Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:07 AM

Chapter 1282

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Yanjing, Zhao Wanqing is feeding the child lunch, Yan Piaoyun suddenly ran in and said, "Wanqing, don't feed the baby. You quickly turn on the computer and have a look. It is said on the Internet that Yunhai was on the way back to the hotel and the car was blown up. "

Zhao Wanqing's face turned pale as soon as she heard it. The bowl in her hand "banged" and fell on the ground.

Quickly open the laptop on the tea table, Zhao Wanqing saw those videos and pictures on the scene, tears pattering down.

Yan Piaoyun said: "Wanqing, don't worry, the owner of this car is not necessarily a sea of clouds."

Zhao Wanqing sobbed and said: "the whole football team, only Yunhai and everyone don't live in the same place. Now that even the team has gone, something must have happened to Yunhai. And from the picture, the car is obviously the black BMW that Yunhai lets people rent

At this time, Chen Xiuzhu and Xiao Changfeng also ran over.

Seeing Zhao Wanqing crying with pear blossom and rain, Chen Xiuzhu took out her mobile phone, red eyes, and said, "Wanqing, don't cry first. I'll call Yunhai to see where he is."

"Yes, I didn't think of it. Sister Xiuzhu, you'd better fight. "

Chen Xiuzhu pressed Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone number and quickly dialed it. A prompt tone was sounded in the opposite side.

Xiao Changfeng said: "in this case, it shows that Yunhai's mobile phone is talking to people. From this we can see that the car is not his. "

As soon as Xiao Changfeng's voice fell, Zhao Wanqing's mobile phone rang. Open a look, it's a call from Xiao Yunhai.

Zhao Wanqing, crying and laughing, quickly picked it up and said, "husband, is that you?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it's not me. Who else can it be?"

After Xiao Yunhai caught the killer, let the bodyguard drive the nanny car to an abandoned factory.

These people in the army must have more experience in interrogation than him. So Xiao Yunhai was free and set up a net.

When I saw the news on the Internet, I called Zhao Wanqing, almost at the same time with Chen Xiuzhu, and then I got a voice prompt.

Zhao Wanqing said, "is that your car? And where are you now? Don't lie to me. "

Xiao Yunhai knew that he couldn't hide it from her, so he could only tell the truth: "that car is really mine. After talking to you on the phone, after ten minutes, I suddenly feel sick. You also know my sensitivity to danger, so I quickly got out of the car with brother Zhang. Shit, I didn't expect the car exploded. The other party obviously wanted to kill me. He not only planted a time bomb in my car, but also worried that it would not kill me. He found a killer to kill me with a sniper gun. Hehe, it's just beyond our ability. "

"After I felt the location of the killer, I caught him. Now, brother Zhang, they are interrogating. Don't worry. I'll be fine. "

Zhao Wanqing heard that Xiao Yunhai met a bomb and was sniped by a killer. Although she knew that her husband was ok, she was still in a cold sweat and said, "husband, come back quickly. It's too dangerous outside. My parents and I are really worried about you

Xiao Yunhai laughed: "wife, what you should worry about most is my opponent. You help me to my parents to report a safe, there will be countless calls to me, I will directly shut down, so as not to trouble

Zhao Wanqing said, "OK. You must be careful. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "don't worry, I'll be OK."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yunhai asked Zhang xuanhai, who just came by: "how about it? Did the man confess? "

Zhang xuanhai nodded and said, "yes. He's one of the biggest gangs in London. Dennis wilder, the gold medal killer of black knife boss, was ordered to kill us. But surprisingly, he said he didn't set the time bomb. Verde asked for a little movement. He wanted to punch through the tires of our car and kill us when we got out of the car. Unexpectedly, there was an explosion. When we saw we weren't dead, we fired. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and asked, "does he know who asked Dennis Wilder to kill me?"

Zhang xuanhai said: "Verde was answering the phone when he heard a name Mr. Benton."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I guess it's him. David Steele and Max Garcia have no influence in London. It must be mark Benton, the local villain, who can call on killers of this level

Zhang xuanhai asked, "Mr. Xiao, what should we do now?"

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "do you know where that Dennis Wilton lives?"

Zhang xuanhai nodded and said, "yes. It's a manor in London, but it's very heavily guarded

Xiao Yunhai said: "you take people to watch there first. I'll call the embassy and ask Mr. Chen Weizhi, Chinese ambassador to the UK, to accompany me to the police station. With this killer, plus the pressure of Huaxia, even if the Mafia is powerful, they have to deal with it. Otherwise, the British government will not be able to deliver to the world. "Zhang xuanhai said with a smile, "OK, Mr. Xiao."

While Xiao Yunhai was discussing how to deal with the black knife Gang, David Steele, mark Benton and Max Garcia also sat together.

David Stern looked at mark Benton and said, "mark, don't you say it's quieter? How did you even get the bomb out? Now, the whole world is looking at it. "

Mark Benton said suspiciously, "I don't know what's going on?"

Max Garcia said, "so you can ask?"

Mark Benton shook his head and said, "we have an appointment. Whether it's a success or not, we can't talk to each other tonight. Even this afternoon, I found a temporary mobile phone card to call him

David Stern said: "it's good. At least it's safe. Do you think Kung Fu Xiao is dead? "

Seeing the sad face of the Chinese football team on TV, mark Benton said: "it should be dead."

David Stern sighed and said, "it's best to die. Hehe, to be honest, I feel sorry for him. This is a real hero who has made such a great career at a young age. If you give him a few more years, I'm afraid a huge business empire will emerge. "

Mark Benton sneered, "then there is no way for us to live. Ha ha, a genius died, but it saved us $270 billion. It's a big deal. "

The three looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Three hours after the explosion, there was a lot of noise in the London police station, and there were countless reporters waiting for the police to reply.

Some reporters have gone to the hotel and learned that Xiao Yunhai has never come back, and they are more convinced that the dead person is Xiao Yunhai.

Although police chief William Leopold judged that Xiao Yunhai should be alive through his bodyguards, he didn't show up and the phone couldn't get through. Journalists can't believe it.

Just as he was restless, his cell phone suddenly rang. When you open it, it's the number of Chinese ambassador to the UK, Wei Zhi Chen.

Leopold pressed the answer button and said, "Chen, do you have any good news for me?"

Because of their work, they are in close contact, so their personal relationship is very good.

Weizhi Chen said with a smile, "William, I really have good news here. However, you need to keep it strictly confidential. Is it convenient for you to speak there? "

Leopold was shocked and said, "of course. Chen, have you heard from Mr. Xiao? "

"Yes. Mr. Xiao is right next to me, and there is the man who killed him with a sniper gun. "

"That's great. I'll take someone there."

"No. William, although our relationship is good, public is public and private is private. Mr. Xiao is the richest man in the world. He is also an international superstar. He was attacked by a bomb for no reason. Then he was assassinated with a sniper gun by a killer. Do you think Mr. Xiao will be satisfied if he does not give an account? "

"Originally, he wanted to appear directly in front of hundreds of reporters around the world with this killer, but I finally persuaded him down. Because in that case, the credibility of your British government will plummet, and it is difficult to say whether the world cup can be held or not. As for the police chief, I'm afraid you've made it. You should understand that Mr. Xiao has this influence. "

When Leopold heard it, a cold sweat broke out on his forehead. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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