Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:27 AM

Chapter 1267

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When Xiao Yunhai and his wife were interviewed, song Yuanyuan, the coach in the stadium, saw reporters gathered outside and seemed to be interviewing someone. He was surprised and asked the assistant, "what's going on over there?"

The assistant said, "I'll go and have a look."

After a while, the assistant came back and said, "coach, Mr. Xiao Yunhai and Miss Zhao Wanqing are here. They may want to come and see our training, and they are surrounded by reporters

On hearing this, Song Yuan immediately stood up from his chair and said, "let's go and ask them to come here. The idol of this group of boys is Mr. Xiao. As long as he can say some encouraging words, it will be more useful than we can shout out our throat. "

Song Yuan took several people to Xiao Yunhai's interview place, and the reporters around him immediately made way for him.

Joking, song Yuanyuan is the coach of the Chinese football team. If he annoys him and doesn't give them news in the future, it will be a big trouble.

"Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao, welcome to our training ground." Song Yuan said with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai reached out his hand and shook him for a moment and said, "coach song, I'm really sorry. Are we interrupting your training? "

Song Yuanyuan said with a smile, "where is it. This morning is mainly familiar with the venue, looking for the feeling of breaking the door. I was thinking about how to do ideological mobilization. Now that you are here, it's easy to do it. "

Zhao Wanqing asked in surprise, "coach song, what do you mean by this?"

Song Yao said: "Miss Zhao has no idea. The idol of these boys is Mr. Xiao. I want to ask him to cheer up the players. It's no exaggeration to say that one of his words is enough for us to say one day. Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao, let's go in. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "wait a minute, coach song. Can you let us reporters from Yunqing TV station go in together. You can rest assured that he will never disturb your training

Song Yuan said with a smile: "no problem."

Hearing song Yuanyuan agree to come down, all the reporters' eyes turned red and looked at the young reporter of Yunqing TV station.

At the same time, he said in his heart, "it's really good to enjoy the cool by leaning back on the big tree."

Journalists all hope to get the first-hand information about the world cup. Now that the game has not been held, we can only take some unimportant pictures.

Now Yunqing TV reporter because of Xiao Yunhai into the training ground of the Chinese national team, certainly will not miss this rare opportunity.

In this way, the first-hand information is also in the hands of Yunqing TV station. They have something that other TV stations don't have, so the ratings are fine.

Young reporters and photographers follow Xiao Yunhai and song Yuanyuan in a face of excitement. When they see the expression of envy, jealousy and hatred, they will feel comfortable in their hearts.

When Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing walked into the court, all the players were in a burst of exclamation, and then brush, Xiao Yunhai was surrounded.

"Emperor Yun, can you sign my name on my clothes?"

"Yunhuang, let's take a picture. I'm a big fan of you. I've read all your works for many times. "

A group of players in the sight of their idols, instant into fanatical fans, is to sign, is to take a group photo.

Song Yuanyuan frowned and yelled: "please line up for me. What are you arguing about? There is no discipline. "

Song Yuanyuan is very strong in the football team. At an order, everyone quickly stands up, but his eyes are looking at Xiao Yunhai.

Song Yao said: "after the opening ceremony this afternoon, it is our first World Cup group match. It is not easy to win against Portugal, which is ranked 12th. In their busy schedule, Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao took the time to come here, either for other purposes or to cheer everyone up. You say, can we lose? "

"No The players answered in a loud voice.

"Yes, not only can we not lose, we have to win and try to pass the group match in two rounds. Now let's clap our hands and ask Mr. Xiao to say a few words to us

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

The players all clapped together and looked at Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand. After the applause subsided, he said with a smile: "I heard coach song say that I am your idol. That's not true. In fact, you are my idols. Because I'm a big fan of our national football team. Apart from you, I don't know the players from other countries in the world, no matter how good they play

"Ha ha ha." The crowd couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "just outside, some reporters asked me, Mr. Xiao, what do you think your Chinese football team can win this world cup? I told him, of course, it was number one. We don't want anything but number one. They were skeptical and asked why I had such great confidence? I said football is round, as long as we dare to fight, we can win the Hercules cup. They said, "am I right?"

"Yes." The players roared together, their voices were magnificent and deafening.

Xiao Yunhai said: "sharpen a sword in four years. The world cup is held every four years, but our football player's whole career has several more four years. If you don't work hard, don't fight, and lose to others in the end, it's definitely a lifelong regret for you. I don't want to sing a high profile here, and I don't want to say anything big. I just want to tell you that you are not fighting alone. You represent not only yourself, but also the football players who failed to enter the national team. Behind you are hundreds of millions of Chinese fans. For them, our goal can only be the Hercules cup. Because only this cup can be worthy of your hard work and the enthusiasm of the fans"The world cup is more than 30 days in total, and I will stay here for more than 30 days. I hope I can watch you win, win and win until the last game on July 28, and then win the world cup, which is the highest honor of football. Then don't forget to let me touch it

"Ha ha ha."

"In Europe, gambling is very popular. I'm sure I'll play two games, no matter who your opponent is, even Brazil, I'll always bet you win. When I win the money and you take the trophy, I will personally give you Daqing three days after returning to Yanjing. All the hotels in Yanjing, where you choose, we will go. All the expenses are covered by me. They said, "OK?"


"What is our goal?"


"What do we want?"

"Hercules cup."

Xiao Yunhai thumbs up and laughs: "yes, that's it. Come on, boys. "

Song Yuan saw the players after listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, one by one become energetic, fighting high spirited, can not help but be happy to say to the assistant next to: "how about? I'm right. A few words from Mr. Xiao are definitely better than what we have been saying for a long time. "

The assistant said with a smile, "this is the power of idols."

Xiao Yunhai asked Yunqing TV reporters to take a picture of himself and all the players, and then the players went to training. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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