in major cinemas in Europe and the United States. It won 424 million US dollars at the box office, far more than the grand master on the first night of the movie. The score of rotten Tomato Online was 8.82, which was called the best fantasy film ever.

As a result, the box office of "master of the generation" dropped to $584 million in Europe and the United States, but Asia was still very strong, taking $485 million.

At the same time, the movie "the God of fist" by Paramount himself was also strongly impacted by Titan, which only won 275 million US dollars, which was completely useless.

On June 11, the box office of Titan was $788 million in Europe and the United States, and $517 million was in the grand master, and 1.167 billion in the world. However, the boxer dropped out of the competition completely and only took a poor $147 million.

Paramount Pictures took the opportunity to download "the God of fist" off-line at a high price on the Internet video network, but also gained a lot of income.

At the time when "master of the generation" and "Titan" were in full swing in the world film world, the World Cup theme song MV recorded by Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing was released all over the world.

These two songs have been on music websites around the world for a long time, with a total download volume of 200 million.

On the billboard in North America, these two songs directly landed first and second.

What makes Xiao Yunhai feel speechless is that the song "the cup of life" has ascended the champion's position, Zhao Wanqing's "football moment" ranked second.

As a result, Zhao Wanqing's invincible gold body was actually broken by her husband. She failed to become the billboard champion for 13 consecutive weeks as Xiao Yunhai did last year. This event was nicknamed by fans as the biggest Oolong in the history of music.

Two World Cup songs were made into a MV, which was loved by hundreds of millions of fans. In just one day, it broke all sales records and won 63 million copies of sales. This is due to insufficient preparation.

With only a dozen days left to start the world cup, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, the couple, have become the most dazzling existence in this period of time, and have won numerous fans again.

The second spring of the great master also broke out. On June 12, it won $1.352 billion in global box office, while Europe and the United States only lost 200 million compared with "Titan", taking 458 million,.

On June 13 and 14, they broke through the billion mark one after another, and only fell on the 15th, and only 487 million US dollars were obtained.

From its premiere on June 6 to June 15, the global box office of "master of the generation" reached 10.4 billion US dollars, making it the sixth movie of Marvel Comics company with more than 10 billion yuan.

Xiao Yunhai was on the China News Network again, probably because "a generation of masters" is a film to promote Chinese Kung Fu, so it took five minutes to broadcast this time.

If you put it on other directors, I'm afraid the whole entertainment industry has already exploded, but Xiao Yunhai, whether it's insiders or fans outside the industry, is actually very calm and has not caused too much waves.

In addition to those conscientious entertainment news broadcast the news, only Xiao Yunhai's fans congratulated him on his homepage.

The reason is that everyone is familiar with his achievements. He has been on the news broadcast three or four times. It's really nothing exciting.

To this end, Xiao Yunhai is very proud, quite a kind of feeling of being too high to be cold.

But Paramount Pictures can't accept it.

They used two blockbusters to attack "master of the first generation". In the end, they even let each other win more than 10 billion dollars. The enemy was not hurt. Instead, they made a fuss and suffered a lot of losses. It was really depressing.

Fortunately, both of their films were profitable, otherwise Franklin would have to cry to death.

Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, on June 20, "a generation of masters" was officially painted. The final box office was $11.248 billion, ranking fifth in the world film list.

As a result, the top six in the world box office have become the world of Marvel comics.

Seeing that there are less than five days left before the world cup, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing are ready to leave for London, but they don't want an invitation to postpone the time.

This is an invitation from STEL network company to Xiao Yunhai, inviting him to attend the reception held by their company in Yanjing on the afternoon of June 21 to celebrate the establishment of STEL music network, business network and video network in Sanyuan Hotel, a super five-star hotel.

Before that, David Stern sent him an invitation to celebrate the box office sales of "boxing God". Xiao Yunhai did not attend because of his return home. I didn't expect that in less than two weeks, David Steele had never changed his mind and sent him an invitation, just to make him sick. I'm afraid they never thought Xiao Yunhai would go.Will Xiao Yunhai go? Of course.

After receiving the invitation, Xiao Yunhai decided to go without thinking.

"Wife, will you go tomorrow night?" Xiao Yunhai shook the invitation in his hand and asked.

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "I'm not going. Husband, this is obviously a Hongmen banquet. You really want to attend it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm going to go when I'm invited. If I don't go, people think I'm afraid of him. As the saying goes, head can be broken, blood can flow, face can not be lost

Zhao Wanqing gave him a look and said, "can you be serious. Come on, I'd better follow you to avoid problems. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "No. What can you do to me with people from stell networks? In America, they can't do it, let alone in Yanjing. This is our acre. "

Zhao Wanqing patted her forehead and said, "husband, you think I'm worried about you. I'm afraid you'll make a mess of the party. It's not good to hear it out. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't worry, I won't make trouble." ,


"More true than pearls. Of course, if they don't mess with me. "

"Well. When are we going to London? The International Football Association urged us to rehearse

"Tomorrow night, I'll finish the party and we'll start right away, OK?"


The next afternoon, Xiao Yunhai wore a T-shirt on his upper body and a pair of casual pants on his lower body. He was ready to attend the reception of STEL network company.

Zhao Wanqing quickly grabbed him, pointed to his clothes and said with tears and laughter: "husband, you are too informal. People are dressed in suits and leather shoes. Don't you think it's a problem if you wear it like this? "

"What's the problem?" Xiao Yunhai did not care to say: "I can go to David Stern's bullshit party is already a face to them. On such a hot day, it would be nice for me not to wear underpants. I don't have a chance to change my suit or evening dress. Wife, you don't have to worry about me. Just pack up. I'm full of food and drink, waiting for me to go to the airport together. "

Zhao Wanqing said helplessly, "OK, as you please." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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