Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:41 AM

Chapter 126

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Sitting on the bench, Xiao Yunhai did not rush to play, but tried the sound first. Hands quickly dance on the keyboard, the speed is very fast, the audience can only see the phantom, but the sound is extremely smooth and natural.

The audition time was only ten seconds, and Xiao Yunhai felt that the piano was really wonderful.

Xiao Yunhai took a deep breath and said to the microphone near his mouth: "a song of the only one is for you, and also for my favorite sister. She is an angel from my parents, and I hope she will be happy forever

Xiao Yunling nearby heard the elder brother's words, tears couldn't stop flowing out of his eyes. In the past, the laughter lingered in Xiao Yunling's ears again.

"Brother, I love you too."

For the sincere feelings of the two brothers and sisters, the audience again gave warm applause.

Xiao Yunhai deeply forgets Xiao Yunling. He closes his eyes and calms his mind. When he opens again, the sound of the piano also rings.

The song "the only one" is the representative work of Wang Lihong, a former musical talent. Its rhythm and melody are very slow, so it is better to test the singer's singing skills.

Xiao Yunhai seems to have been intoxicated with his piano rhythm, with a smile on his face.

Ye Yongren nodded approvingly. If a singer can't even enter the atmosphere of the song when he sings, he will undoubtedly be infatuated if he wants to move the audience.

The audience seemed to be affected by the sound of the piano. The noise gradually quieted down. They gently waved the fluorescent sticks in their hands, waiting for Xiao Yunhai to sing.

"How clear my sky is,

transparent is all the air of the past.

Holding my hand is you,

but your smile is not clear.

Whether a star has changed its heart or not

...... "

Xiao Yunhai's first sentence immediately won applause from the audience.

His voice is very quiet, clear, very high recognition, with a kind of magnetism in the middle, which makes people have to be attracted by its voice.

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's first section of singing, ye Yongren, as a top musician, is full of surprise. As long as there is not too much difference behind, this song can definitely reach the level of top-level or even classic songs.

It is worthy of being the emperor of cloud. If you don't, you will have already. If you do, you will be a fine product.

"Kunzi, how about this song?" Li Zongmin asked Yan Kun next to him.

Yan Kun is the son of Ye Yongren's sister. He has been fond of music since he was a child. He worships his Uncle Ye Yongren very much. He dreams that one day he can become a superstar like his uncle who is crazy for hundreds of millions of people.

To this end, he studied music very hard, piano, guitar, bass and other instruments are superb.

Hearing Li Zongmin's question, Yan Kun's face, who had been listening with his eyes closed, looked at Xiao Yunhai, who was completely immersed in the song on the stage, and said: "Uncle Li, this song of Mr. Xiao has a slow rhythm, simple and fresh melody, but it is very powerful. With his clear and clear voice, this song can be called a classic."

Speaking of this, Yan Kun sighed and enviously said, "if only I had such a song."

Li patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "what do you think if you asked him to write a song like this for you?"

Yan Kun listened to a Leng, then said with surprise: "of course. Uncle Li, do you promise to write a song to him? "

Li Zongmin said, "it's up to people. When the concert is over, let's have a good talk with him. Maybe it can be done. "

Yan Kun nodded and said, "as long as I have such a song, I will definitely be able to break out."

At this time, the song has entered the part of the chorus. Xiao Yunhai takes a deep breath and suddenly bursts out of his chest. The tune rises two tones directly.

"Baby, you are the only one for me

both worlds are deformed

it's not easy to go back to talk

make sure you are the only one for me

say I love you on the phone alone

I really love you baby

I can't love you more"


the melody of this song seems to be slow, but the rhythm is very strong, which has a stable and strong sense of rhythm Control is a very tough test.

But Xiao Yunhai can sing with ease. The lyrics almost pop out of his mouth word by word, soft and powerful. With his perfect voice, everyone is immersed in the melody and melody of the song, and even the fluorescent stick in his hand is forgotten to wave.

Finally, Xiao Yunhai finished the last sentence, and the sound of the piano slowly ended.

The whole stadium was quiet for three seconds, followed by a torrent of applause and shouts. The audience at the scene opened their throats and yelled at Xiao Yunhai.

Soon the cry became the classic slogan."The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

Xiao Yunling didn't expect his brother to have such a great charm, which made the fans of the whole stadium crazy, and a sense of pride in his heart came into being.

Yan Kun heard the cry of almost overturning the gymnasium. His face was envious and said firmly: "in the future, I will also be able to let the fans cheer for me."

Xiao Yunhai saw the warm response of the audience, and with a slight smile, he stood up and bowed to the audience with a gentlemanly bow, which attracted the fans' louder calls.

Ye Yongren came to the stage and hugged Xiao Yunhai. He said to the fans, "the products of yunhuang must be excellent products. This song is absolutely the best of the best. I ask you, is this song good? "

"Good to hear."

"Do you want to hear more?"

"I want to hear it."

I'm sorry to hear that. If you let him sing again, will I not be his home? I will never do such a loss making business. "

"Ha ha ha."

"Well, just a joke. Let's give our warmest applause to Xiao Yunhai and Xiao Yunling for their beautiful songs. Thank you. "

In the applause and shouting of fans, ye Yongren hugged Xiao Yunhai and Xiao Yunling respectively.

As soon as the two brothers and sisters stepped off the stage hand in hand, they were stopped by Li Zongmin.

"Yunhai, you'd better follow me. If you want to take your seats again, I think the fans around you will eat you

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I'll trouble Mr. Li."

Li Zongmin took them to a corner with a better view, just in time to see the performance on the stage, which made Xiao Yunling very happy.

Ye Yongren's concert lasted two and a half hours, singing more than 20 songs, and this was the end.

The audience at the bottom called it fun, while they couldn't help discussing with their peers, they left the stadium reluctantly.

Xiao Yunhai's two brothers and sisters followed Li Zongmin to the reception room of the backstage and talked.

After a while, Yan Kun, who is very similar to Lin Junjie, also came. Li Zongmin pointed to him and said to Xiao Yunhai, "Yunhai, this is Yan Kun, the singer signed by our Yongren studio. I think you've heard his singing at that time. I don't know how it feels? "

"Hello, Miss Xiao." Yan Kun said hello politely.

Xiao Yunhai quickly waved his hand and said, "don't call me a teacher. I'm not necessarily older than you in terms of age."

"The ancients were masters. Yunhai, although you are young, your talent is well-known in the whole circle. Kunzi calls you a teacher. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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