Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:13 AM

Chapter 1278

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The Chinese fans were quiet, and the French fans were stunned and cheered.

Everyone knows that penalty kicks mean one point in a game.

In the hotel, mark Benton, who had just been startled by the Chinese football team, stood up happily when he saw the French team get the penalty kick.

"Ha ha, we won. We won."

David Steele and Max Garcia looked at each other and let go.

No one thought that in just two minutes, the Chinese team almost opened the goal of the French team, and the French team directly owned a penalty.

Wang duanfeng, the commentator, changed his face and said, "how can this happen? That defender is perfectly free from foul. It's over. It's all over. Xiao's first game as a goalkeeper, the first test was a penalty kick. God, we can only hope that Todd Nell missed the ball

On the court, the referee put the ball in the free throw position, and Todd Nell was smiling and relaxed, waiting for the whistle to ring.

Xiao Yunhai was still standing in front of the door, looking relaxed and not nervous at all.

"Can you block it?" Numerous fans in China looked at Xiao Yunhai and murmured in their hearts at the same time.


the referee's whistle went off, Todd Nell's smile subsided, his eyes flashed and he rushed towards the football. There is not a fraction of difference between the

as like as two peas in the running, stopping, starting and shooting, and the posture is perfect, and the movement is graceful, and even the angle of Ning Xinghua is exactly the same as that of Ning Xinghua who had challenged him before.

Xiao Yunhai quickly judged the route of the football, ran three steps to the right, and then jumped lightly to catch the football, as if the other side deliberately passed the ball to Xiao Yunhai.

At this moment, the Chinese fans rose up and gave Xiao Yunhai warm applause and cheers.

"My God. Such a ball, yunhuang can receive. Is he a real talent goalkeeper

"Incredible, this is definitely the biggest news of this world cup."

"Catch, cloud emperor no pressure will be a must get the ball to catch, that action is simply too handsome."

The French fans sighed deeply.

After Xiao Yunhai hugged the ball calmly, Wang duanfeng, the commentator, stood up directly from his seat and opened his mouth. After a while, he excitedly said, "I was wrong, we were all wrong. If not by chance, I would say that Mr. Xiao is definitely the strongest goalkeeper ever

"Todd Nell just played in a dead corner, and the angle was perfect. It was a must for any goalkeeper. However, Mr. Xiao seems to be very confident. He takes three steps to the right and easily confiscates the football. When I saw his movements, I only thought of one word. Therefore, I conclude that Mr. Xiao is definitely the best goalkeeper in the world

"Now I finally understand why coach song Yuanyuan will use such a formation to fight against each other, because his bottom card is Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yunhai's performance surprised the Chinese fans. All the original doubts, slanders and distrust disappeared at this moment, leaving only strong expectations.

The national team did not lose the ball, naturally let the fans are very happy, but with Xiao Yunhai bet David Stern is not the same.

After Xiao Yunhai cleanly pocketed football, David Stern finally knew the source of his uneasiness.

That's why they missed Xiao Yunhai.

Before that, the whole world said Xiao Yunhai was only a big player in the Chinese football team, playing soy sauce, so when they calculated the strength of both sides, they intentionally or unintentionally abandoned Xiao Yunhai. Now Xiao Yunhai suddenly broke out, which immediately made him feel that things had gone beyond his expectation.

Mark Benton's excitement seemed to have been quenched by a basin of cold water. After a long time, mark Benton said uncertainly: "it should have been a coincidence just now."

David Stern took a deep breath and said: "no matter it is a coincidence or not, the overall strength of the French team is far better than that of the Chinese team. Football is a sport of eleven people. Even if Kung Fu Xiao's ability is strong, he can't beat the whole French team with his own strength

When he heard David Stern's words, mark Benton was shocked, nodded and said, "that's right."

On the football field, the Chinese football team and the French football team started to attack Mai mang from the first second of the match.

After you sing, I come on the stage. Chinese players are not as skilled as French players. They attack with the number of players. There are 11 players in total, and nine of them take part in the attack. Then they fight all over the court and play fiercely.

The French team, with its superb football skills, led by the so-called Trident vanguard, has made innumerable attacks into the back defense area of China, shooting long-range, volleying and shooting hard, and playing Chinese football team frequently in distress.

The difference in strength can be seen from the number of shots taken by the two teams.9: In the first half of the first half, the Chinese team had only nine shots, while the French team had 16. The shooting times of the two teams directly broke the record since the opening of the world cup.

Unfortunately, no team can score.

Xiao Yunhai's excellent performance gave Chinese fans a big surprise.

No matter how dangerous it is in front of the goal, no matter who wants to break the goal, or even the second penalty, Xiao Yunhai has been mercilessly stopped and never gives the other side any chance.

Wang duanfeng, the commentator, is totally crazy. His attitude towards Xiao Yunhai has taken a 180 degree turn. From the initial contempt to the present, he has become a super fan of Xiao Yunhai.

"Mr. Xiao stopped the ball again. It's really great."

"This is Todd Nell's third shot, only seven meters from the goal, but it still can't penetrate the gate guarded by Mr. Shaw. The emperor is invincible. "

"No, the French team broke into the forbidden area and the second penalty kick appeared. Can Mr. Xiao stop it? ... stopped, Mr. Xiao stopped, although the other side used a fake action, but still did not deceive Mr. Xiao, football was confiscated by him, the scene fans at this moment for Mr. Xiao called his most classic slogan, cloud emperor and cloud emperor, unparalleled in the world. "

"Yes, the performance of emperor Yun today is really unparalleled. Because so far, he has blocked 12 goals from France, four of which are almost impossible for other goalkeepers to score

Xiao Yunhai's performance has been recognized by all fans all over the world. Coaches and players from other countries are looking at Xiao Yunhai like a mountain.

Originally, Xiao Yunhai's appearance was seen as a joke, but now it is found that he is the assassin's mace of the Chinese team.

David Steele's face was hard to see the extreme. In the match between France and Huaxia, people can see the gap between the two sides. The reason why he set a 1:3.6 odds is to attract those gamblers who like to take risks to bet on the Chinese team.

Can never expect, China team because of a Xiao Yunhai, even kick the game into this.

The French team's performance is very good, compared with the Chinese team to be much stronger, especially the forward players, repeatedly attack the door, but is not sure Xiao Yunhai.

Everyone knows that once the Chinese team takes the lead, it will be a big problem.

Mark Benton clenched his fists in both hands and his eyes were red. He was staring at Xiao Yunhai, who had saved the ball again. If his eyes could kill people, Xiao Yunhai would have been killed countless times by him.

"David, what are we going to do? That's $270 billion. "

David Stern frowned, "no way. We were so careless that we didn't expect Xiao Kung Fu to be so strong. I just hope the French team can fight for some gas and break the door of Kung Fu Xiao. So, mark, you send people to tell the French team that if they win, we'll give them a billion dollars

Mark Benton nodded and said, "OK. I'll do it now. "

After the break, at the beginning of the second half, the French team launched a swift attack. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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