Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:05 AM

Chapter 1284

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Xiao Yunhai, who has just had breakfast, is talking to London mayor Terrence may in his office.

"Mr. Xiao, I apologize to you again for what happened last night." Terence may said sincerely.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Mayor, you don't need to be like this. Although I was frightened last night, the London city government and the police department were able to seize a group of terrorists and their leaders one by one. I am extremely grateful. I will give an explanation to the media all over the world for your efficient case solving. "

Terence may said happily, "thank you very much. Last night, I didn't sleep all night. The prime minister is very concerned about this case. Fortunately, it is over

Mr. mark, for nine hundred million dollars, it's hard to believe that Haydn Shaw made such a thing

Terrence may shook his head and said, "capitalists are always chasing profits everywhere. There are too many crazy people like Mr. Benton in Europe and America. "

at this moment, Leopold, the chief of police, came in and said," Mr. Mayor, Mr. Xiao, I have brought the suspect Mark Benton. "

Xiao Yunhai got up and said, "I want to talk to him. "

Leopold looked at Terrence may, saw that he nodded slightly, and said," Mr. Shaw, please follow me. "

Xiao Yunhai met mark Benton, who was despairing in a censorship room. When he saw Xiao Yunhai, mark Benton glared and became ferocious. He said, "Kung Fu Xiao, you are still alive."

Xiao Yunhai, sitting opposite him, said: "you undoubtedly admit that you are the real murderer behind the scenes. Don't you feel a bit silly?"

Mark Benton seemed to be drained and said, "what am I? The famous British super rich. If the police don't have solid evidence, do they dare to arrest me? Kung Fu Xiao, you won. I didn't expect that even the bomb would not kill you. "

Xiao Yunhai snorted and sneered: "you are stupid enough. In this world cup, it's just looking for trouble to make such a big noise. Mark Benton, come on. I believe David Stern and Max Garcia are involved. It's just that they're not familiar in London, so it's up to you. "

Mark Benton took a look at Xiao Yunhai and said, "do you want to pour this dirty water on them? Well, don't think about it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you are very loyal. However, the two of them are not necessarily. In fact, even if you say that they are one of the killers, it is not of any use. You can't sue them without proof. I just want to ask, don't you think it's too cheap to kill me for that $90 billion? "

Mark Benton said angrily, "that's 90 billion dollars. If I don't eat or drink for five years, I won't be able to make it back. What's more, I didn't expect that the black knife gang was so useless that you would find evidence. I can only blame myself for losing step by step. "

In fact, if you change other ordinary people, things can't go on. But Xiao Yunhai is not an ordinary person. He has practiced Chinese Kung Fu to the peak. If he catches the sniper, everything will be solved easily.

It's easy to say, it seems that Xiao Yunhai can easily get mark Benton. In fact, Xiao Yunhai is the one who can do this in the world.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "Mr. Benton, do you think David Stern will send someone to save you?"

Mark Benton turned his head aside and said nothing.

Xiao Yunhai smiles and goes on: "today, I will ask the police to send a message to Mr. Steele, saying that you directly confessed Him and Max Garcia in prison. What do you think?"

Mark Benton's face suddenly changed and said, "Kung Fu Xiao, dare you."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I dare not. Those two guys who can make such a world on Wall Street are absolutely the masters of cannibalism. Once I do, maybe they'll send someone to kill you. As for your family, what they're going to do with it is not something I can tell. By the way, and your real estate company, it's bound to die. Hehe, Mr. Benton, don't think they can come to save you. Even calling in lawyers from all over the world doesn't help. Now what you should think about is how to deal with the aftermath? "

David's chair is not worthy of killing at all. It's not worthy of him to blink on his back.

All of a sudden, mark Benton had a flash in his head and asked, "what's the point of saying this to me, Shaw? Just say it

Xiao Yunhai clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Mr. Benton is really careful to be able to detect this at this time. I want your 9.2% stake in stell networks. "

Mark Benton laughed and said, "you are so funny. Don't you think it's ridiculous that you've got me in jail and you're still fantasizing about buying my shares in stell? "Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't think so. Mr. Benton, I've checked it out. You're tough enough. In order to help stell control power, you have mortgaged the entire company to the bank, and the more than 100 billion bet money was directly loaned out with the stock loan of STEL network company. Now that you're in jail, have you ever thought about the end of your family. Do you think David Stern will help a man who betrays him

"Instead, I'm the only one who can help you now. As long as you are willing to sell it, I will buy it at the current share price, and then give all the money to your son. After paying off the loan, it is estimated that they will still have tens or even tens of billions left. Don't you think this is a very good thing for them? "

Mark Benton closed his eyes and took a deep breath without saying anything.

Xiao Yunhai got up and said, "you can think about it carefully. Which one is more trustworthy, David Stern or the hundreds of billions of dollars? Don't think wrong, because once you think wrong, your family will really go to be beggars. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai left the interrogation hall.

Just out of it, Xiao Yunhai saw David Stern and Max Garcia sitting there, followed by several lawyers.

Xiao Yunhai's heart moved, and his face immediately showed anger. He said angrily, "Mr. stern and Mr. Garcia, you are really cruel enough. For that $90 billion, you'd dare to join mark Benton to assassinate me. Good, very good. "

A lawyer said: "Mr. Xiao, you can't talk nonsense. If you can't provide evidence, you are slandering."

Xiao Yunhai was furious and said, "slander? Haha, you're kidding, mark Benton has already admitted it. Well, it's a pity that he's just a pig. He didn't even leave a recording. But don't worry, both of you. I'll remember that. "

David Steele stood up and said, "Mr. Shaw, you have to believe that I, David Stern, have hundreds of billions of dollars in wealth. I can never do such a crazy thing for a mere $90 billion. Mark Benton did it himself, and we were shocked to hear that

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I believe mark Benton more than you said. It doesn't matter. There's no evidence anyway. What he says is farting. By the way, are you ready for your $90 billion? My men will be here soon. "

David Stern said, "we'll give you the money. Max, let's go and see mark

"What are you looking at? See how he framed the two of us for commutation? You can go by yourself, and I won't be with you. " Max Garcia stood up directly and left the station with his lawyer.

David Stern went in, and in less than ten minutes he came out in a huff. Without saying a word, he left the police station. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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