Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:17 AM

Chapter 1275

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When other TV stations see this situation, they also learn from them. Unfortunately, the first opportunity has been lost. Naturally, the effect is far from comparable to that of Yunqing TV station.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Benton is flattering. I dare not say that my goal is to make the TV station famous. "

Mark Benton didn't get entangled with him. Zhengrong said, "Mr. Xiao, we talked about gambling last time. Now that both sides of the knockout match have decided that your football team will play against the French football team. You said the odds were 1:2. I don't know if it still counts? "

Xiao Yunhai rightfully said: "of course not."


"Ha ha ha."

All the rich people who have been watching the excitement can't help laughing when they hear Xiao Yunhai's words.

Mark Benton was obviously stagnant for a moment, with a trace of anger on his face, and said, "Mr. Shaw, you have always been a man of your word. Your words are not good for your reputation."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "at that time, I gave you a chance, but you didn't grasp it. The British team and the French team were divided into a group. I watched their game. Although the British team won with home advantage, the process was very difficult, and it was still won by penalty kick. There are also comments on the Internet that France is one of the biggest favourites to win the world cup

"Although I have confidence in the Chinese football team, I also know that in any aspect, there is almost no possibility for China to win it. Therefore, I would never agree with the odds of 1:2. I'm sure you're offering a bigger odds than that. "

Wu Yong next to him interrupted: "Mr. Xiao is right. The odds ratio between China and France is 1:2.1."

Xiao Yunhai clapped his hands and laughed, "I'll tell you. Mr. Benton, if you want to bet with me, raise the odds to 1:3. Anyway, there are still a few days to go before the game. You can think about it slowly

"Boy, the ratio of 1:3 is high enough."

"By comparison, it's not too much. The strength of the French team is obviously stronger than that of the Chinese team, even if it is 1:4, I am not surprised

"If it was me, I would bet with Mr. Xiao."

"I will. The French team is almost all star players, and the Chinese team only forwards Ning Xinghua and Lu Hongwei are characters. The others are obviously not in the same level. Even if they want to be popular, they are quite difficult

The rich are whispering.

Mark Benton bit his lip and said, "Mr. Shaw, the odds ratio of 1:3 is a little high. My maximum tolerance is 1:2.5

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "then there is no need to talk about it. As you can see, it's not that I don't gamble, but that I can't agree on the odds. Mr. Benton, I hope this matter will come to an end. Please don't disturb me again. If there's nothing wrong with me

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai turned his head and stepped forward and really wanted to leave, mark Benton was a little anxious and said, "I agree with the odds of 1:3."

Xiao Yunhai's happy face flashed away. He turned back with a dignified expression and said, "Mr. Benton, you have to think about it. The odds are 1:3, not 1:2.1. If I bet 10 billion, once I win, you will lose 30 billion to me. "

Mark Benton said, "Mr. Shaw, I don't need to remind you. I'm still an accountant on this math problem. This world cup, I brought a total of 100 billion dollars, then I will bet you 90 billion. "

No matter what mark Benton counts, the Chinese football team is not a match for the French football team. Once Huaxia is defeated, Xiao Yunhai has no interest and will return home immediately. At that time, there will be no chance to win him again.

Therefore, he put all his money into it.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Benton, would you like to think about it again. In case of an unexpected surprise, even if your family is rich, I'm afraid it's hard to withstand such a big blow. "

Mark Benton snorted, "isn't Mr. Shaw afraid?"

Xiao Yunhai said scornfully, "will I be afraid? Hehe, you are really a joke. I've brought in 60 billion dollars this time. You should have the courage to win all of them even if you put in another 90 billion dollars. Well, I'm afraid you don't have so much money. "

At this moment, David Stern suddenly came in from the outside and said, "since Mr. Shaw is so elegant, how can we not be with you. The other 90 billion dollars, I'll pay. "

"Mr. stern and Mr. Benton, Mr. Xiao made me lose at least $20 billion in the last incident with Yazhou electronic technology company. This time I'm here to avenge. I hope Mr. Xiao can also give me a chance to bet your 30 billion dollars with 90 billion dollars. Whether you win or lose, you'll find out what happened before. " Max Garcia, President of whirlwind technology, suddenly stood up and said.

It seems that the three rich people regard Xiao Yunhai as a lamb to be slaughtered, and they bid 90 billion US dollars against him one after another, as if they had already won the game.

Looking at the three men, Xiao Yunhai suddenly spread out his hands and said, "I'm sorry, to tell you the truth, I only have five billion dollars in hand, which still includes the money I have won these two days. All my money has gone to buy shares in stell networks, so I can only... ""It doesn't matter."

Before Xiao Yunhai had finished speaking, David Stern rudely interrupted his words and said, "it doesn't matter if Mr. Xiao doesn't have money in hand, as long as you sign a counter bet contract with us. As soon as you win, we'll give you $270 billion. "

"Good fellow, Mr. stern, it's forcing Mr. Shaw into a corner."

"The $360 billion bet is the best bet in the world cup."

"Three people are cruel enough. Maybe Mr. Xiao will suffer a lot this time. "

"But once you win, it's $270 billion. Mr. Xiao's wealth will soar again. "

"Ha ha, do you think the Chinese football team has any hope of winning? At least I can't see anything. "

Xiao Yunhai was secretly pleased in his heart, but his face was very serious. He said to the aggressive three people: "since you have to give me $270 billion, it would be too unkind for me not to accept it. OK, I'll take the bet. "

David Stern beamed and said, "that's great. I'll have three copies of the agreement printed. If it's OK, we can sign it. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "yes."

In just ten minutes, three agreements were made.

Xiao Yunhai took a serious look, did not find the problem, he signed his name on the agreement.

Just put down the pen, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone will ring.

"Coach, what do you say?" Xiao Yunhai connects the phone, hears the first sentence, then the expression changes greatly, stands up directly.

David Stern seemed to know the news.

"When did it happen? Half an hour ago. Why didn't you call me earlier? "

"Yes, I see."

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai pale face, a buttock sitting on the chair, look difficult to see the pole.

Suddenly, he raised his head, his eyes like a sword, straight at the smiling David Stern, and said in a sharp voice, "you knew that for a long time, didn't you?"

David Stern laughed and said, "I just heard about it before I came into this room. But I don't know how much he's hurt

Xiao Yunhai used a trembling finger to David Stern and said, "did you ask someone to do it?"

David Stern shook his head and said, "how can I do such a thing as breaking the rules. All this was just an accident. Who could have thought of such a thing? "

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "no wonder you dare to bet so much with me. Mr. stern, you are cruel

Finish saying, Xiao Yunhai takes 3 minutes agreement, then angrily left the meeting room. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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