Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:40 AM

Chapter 127

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If you have nothing to offer, you can't be a traitor or a thief.

Yan Kun is a teacher. Li Zongmin next to him puts his high hats on Xiao Yunhai's head. If Xiao Yunhai can't hear the way inside, he's been in vain for decades.

"Mr. Li and Mr. Yan, do you have anything to do? As long as I can help Xiao Yunhai, I will never refuse. "

Li Zongmin hehe a smile, said: "cloud sea, that is, you asked so, then I said it."

It turns out that Yan Kun is Ye Yongren's nephew. He loved music since he was a child. Last year, he graduated from Berkeley Conservatory of music with the first grade in the whole school. After returning home, he joined his Uncle Ye Yongren's studio.

In order to make a name for himself, Yan Kun took part in the super singer competition held by CCTV under the arrangement of Yongren studio, and finally won the third place.

See nephew already had a lot of fans, ye Yongren is very happy, let people go everywhere to collect songs.

However, in this year, those famous songwriters have been carved up by the major companies, and good songs have become the strategic resources of these companies. It's hard to get the artists of their own family, let alone the outsider Yan Kun.

Finally, there is no way, ye Yongren personally found his studio affiliated to the Teana records company. With his position and prestige in the company, he made some good songs for Yan Kun. But there is only one key song with enough weight.

Today, seeing the famous Xiao Yunhai, ye Yongren and Li Zongmin naturally have the idea of inviting songs from him.

Li Zongmin finally said: "Yunhai, I know that it's not appropriate for us to invite you to sing at this juncture. After all, you haven't made an album of your own. But we really have no way. If you have extra songs, please spare one for us. The copyright fee is absolutely not a problem. "

Yan Kun's look at Xiao Yunhai is also full of expectation.

Both Dong Piao and Lu Quan, who won the place in the super singer competition, have already made albums. Dong Piao, with the help of Xiao Yunhai's two classic songs, has sold more than 6 million copies. It is impossible to say that he is not in a hurry.

In fact, Xiao Yunhai had already guessed their purpose. He was not surprised at all. He said with a smile: "I just heard Mr. Yan's singing, and found that his singing skills are really good. His voice is clean and clear without defects, and it is magnetic. The conversion between true and false sounds is perfect. Is it better than I, a non professional singer Less. No wonder we were able to win the top three in the competition

"Miss Xiao, I'm flattered. The only song you sang is really good." Speaking of this, Yan Kun pauses for a moment, his face looks puzzled, but he still bites his teeth and says to Xiao Yunhai in his most sincere tone: "Mr. Xiao, I really like your song" the only one ". Please sell it to me

"Kunzi, what are you talking about?" Li Zongmin frowned and said to Xiao Yunhai, "kunzi has been in the United States for a long time, and his character is a little straight. You can never mind."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I just like Mr. Yan's temperament. I'll make a long story short. This song "the only one" is not suitable for Mr. Yan to sing, because although your voice line is very beautiful and clean, but the strength is slightly insufficient. "

Seeing the disappointment on Yan Kun's face, Xiao Yunhai continued: "however, I have another song here. I feel very suitable for Mr. Yan."

After Xiao Yunhai's words, Yan Kun, who had no hope at all, brightened his eyes. He was surprised and said, "so, teacher Xiao has promised to write songs for me?"

"Of course, the name of this song is Jiangnan. I was going to put it on my new album. Now that there is a more suitable host, I will leave it to you. "

Jiangnan is as like as two peas Lin Junjie's famous works before, so that he can sing almost exactly the same as Yan Kun, who is almost identical.

"What about Miss Xiao's album?"

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha smile, said: "as for myself, then write a better song is not on the line."

Li Zongmin laughed and gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "today I have met an expert. Writing songs is as simple as eating and drinking water. It's really worthy of being the emperor of cloud."

"Miss Li is flattered. Mr. Yan, do you have any paper and pen here? "

"Yes, I'll get it."

In less than half a minute, Yan Kun prepared both the paper and the pen.

Xiao Yunhai wrote on the paper with a brush. After three minutes, it was finished and handed it to Yan Kun.

Yan Kun's expression was very excited. After receiving it, he didn't even say thank you. His eyes were fixed on the lyrics.

"When the wind comes here, it will stick to the thoughts of the passers-by

when the rain comes, we will be entangled in the world of lovers

you are beside us, which is fate

fate is written on the Sansheng stone

love has one ten thousand days

I would rather I were buried on this day..."Yan Kun looked more and more excited. His hands trembled with his lyrics and his face was flushed.

When Li Zongmin saw Yan Kun's appearance, he knew that this song must not be wrong. Otherwise, Yan Kun would not have such an expression.

As expected, Yan Kun's gratitude to Xiao Yunhai is beyond his words.

He held Xiao Yunhai's hand tightly and said, "Mr. Xiao, thank you very much. This song "Jiangnan" is just a masterpiece. No matter who sings it, it will be a hit. I don't know how to thank you if you can give it to me. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what you should thank most is not me, but Mr. Ye and Mr. Li. The two teachers really have nothing to say to you. I look at them with admiration. "

Li Zongmin saw Yan Kun looking at himself, quickly waved his hand and said, "OK, kunzi, don't say thank you. You should accompany Yunhai well, and I will draw up a contract. "

Before he went out, he met Ye Yongren who had just finished taking off her makeup. He was very happy to hear that his nephew's album main song had been finished. He was very happy and could not help thanking Xiao Yunhai.

In the case of two people deliberately make friends, less than five minutes, the two began to chat happily.

Xiao Yunhai mainly asked about some things in the entertainment industry, and ye Yongren also opened the conversation box. He did not refuse Xiao Yunhai's questions and told him many stories.

Xiao Yunhai is generally quiet to listen, but every time he comes to the key point, he always inserts a sentence, which makes Ye Yongren sigh deeply in my heart.

Taking advantage of Xiao Yunren's interest, she took out a dozen records and asked her to sign two copies.

Ye Yongren signed and said: "little sister, don't you know your big brother will definitely become a big star in the future. Why don't you go to him for signature?"

Xiao Yunling curled his mouth and said, "it's too familiar. There's no sense of mystery."

Ye Yongren laughed.

After a while, Li Zongmin came back with a contract. Xiao Yunhai and Yan Kun signed on it respectively, and the contract came into effect.

Out of his trust in Li Zongmin, Xiao Yunhai didn't read the contract seriously. After signing, he found that the amount was two million yuan. He could not help but change his face.

Although Huaxia's protection of the original is very strong, the price of a top song is less than 2 million.

Xiao Yunhai pushed the contract to Yan Kun and said to ye and Li, "two teachers are joking with me for a song of two million. Is this price too high? I can't afford it. "

Ye Yongren waved his hand and said, "nothing can't afford it. We should say we took advantage of you. With your current reputation, if you send this song to the Internet, you can download it at least eight million times. Today, we owe you a favor. Come to me if you have anything to do in the future. "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it, took over the bank card from Li Zongmin, nodded and said, "thank you two teachers. When I have inspiration, I will create a song for teacher ye for free. Please don't refuse. Well, it's getting late. It's time for my sister and I to go. "

Ye Yongren said with a smile, "it's too late to take a taxi. I'll send you off."

Xiao Yunhai said, "thank you."

On the bus, Xiao Yunhai asks for a pen and a piece of paper from her sister. Ignoring Xiao Yunling's surprise, he writes with brush.

When Lao Zhang sent his brother and sister to the door of his house, Xiao Yunhai also finished writing. He asked Lao Zhang to give the paper to Ye Yongchao.

After Lao Zhang went back, ye Yongchao opened it and read: "the legend of the hungry wolf"

he read it from the beginning to the end and sighed: "it's another classic song".

Give it to Li Zongmin and Yan Kun. Ye Yongchao said with a wry smile, "look, our advantage is big. It's another classic."

Li Zongmin shook his head and said, "I'm afraid that's what he said when he left to create a song for you. It's just that the speed is too high. It seems that it has been prepared for a long time. Lao ye, I bet you that Xiao Yunhai's future achievements will definitely exceed our imagination. If you have a chance, help him. Kunzi, you also left his phone number. You are all young people. If you have something to do, keep in touch. "

Yan Kun nodded and said, "I understand"

... When Xiao Yunhai's two brothers and sisters got home, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening.

Xiao Qifeng and Chen Xiuzhu did not rest and were still waiting for them in the living room watching TV. They didn't worry. With Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu, there were not many people who could hurt him.

Seeing the two people coming back, Chen Xiuzhu complained: "what time is it? How can I come back?"

Xiao Yunling walked over with a smile and told Chen Xiuzhu what had happened vividly. Finally, he said, "Mom, you don't know. Big brother is so powerful now. That's one song, sold for two million, and got the favor of Ye Tianwang. I was stupid. Brother, you don't care about this money anyway. You might as well give it to me. Hey, hey. "Xiao Yunhai listened, without saying a word, took out the bank card from his pocket, threw it to Xiao Yunling and said, "the password is on the card."

Xiao Yunling just made a joke on purpose. When she got the 2 million card, the whole person was stupid.

Seeing her daughter's appearance, Chen Xiuzhu said angrily to Xiao Yunhai: "so are you. No elder brother amuses his sister with two million yuan. Take it back

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mom, you'd better take this money. I'll give you another 18 million tomorrow, round up to 20 million. Let's change the villa. After all, after all, I became a big star. If you still live here, our family must be surrounded by reporters. What do you say? Dad. "

Xiao Qifeng frowned, considered for a while, and said, "it's OK. When we are free, your mother and I will go to see if there is a suitable place

Xiao Yunling heard that she was really going to change her villa. She put the bank card in her mother's hand and jumped happily.

"It's a villa. We're going to live in a villa." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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