Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:29 AM

Chapter 1266

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As a leader, David Steele knew that he had no shortage of flatterers around him, especially Martin Kelly.

"Martin, I've already informed the stell video network to let them play the world cup for free. At the same time, our IMD TV station will also be broadcast live in China. At this time, they should be contacting advertisers. I'm not worried about Asia. What I worry about most is Wall Street. This is where our foundation lies. Do you have any idea? " David Stern asked.

Martin Garley had thought about it for a long time, and said, "since we can't provide substantial evidence to justify ourselves, we'll muddle the water. It is not true to say that these things were made up at will by some companies that are hostile to us in order to suppress our share price maliciously. Whether it's true or not, no matter how many people believe it, as long as we debate this topic on the Internet, we can breathe a sigh of relief. Boss, you need to contact several banks as soon as possible, let them come out to testify for you, coupled with our strong public relations, everything will disappear. The most important point is that the speed must be fast. One day later, we will lose a lot of money. We really can't afford it for a long time. "

David Stern nodded and said, "I'll get in touch now. As for banks, let's find the presidents of the major banks that have cooperation with our company. "

David Stern's efficiency was terrifying. It took less than two hours to negotiate and implement.

First of all, Carlos Eve, President of Citibank, issued a video to testify for David Stern in person, saying that the comments on the Internet are all nonsense, and there is nothing at all. Then, the presidents of three major international banks, including HSBC, Barclays and chase bank, all appeared to testify David Stern's personal assets.

The company's stock price plummeted on purpose, and they didn't know where the company's share price fell sharply from the Internet.

For a moment, netizens are in a burst of confusion, do not know who to trust.

Kristi's reaction is also very fast, found that the STEL network company has a white wash, immediately refuted their claims.

"Since the four major banks all said that David Stern was not bankrupt, why did they use the name of STEL network company when they went to the bank for loans. As for the claim that other companies deliberately discredit them, please provide solid evidence to prove that those things are false. It shouldn't be hard. If you can't get it, it's just that there's something wrong with STEL networks. In doing so, they are merely mixing the audio-visual and diverting people's attention. I dare to make a fool of myself when we are netizens. "

Kristi's anonymous post soon spread to all famous forums.

"Damn it, who is right. I'm so confused by them. "

"I bet there's definitely something wrong with stell networks. Among other things, the construction of the movie theater that has spread all over North America and the government's sale of their mouthpiece IMD TV station show that Stern network has a very close relationship with the government. "

"David Stern and our president are classmates. Of course, they have a good relationship."

"Yes. When I was running for president, stell networks was behind the scenes. Now that people are on the stage, they naturally have to take care of David Stern in every way, which is normal. "

"Forget it. I always think that Stern network company is not very reliable. Now that the whole Asia is against him, I dare not hold its shares any more. If I don't do it well, I'll lose all my money. "

"I think so. The appearance of the presidents of the four major banks must have been entrusted by stern Wang network company. I can't believe what they said

David Stern's idea, less than half an hour, was deciphered by Kristi, and there were again numerous posts selling stell shares on the Internet.

Christie didn't have to think about it. She knew that it must be her own allies who did not know who launched the attack, and there were at least 20 of them. Otherwise, it would not have formed such a large scale.

Hehe, it seems that this stell network company has offended a lot of people.

If something goes wrong, it's all right without the help of a brother company. It's really bad luck to see so many people who have fallen into trouble.

But Kristi doesn't think it's unrealistic to be able to bring down stell networks through all this stuff.

Her goal is not to let it recover so quickly, just need to keep the stock price plummeting for three days in a row, and she can buy the most shares of stell network company at the least cost.

What makes her feel depressed is that she is not only interested in the shares of stell network company, but also several mysterious buyers are buying crazily, which makes Kristi only buy 1.24% shares today, far from reaching her target of 2%.

The next day, the American stock market opened. As soon as the stock market of the United States opened, the stock price of stell network company began to plummet. Investors sold their shares one after another, while Kristi and several other mysterious buyers madly bought them. At the end of the day, the market value of stell network company fell by 8% again. Kristi acquired 2.11% of the shares, and yesterday, it owned 3.35%.If you buy the other two 6.4% of the shares, then Xiao Yunhai will become a major shareholder of the company.

After the rehearsal of the world cup, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went around London, visited many classics such as the British Museum, Buckingham Palace, the Thames River, London Tower Bridge, and ate many delicious Western food.

at 10 am on June 26, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to Wembley At this time, the players of the Chinese national team are getting familiar with the field and doing some pre combat training.

The opening ceremony of the world cup will be held at 5 o'clock this afternoon, which will take about an hour, followed by a ball game between China and Portugal, a strong European team.

As the first team to play, the Organizing Committee of the world cup has given them a welfare, that is, they can train for an hour on the goal field in the morning.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's arrival immediately attracted the attention of reporters outside the stadium.

They couldn't get into the stadium, so they had to take pictures of players training from a long distance outside. Suddenly, they saw the world's richest man Xiao Yunhai and his wife arrived and immediately surrounded them.

"Mr. Xiao, are you and Miss Zhao here to watch the training of the Chinese national football team?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. I'm their fan. If I want to get to know them, at least I need a autograph or a group photo

"How many places do you think the Chinese football team can win in this world cup?"

Xiao Yunhai didn't think about it, so he replied, "of course, it's the first. In addition to the champion, we Chinese fans will not be satisfied with any results

A reporter was directly happy and said, "Mr. Xiao, do you think it is possible? The strength of Chinese national football team is only ranked 27th in the world, and there is a big gap with the first-class strong team. It's not so easy to get the Hercules cup, I'm afraid

Xiao Yunhai said: "if ranking is useful, is it necessary to compete? Football is round, anything can happen. As long as the players dare to fight, nothing can't be done

"Mr. Xiao ..” , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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