Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:10 AM

Chapter 1280

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When the three men discussed how to murder Xiao Yunhai, Xiao Yunhai had changed his clothes and attended a press conference with coach song Yuanyuan and Ning Xinghua.

"Coach song, the head coach of the French team, said in an interview that they were not defeated by the Chinese team, but by Mr. Xiao. I don't know what you think of it? "

Song Yuanyuan, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, didn't feel flustered when he heard the question of this hidden trap. He said: "there is no doubt that Mr. Xiao's performance today can shock the whole world football world. Thirty six goals were blocked in one game, and even I felt a bit incredible. Despite his excellent performance, Xiao can't win just by being a goalkeeper. I always think football is a collective sport of eleven people. If you want to win, the most important thing is to see the cooperation between the players

"Coach song, did you let Mr. Xiao enter the list of the 23rd National People's Congress because you knew his strength?"

Song Yuan shook his head and said, "no, it was an accident. The day before the world cup, Mr. Xiao and Ms. Zhao went to the stadium to cheer up our players. When Mr. Xiao learned that we were missing a substitute goalkeeper, he had a whim and wanted to join in. In fact, I didn't agree with him at that time. You are a big star who has never played a football match. It's a joke to be the goalkeeper of our national team. So I gave him a problem, let five players take penalty, as long as Mr. Xiao can handle three, the goalkeeper can give him. As a result, Mr. Xiao stopped more than 20 penalty kicks. Do you think I can let go of such a precious goalkeeper

"Mr. Xiao, what do you think of your performance? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile:" of course it's very good. "

"Did you say that China football team won the Hercules cup because of its own reasons?"

"Of course not. At that time, I wasn't sure I was a goalkeeper for the national team. I think the most important thing for the two armies to fight is not strength, but momentum and goals. There is a gap between our football team and the top teams, but it is definitely not as big as you think, so I have great confidence in them

"Mr. Xiao, the odds ratio of the Chinese football team and the French football team is set at 1:3.2. I wonder if you have participated

"Of course. I only take part in the Chinese football team's gambling ball, four in a row are gambling, our Chinese team wins

"Can you tell me how much you've made?"

"Sorry, it's confidential. I can't tell you."

"Mr. Ning, you played well today and scored the only goal in the game. How do you feel?"

Ning Xinghua said with a smile: "a word is cool. Today is an attack to attack game, between each other plays very intense. It's just that the French team didn't have a goalkeeper like Xiao, so they lost

"Mr. Ning..."

the press conference ended after half an hour, and then everyone had a good meal together.

On the way back to the hotel, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Kristi.

"Congratulations, Mr. Xiao. We won a total of $192 billion in this competition. All the money has been put into our company's account, and now we have enough liquidity

Before, Christie received Xiao Yunhai's instructions, and made fierce opposition.

There is too much uncertainty in gambling. It is nonsense to invest $60 billion at once.

Until Xiao Yunhai promised to win with 100% confidence, and the winning money could be distributed to their investment company, half of which was used for investment. Only then did Kristi promise to go down with suspicion.

When watching the match, the French team's bombardment on the Chinese goal almost scared Kristi's soul, but was blocked by Xiao Yunhai one by one. At that time, she knew that Xiao Yunhai was sure to win because she was a goalkeeper.

When the whistle sounded at the end of the game and China beat France 1-0, Kristi and her team members cheered.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Ms. Kristi, I wonder if you have bought the Chinese team?"

Christie said with a smile, "I didn't know why you were so confident, but out of knowing you, I chose to believe you. Therefore, I bet 150 million US dollars on the Chinese football team, and I made a lot of money. I really want to thank you very much

Xiao Yunhai said: "you are welcome. Because I won a lot more than you. One thing I didn't tell anyone. That is, in addition to this bet, I also signed a private contract with David Stern, mark Benton and Max Garcia. According to the rules, I won them $270 billion. "

Christie exclaimed, "my God. This is incredible. So you've won more than 460 billion dollars in just one game. I'm going crazy. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "with this money, our global business empire will develop faster. You need to bring your lawyer to London as soon as possible, Ms. Christie. Come with me tomorrow and ask the three of them for money. Ha ha, nine billion dollars per person, enough for them to drink a pot. "Christie nodded and said, "OK, I'll take someone. Mr. Xiao, you must be careful. I'm afraid they will hurt you after losing so much money. There is also that agreement. We must protect it and never be stolen. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "don't worry. I'm not that stupid. On the same day, I put the agreement in the vault of the London branch of Huaxia commercial bank. As for my safety, there is no problem. To be honest, I'm looking forward to them. If you can get hold of them, they will be completely finished. "

Christie heard Yan Feiyun talk about the magic of Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu, but she still told her, "Mr. Xiao, don't be careless. They can do anything for money. There are hundreds of underworld groups in London. You'd better not go out this evening. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "OK, I know."

Just after talking with Kristi, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rings again.

"Wife, how are you? Is your husband doing well on the court

Zhao Wanqing praised him for the first time and said, "it's really very handsome. My super goalkeeper, Congratulations, you got more than 190 billion dollars. As the saying goes, gambling is the fastest industry to make money. However, I hope you can stop

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, I know it in my mind. What's more, I actually won more than 460 billion dollars, not 190 billion you said

"Husband, you're just... Ah, I really admire you. If you say no, you will bet more than anyone else. " Zhao Wanqing said helplessly.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if you are 100% sure, it's not gambling. Let me a top martial arts master guard such a small door, if you let others into the ball, it is simply a joke. Don't say it's football. It's table tennis. They don't want to get in. "

Zhao Wanqing said in a bad mood: "I know you are good, OK. There's no end to bragging. OK, I won't talk to you. I'll pay attention to it outside. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't worry."

Less than ten minutes after talking with Zhao Wanqing, Xiao Yunhai suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in the car, covered with goose bumps, and yelled at the driver: "brother Zhang, jump out of the car."

Then he opened the door and jumped down.

Zhang xuanhai is a top player of dark strength and has been guest acting as Xiao Yunhai's driver recently.

If you practice Kung Fu to a certain level, you will feel a little bit when you encounter danger.

Zhang xuanhai just felt some discomfort. He was about to remind Xiao Yunhai when he heard Xiao Yunhai let him jump.

Without saying a word, Zhang xuanhai opened the door and jumped down.


after only five seconds, the car was blown to pieces.

The surrounding cars were also affected, but fortunately the distance was not close, so the driver inside survived.

Zhang xuanhai got up from the ground, walked to the expressionless Xiao Yunhai and said, "it's a bomb. Someone installed a time bomb in our car. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes twinkled, and his voice was like ice and snow from the north pole, without any temperature: "some dog jumped over the wall and tried to kill me for the $90 billion bet. Unfortunately, their calculations are wrong. "

As soon as his voice fell, Xiao Yunhai suddenly felt some itching in his eyebrows. He did not think about it. He suddenly shook and moved three feet.

A bullet hit a car behind Xiao Yunhai, and the glass was smashed. The driver survived, but the whole person was scared and quickly hid.

"There are snipers."

Zhang xuanhai didn't know where the situation was, and his right foot was shocked, like a cheetah, hiding in the door of a store nearby.

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai didn't look for shelter, he still carried his back and stood in the middle of the road. He couldn't help but say, "Mr. Xiao, there are snipers on the other side. Hide quickly."

Xiao Yunhai said: "he can't hurt me. Well, London, as an international city, has a poor public order. "

At this time, his heart suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, suddenly a side, the bullet from his front, and hit the car behind.

"Found it."

Xiao Yunhai called out in secret, like a ghost, running toward the direction of 45 degrees. The speed was incredible, and disappeared in a moment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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