Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:26 AM

Chapter 1268

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Song Yuan came to Xiao Yunhai and looked at the players who had a new look in their spirit and said, "thank you, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "what can I do for you. Coach song, let me tell you from the heart that the level of our team can be ranked in the world cup arena. Xiao Yunhai should run to the goal first.

Song Yao said: "Xinghua, the first penalty is up to you. The second... "

Ning Xinghua waved his hand, interrupted song Yuanyuan's words and said," coach, you don't need a second penalty. "

Ning Xinghua, known as the scoring machine, has great confidence in himself. He wants to stop his penalty, let alone a layman. Even Lu Hongwei can't do it.

Song Yuanyuan said with a smile: "this is also true."

When both sides were ready, Xiao Yunhai kicked the ball to Ning Xinghua and said, "Mr. Ning, you must not keep your hand. If I throw the ball out, the face of your super forward will not look good

Ning Xinghua said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, you must be ready."

Pull back 10 meters, Ning Xinghua fast run-up, and then a volley, straight to the top left corner of the goal, action elegant, ball speed is very fast.

When Ning Xinghua was running up, Xiao Yunhai kept staring at his shoulders and legs with Eagle like eyes, trying to determine the landing point of the ball from the tiny movements of his body.

Generally speaking, when the opponent takes a penalty kick, the goalkeeper will choose one direction to save. Because they can't, even if they can see the direction of the ball, it's hard to keep up with them. But Xiao Yunhai has no such problem, his body can keep up with his reaction.

Therefore, after accurately determining the location of the ball, Xiao Yunhai moved three feet to the left, bent his legs slightly, and then rose from the air to shoot out the ball which almost hit the dead corner.

"Damn it, how can it be?"

"It's too much to stop a ball like this."

"It seems to be better than Lao Lu."

The players were surprised to see how easily Xiao Yunhai blocked Ning Xinghua's high-quality shot.

Ning Xinghua can't believe his eyes. After shooting the ball, he is almost 100% sure that he will score. Even Lu Hongwei or the best goalkeeper in Europe can't stop him. Can never expect, Xiao Yunhai even beat it out, and it seems, but also very relaxed, not a bit of a hurry appearance.

As a goalkeeper, Lu Hongwei is also gaping, mumbling: "how possible?"

Coach song Yuanyuan's eyes were bright and his heart was a little excited. He said, "Xinghua's ball is perfect in terms of angle, speed and strength. This kind of ball, Mr. Xiao can handle it, that other ball is more no problem

Xiao Yunhai looked at Ning Xinghua who was standing there and said with a smile, "Mr. Ning, this is not a game. You just obviously didn't do your best. If you just want to try my appearance, I advise you not to do it. Because with a ball like that, even if you kick a hundred, you don't want to score one. Come on, start all over again. "

Song Yuan called out: "Xinghua, use your 100% strength, don't keep your hands."

He is also eager to test the strength of Xiao Yunhai, if it is not just by accident, then their team is found treasure.

Ning Xinghua nodded, took a football from the players, put it in the spot kick position, and then backed out five meters away, with a dignified look and no slightest contempt.

Starting, stopping and volleying are consistent and complete in one breath, like flowing clouds and flowing water, showing the skill of top shooters.

Just listen to the "bang" sound, the ball is a huge force draw, toward the goal quickly fly, the direction is the same as last time, no change, but the angle of choice is more subtle, more powerful.

"Good ball." Lu Hongwei couldn't help shouting.

When Ning Xinghua raised his legs and kicked, Xiao Yunhai judged the direction of the football through his center of gravity. He ran three steps to the left and took off abruptly. His ape arms were relaxed and he caught the ball naturally and calmly. As for the power carried on the ball, it is nothing to Xiao Yunhai.

After seeing Xiao Yunhai finish Ning Xinghua's shot, the whole court is silent. Everyone looks at Xiao Yunhai with a special look, as if they are looking at a monster.

Song Yuan asked softly, "grand, if it's you, can you catch it?"

Lu Hongwei gave a bitter smile and said, "I can't catch the first ball because I can't jump to the height of Mr. Xiao. As for the ball, I dare say no goalkeeper in the world can stop it. Mr. Xiao's judgment is too accurate, and his body movements can fully keep up with his reaction, such a goalkeeper is a nightmare for all forwards in the world

Song Yuan said with an excited face: "it's really great. Mr. Xiao can be our Assassin's mace. At the very least, we can send him on the penalty kick

Lu Hongwei said: "coach, what you should do now is to comfort Xinghua. He was hit hard. "Song Yuan looked at the past, as expected Ning Xinghua is standing there, a lonely face looking at the goal. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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