Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:09 AM

Chapter 1281

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Zhang xuanhai knew that Xiao Yunhai must have found the other party's position, but he and Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu gap is too far. After running for dozens of meters, he can no longer see Xiao Yunhai's figure.

Four hundred meters away from the accident site, there was a 36 story building. A white man in a black T-shirt and black underpants rushed out with a bag on his back.

His expression is very dignified, running very fast, in a short time, came to a white Bentley.

Just as he was about to open the door and get in, a funny voice stopped him.

"Do you think you can get out of my hand?"

The man's expression was stiff, and his right hand quickly took out a black pistol from his waist. Without looking at it, he shot back.

Even after firing four shots, he didn't hear any sound, so he quickly turned to look back and found that there was no ghost.

Suddenly, a gust of wind suddenly appeared on his right side. Before he could react, the gun in his hand had disappeared and fell into the hand of a young man in front of him, and the muzzle of the gun was facing him.

Needless to say, this young man is naturally Xiao Yunhai.

"Are you the killer of the London underworld? It's very good. It's enough to install a bomb in my car. I'm not sure. I've calculated my speed and ambush here to snipe at me. Oh, come on, who sent you here? "

The killer pursed his lips and said nothing.

Xiao Yunhai a smile, pull the pistol trigger, "bang" a light ring, hit his thigh, blood quickly flow out.

The killer snorted, the bag in his hand fell to the ground, his right hand covered his thigh and bit his teeth, but he still said nothing.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "you're a tough guy, but it's a pity that you fell into my hands. Even if you want to die, it's an extravagant hope."

Finish saying, the body a shake, come to the other side near, according to his neck knock a, the killer immediately fainted.

At this time, Zhang xuanhai ran over and saw Xiao Yunhai and the killer and said, "Mr. Xiao, is this the sniper?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a smile, "who else can there be besides him. Lao Zhang, bandage him, don't let him bleed to death. Let's find a caravan. We'll interrogate this guy in the RV instead of going back to the hotel tonight. "

Zhang xuanhai nodded and said, "OK."

An hour later, a white luxury RV came and left with Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai's car exploded in the street, which naturally attracted the attention of the London police.

During the world cup, there were not only a lot of rich people, but also some politicians from various countries who like football.

Such a vicious explosion in such a period of time is a declaration of war against the British government.

"Is it a terrorist attack?" London police chief William Leopold said in his heart.

The scene has been completely sealed off and the criminal police are exploding to find clues left behind.

But because the bomb was too powerful, the whole car was almost shattered, so even the owner of the car was not found out.

Of course, 200 cups are not reported outside the world so early.

Only more than ten minutes, the situation on the street was photographed by reporters and posted to the Internet.

"Shit, what's going on here. There was an explosion in the world cup. It was terrible

"I don't know who is so unlucky. Looking at the condition of the car, the people inside must have been blown to pieces."

"Now, the London government has been in bad luck for eight years. When it's not good when something goes wrong, it's just a loss of prestige at this juncture. "

"Shit, I have to call my parents and get them back from England soon. It's too unsafe there. "

Such posts are everywhere on the Internet, making the British government lose face.

William Leopold took three phone calls from the city government, and even the prime minister and the queen personally inquired about the matter, demanding that it be solved within 24 hours.

When he felt a headache, a news made him feel like he was struck by lightning.

"What did you say? Whose car is this? " William Leopold couldn't believe his ears and asked again.

The police officers on the opposite side were about to cry and said, "chief, that's the car of Mr. Xiao, the richest man in the world. He had a meal with his teammates tonight to celebrate the victory of today's game. Then when I went back to the hotel, it happened. "

"Are you sure it's his car?"

"I've checked it three times and I'm 100% sure it's him."

William Leopold moved his lips twice, and there was no trace of blood on his face. After a long time, he said, "OK, I see. This matter must be kept strictly confidential. No one can spread it out, you know? "

Finish saying, his body a soft, a buttock sits on the ground."It's over, it's over."

Kungfu Xiao, the richest man in the world and an international superstar, was killed by a bomb in London. Once the news is heard, how much trouble will it cause? William Leopold can hardly imagine.

Next to the police officers see the director collapsed on the ground, rushed to pull him up.

William Leopold calmed down his mind and said, "all of you, keep your spirits up. You can't let go of all the clues. Well, we're all screwed up. Do you hear me? "


William Leopold pointed to the two police officers and asked them to stay. He said in a low voice, "please check the hotel where Kung Fu Xiao lives to see if Mr. Xiao has gone back? This must be kept secret, do you hear me? "

The two policemen were shocked, and the sweat on their faces ran down and said, "we'll go right away."

The hotel is not far away from the scene. Within 20 minutes, one of the police officers called and said, "director, Mr. Xiao is not in the hotel. However, the front desk service staff said Mr. Xiao's bodyguards all left an hour ago. Therefore, I suspect that Mr. Xiao is not dead. "

When William Leopold heard this, his face brightened and he said, "you have made a very correct judgment. If Mr. Xiao is dead, his bodyguards will definitely report to the Chinese embassy or our police station as soon as possible. I think it is very likely that Mr. Xiao called them and asked them to go out to meet him. Before that, Mr. Xiao once said in the TV station that when he practiced Chinese Kung Fu to his level, he could sense the coming of danger. I think he jumped out of the car before the explosion. If so, that would be great. What do you guys do when you get out of the hotel

"Yes, chief."

Just then, the reporters outside were in a state of chaos.

William Leopold faintly heard them talking about the name of Kung Fu Xiao, and his heart pounded. Did things come out?

"Did you hear that the car that exploded belonged to Mr. Xiao."

"No. According to you, Mr. Xiao was not killed by the explosion. "

"Eight nine is ten. I overheard it when a British journalist was on the phone

"That's a big deal. Look, the Chinese football team is coming. Damn it. I have to inform the newspaper office. This car is probably Mr. Xiao's. Otherwise, what will the team do

Reporters are always chasing after the wind and shadow. You can get things out of nothing, let alone the shocking news that Xiao Yunhai's car is likely to be bombed.

Soon, pictures and videos of the coaches and players of the Chinese football team getting off the car in a hurry spread all over the network.


this news is much faster than the spread of the virus. It took less than 10 minutes for the whole world to know.

"The emperor will be killed by a bomb. Hehe, how can this be possible? "

"The emperor said that he could foretell the danger, how could he die so easily."

"It's chaos abroad. Even bombs have been made. Who dares to travel to London in the future. The emperor of cloud is sure to be OK. He is a master of Chinese first kung fu. "

"I hope it's not emperor Yun's car. Otherwise, I must cry to death. "

"God bless, it must not be the emperor." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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