Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:38 AM

Chapter 1259

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Sanyuan hotel is a super five-star chain hotel in Huaxia, covering the first tier cities in China, with a market value of hundreds of billions. It is said that Sanyuan hotel has begun to March abroad, which is very powerful.

Xiao Yunhai's villa is not far away from Sanyuan hotel. It is more than half an hour away, which is still due to the traffic jam on the road. If Xiao Yunhai runs, it will take more than ten minutes.

At this time, Yanjing is the rush hour of work. Li Bing's driving with Xiao Yunhai has just crossed two intersections, and is blocked in the middle of the road. He does not move for five minutes.

Xiao Yunhai said helplessly: "brother Li, do you think I'm cheap enough. It's only 20 minutes' walk, but you have to drive me there. Now it's all right. It's blocked here. Why bother to come here? "

Li Bing said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, you are the richest man in the world and an international superstar. If you walk there by yourself and let people see it, it will be too cheap."

Xiao Yunhai said: "come on, I am me, and my identity is a fart. Five people and six people in a luxury car are you a character? Forget it, I don't know how many such people have been secretly scolded as scum. Shit, when on earth can I live

Li Bing opened the safety belt and said, "don't be impatient. I'll go to the front to see what's going on? No matter what, you can't be motionless

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "OK, go back quickly."

Three minutes later, Li Bing came back and said with a bitter smile to Xiao Yunhai: "there was an accident ahead. It seems that it is very serious. The traffic police are dealing with it."

Xiao Yunhai said: "well, I don't wait. I'll walk directly. It's only 15 minutes' journey anyway."

With that, Xiao Yunhai put on his sunglasses, opened the door, got out of the car and walked to the hotel.

Li Bing shook his head and said to himself, "boss Xiao has not changed at all."

Soon, Xiao Yunhai walked to Sanyuan hotel.

Good guy, the red carpet in front of the hotel extends directly to the intersection, and there are many reporters taking photos there. If there are hundreds of fans standing there, it will be an award ceremony.

A sharp eyed reporter saw Xiao Yunhai coming. He rubbed his eyes and asked the reporter next to him: "do you want to see if that is the emperor of cloud? I'm short-sighted. I can't see clearly. "

Hearing this, the reporter couldn't help laughing and said, "how can it be? The world knows that the relationship between yunhuang and Stell network company is so bad that they have been fighting each other. How can they... "

" my God, it's really the cloud emperor. Is he here to make trouble on purpose? "

As long as he spoke, the reporters around him had already done it.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

The sound of pressing the shutter became a piece of sound, and the flash lamp made the scene look like daylight.

Xiao Yunhai waved to them with a smile, and then went to Jason stern, who was standing outside the door.

Jason stell knew that the company sent an invitation to Xiao Yunhai just to disgust him. He never thought that Xiao Yunhai had really come.

"Mr. Xiao's presence really brings us stern network company into full bloom."

After the European TV broadcasting rights, Xiao Yunhai's impression of Jason stell is just to the extreme. He is a man with a lot of bad water and a lot of smiles.

Although Xiao Yunhai didn't like him, on the surface, he was still. He shook hands with a smile and said, "Mr. stern, I haven't expressed my thanks to you yet."

"Thank me?" Jason Steele asked in surprise, "Mr. Shaw, why didn't I understand what you said?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "a few days ago, in order to get TV broadcasting rights in Europe from Mr. Bix, President of Time Warner, I sold paramount playground to him for more than $70 billion. As a result, because of your persuasion, Mr. Bix unilaterally tore up the contract, and I had to turn to my government. I didn't expect that I spent only a few billion dollars to buy TV broadcasting rights from all over the world, which saved me more than 40 billion dollars. Do you think I should thank you very much? "

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, Jason Stern's face was very ugly, but in the face of the reporter, he reluctantly said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao is joking. That's your skill, it has nothing to do with me."

"Close your arms to his father's mouth, and gently hold you in a false voice

Then he patted him on the shoulder and walked into the hotel.

Jason Stern's face turned blue, turned his head and looked at Xiao Yunhai's back with a kind of cruel eyes, and said secretly, "one day, I must let you kneel down in front of me."

The reporters at the scene have been watching the two people's meeting. Seeing that there was no conflict between them, they could not help feeling disappointed.

A young reporter puzzled said: "all said that the relationship between the cloud emperor and STEL network company is not good, how I look at the two people seem to be very friendly."

The middle-aged reporter nearby was amused by his words and said, "little brother, which eye do you see that their relationship is good?"The young reporter said: "just now the emperor of cloud and Mr. stern embraced with a smile, isn't it a friendly expression?"

The middle-aged reporter said with a smile: "this little brother, are you an intern reporter. I tell you, these big people are polite on the surface, but they are actually fighting in secret. Take that hug, for example. Don't you notice that Mr. Stern's face turns blue when the emperor says that? "

Another reporter nearby said, "yes. Also, the emperor wanted to thank him. It was obvious that he was laughing at Jason stern for stealing chicken. To tell you the truth, what really surprised me today was that STEL network company invited the cloud emperor, and the cloud emperor came swaggering. Although wearing a T-shirt and casual pants, very informal, but after all, it is coming

The middle-aged reporter held up his glasses and said, "I think David Stern is demonstrating to him in his invitation to Emperor yunhuang, and the cloud emperor is coming here to show his attitude to sternet. That is, I am not afraid of you at all."

"Maybe. These people's minds, we ordinary people are not clear. Ha ha, the arrival of emperor Yun has given us a good news material. "

While the reporters were talking, Xiao Yunhai, led by a waiter, came to the hall where the reception was held.

At this time, more than 40 well-known figures in the business and political circles had come, and several of them were business representatives attending the government work conference at the beginning of the year.

Liang Qianqiu, Minister of culture, is here, talking to David Stern.

Seeing the arrival of Xiao Yunhai, almost everyone stopped talking and looked at him in surprise.

"Lao Li, why is Mr. Xiao here? It's amazing. "

"Yes. In principle, Mr. Shaw should not have been involved in the relationship with STEL networks. Is it to make trouble? "

"What are you talking about. He is the richest man in the world. He has nothing to do with his leisure. He comes here to make trouble and make international jokes. "

As a landlord, David Steele obviously didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai would really accept the invitation and plead guilty to Liang Qianqiu. He went to Xiao Yunhai and stretched out his hand. He said with a smile: "welcome Mr. Xiao to the reception held by our STEL network company. Your arrival really makes us look bright here. "

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said with a smile, "Mr. stern has invited me so formally. How can I not come. That's not a shame. "

David Steele laughed and said, "Mr. Shaw came here in his T-shirt. He really gave me face. Look, I almost forgot. I haven't congratulated Mr. Xiao on the box office sales of his movie "the great master of the generation."

Xiao Yunhai said: "what can I do for you. I'm not happy about the fact that a movie with a box office of more than $15 billion has been hit by two blockbusters, which has lost $3.8 billion in revenue. Mr. stern, I have to say to you, we have such a good relationship that we have to snipe at me? "

David Stern said, "Mr. Shaw misunderstood. We paramount have never deliberately aimed at you, just at the right time. Besides, didn't our two films suffer the same huge loss? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you are active, but I am passive. We are not the same. Well, it's not interesting to say that. I'm here to congratulate you. At the same time, your company has set up a music network, a video network and a business network in China, which is really a big deal. Mr. stern, if you ask you a question, aren't you afraid to go too far and talk about that? "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, the people around him almost burst out laughing, and the muscles on his face trembled, and he finally put up with it.

None of them expected that Xiao Yunhai would say such a thing in the face of David Stern, a commercial giant who is almost at the top of the pyramid. It's so speechless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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