Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:15 AM

Chapter 1276

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Hear two people endless words, other rich people some can not understand what they say.

But they all know that Xiao Yunhai must have suffered a great loss.

Sure enough, David Steele said in high spirits: "just came the news that several members of the Chinese football team had clashed with several British football hooligans while eating, and the main goalkeeper Hongwei. Lu's arm was broken. It is estimated that it will take a month to recover. That is to say, this world cup has no chance with him

David Stern's words immediately caused a stir among the rich.

Chinese football team relies most on goalkeeper Lu Hongwei and forward Ning Xinghua.

With both of them, Huaxia can compete with other strong teams. And lose any of them, the Chinese football team will immediately fall into a situation of irreparable.

Xiao Yunhai has just signed the gambling contract. Before he can breathe, he suddenly receives this kind of bad news. It's strange that his face looks good. That's nine billion dollars. It's like throwing it in the water.

If that call could be made half a minute in advance, I'm afraid Xiao Yunhai would not have signed it.

Unfortunately, in only half a minute, Xiao Yunhai lost $90 billion, which is too much.

Mark Benton, who had just learned of the situation, said happily, "well, we're not going to win."

David Steele said: "compared with Hanks, Xiao has not lost much."

People do not know that Xiao Yunhai's heart is far from as angry as he showed in the hotel, and Lu Hongwei's accident just gives him a chance to replace him.

Otherwise, Xiao Yunhai really doesn't mean to talk to Lu Hongwei.

In these days of getting along, Xiao Yunhai and Lu Hongwei have a very good relationship.

He's a nice old man with a gentle voice, a little bit slow, and he doesn't have the airs of a football superstar. In the ordinary training, also taught Xiao Yunhai a lot of goalkeeper experience.

Unexpectedly, just breaking through the group competition, Lu Hongwei suffered such a disaster. Xiao Yunhai was both angry and sorry for him.

When he came to the hospital, Xiao Yunhai saw Lu Hongwei, who was lying in the hospital bed. His right arm was cast in plaster, his eyes were straight, and he had no reaction.

Beside him sat song Yuanyuan, Ning Xinghua and several other teammates.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, song Yuanyuan got up and sighed and said in a soft voice: "it's been more than an hour. No matter how we persuade him, he always has this expression. Well, who could have thought that such a thing should have happened. If I knew, I would not give the team a holiday

Xiao Yunhai asked: "is it possible that the opponent deliberately played a black hand?"

Song Yuan shook his head and said, "it should not be. Because of grandness, when they get to the bar, the football hooligans have been drinking there for more than an hour

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "what are you going to the bar for? There is a mixture of good and bad people. There are no local ruffians. "

When Wang benwu, a guard in his twenties, heard Xiao Yunhai's words, his tears began to flow out. He slapped himself three times in the face and cried, "it's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, I'd like to see what a foreign bar looks like? Brother Lu would not have done this. "

Wang benwu's three slaps were extremely heavy, leaving several slap marks on his face, which made him extremely regretful.

Ning Xinghua said: "it can't be all your fault. When it comes to responsibility, we all have it. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is not the time to talk about it. Coach, can't we do it? "

Song Yuan shook his head and said, "it will take at least one month to recover from the injury for a hundred days."

Xiao Yunhai sighed, sat down in front of the hospital bed, looked at the silent Gu Hongwei, and said: "cry if you want. In fact, I want to cry more than you. I just signed a bet contract with someone. After a minute, coach song called me to call you injured. Do you know the details of the contract? Chinese football team vs French football team, odds ratio is 1:3, I bet US $90 billion to win


The people in the room were stunned and couldn't believe their ears.

Nine billion dollars. Even if they live a lifetime, ten lives, a hundred lives, they can't make so much money.

Lu Hongwei's whole body was shocked, his eyes finally recovered a trace of vitality, and said: "what you said is true?"

Xiao Yunhai raised the agreement in his hand and said, "can there be a fake? It's here. "

Lu Hongwei closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He said, "Mr. Xiao, even if my arms are constant, do you want to fight for the chance to be a goalkeeper this time?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. It's nine billion dollars. Even if you're a goalkeeper, I'm not sure

Hearing the words of Xiao Yunhai and Lu Hongwei, all the people in the room are in a daze and don't understand what they mean.

Song Yao said: "Mr. Xiao, do you want to be the goalkeeper of the next ball game? This This Is it a little too risky? "Lu Hongwei said with a wry smile: "coach, the real number one goalkeeper in the world is Mr. Xiao. With him there, no one can kick the ball into our goal

Song Yuan was surprised and said, "how can this be possible?"

Lu Hongwei sighed and said: "Mr. Xiao's Kung Fu is the best in the world, not to mention football. Even table tennis, which is 50 times smaller than football, can't get into the goal he is guarding. Mr. Xiao, do you think so

Xiao Yunhai asked, "how do you know?"

Lu Hongwei said with a wry smile: "in training, I have already seen it. Your reaction speed and physical fitness are really good, some of the particularly difficult goals, you stopped. And some simple balls, you didn't stop. Obviously, it was deliberately draining water. I didn't talk to the coach because I was selfish. You are the richest man in the world and an international superstar. I'm afraid you are more interested in participating in the world cup. And I'm a professional athlete and the world cup means a lot to me. What I don't understand is why you don't fight for this position with me? "

Xiao Yunhai narrowed his eyes and said, "as you said, I'm not a professional athlete. What's the use of fighting for this position. Will be lingjue top, a small view of the mountains. I'm not bragging. As soon as I play, all the forwards, centers and defenders have to stop. The goal is too small for me. So even if I win the game, I won't be as happy as you are. Because it's normal. It's not normal to be scored

Lu Hongwei nodded and said, "Chinese Kung Fu is so extensive and profound. Unfortunately, I didn't learn it well when I was a child. Mr. Shaw, the goal is up to you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, I promise no one can get in. You have a good rest, we will get the Hercules cup

"I believe you," said Lu Hongwei

Xiao Yunhai patted Lu Hongwei on the shoulder, winked at Song Yuanyuan, and then walked out of the ward together. Several other people continued to accompany Lu Hongwei.

Mr. Song and you can't wait to go out, are you really? No one can get in the goal you're guarding? "

Song Yuanyuan looks a little excited.

Lu Hongwei was injured, and he was the most anxious one.

There are only three goalkeepers in the whole team. The current No.2 goalkeeper is just the previous No.3. The level is OK in Huaxia, but there is a big gap with the other team in high-level competitions.

The third goalkeeper was replaced by Xiao Yunhai, who had never participated in a football match. No matter who was allowed to play, he was not at ease.

Just when he wanted to give up the world cup, Lu Hongwei suddenly gave Xiao Yunhai the title of the world's first goalkeeper, saying that no one could break the goal he guarded, which gave song Yuanyuan a huge hope.

Therefore, when he finished his questions, a pair of eyes were staring at Xiao Yunhai with expectation, for fear that the other party would shake his head or hear the negative answer.

Fortunately, neither of these two situations happened. Xiao Yunhai was very confident and said: "coach, you can attack France in a few days' game. Defenders don't have to be too many, just one is good. I'm afraid that too many people will distract me. To tell you the truth, it's a bit of a bully to let me guard the goal

Song Yuan clapped his hands and said excitedly, "great. Mr. Xiao, you are the Savior of our Chinese football team. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm also for that $90 billion. You tell us, as long as the next game can win, I will give 200 million dollars to all the coaches, assistants and players

Song Yuan shook his head and said, "that's no good. We can't ask for your money. It's a rule. "

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, then said with a smile: "this matter son wait for us to win the ball again." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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