Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:03 AM

Chapter 1285

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After a while, a policeman found Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, Mr. Benton wants to see you."

Xiao Yunhai's heart a joy, know the means should be effective, so again entered the interrogation room.

"Mr. Benton, it seems that you and Mr. stern are not having a pleasant talk?"

Mark Benton looked at him coldly and said, "Kung Fu Xiao, you win. David didn't believe me. He just kept on asking me to sell him the 9.8% stake

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "this is normal. Your life is nothing compared to the stake in stern. I don't understand why you don't tell him my purpose? "

Mark Benton said, "if he doesn't believe me, why should I tell him. Xiao, if you want to buy the equity, you should put in 180 billion dollars. Otherwise, I would rather it was taken by the bank at a low price. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "don't you think it's too much?"

Mark Benton said: "yes, we'll sign. If you don't agree, don't disturb me

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be unhappy and considered it for a while. Finally, he bit his teeth and said, "OK, you won. There's no problem with 180 billion dollars. I won it anyway. In this way, I just need to pass on the agreement to your son and pay him another $90 billion, right? "

Mark Benton nodded and said, "that's right. Hehe, it seems that you are really interested in stell network company? Now David is in big trouble

Xiao Yunhai said: "you made a very correct choice. Your family has so much money, it is estimated that they will not worry about it in their life. If there is no objection, we will sign the contract this afternoon. I'll put the money into your son's account in front of you

Mark Benton said, "good."

After finishing mark Benton's 9.8% stake, Xiao Yunhai felt comfortable for a while.

These days, Kristi has acquired many individual shares of STEL network company. With the 6.4% of those two shareholders, Xiao Yunhai has already owned 24.7% of the shares of STEL network company, becoming the second largest shareholder in the name of STEL network company.

Even if the current strength is still not comparable to David Stern, but Xiao Yunhai believes that sooner or later, the company will be his.

At 9:30, Xiao Yunhai, London mayor Terrence may and London police chief William Leopold attended the press conference, attracting hundreds of reporters from all over the world.

As soon as Xiao Yunhai appeared, the flash lights were on all over the world, and the sound of pressing the shutter was endless.

William Leopold said: "last night, there was a terrorist attack that shocked the world in London. Mr. Shaw's car was blown to pieces and was sniped by a killer. After a night's hard work, the truth has basically come to light. If you have any questions, you can ask them. "

"Mr. Xiao, can you tell us something about it?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course."

Then Xiao Yunhai told the story again, and then said: "here, I am very grateful to mayor Terence may and police chief William Leopold. If they hadn't stayed up all night, directing the police to arrest criminals and even using the army, I think those people would have run away

Mr. Terrence may and William Leopold were very happy.

"Mr. Xiao, since you are OK, why don't you show up immediately and hide in the embassy instead?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "this is what Mr. Leopold and I have discussed for a long time. If I show up, I will certainly frighten the snake. At that time, criminals will run faster than rabbits. From the time I was bombed to the end of it, everything was in Mr. Leopold's hands. His performance outside is just acting. And I found that he played very well and had the potential to become a big star

"Ha ha ha." The reporters laughed.

William Leopold finally let go of his heart and he was going to be a hero.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "here, I want to thank you for your concern. I heard that thousands of fans gathered in front of the police station and didn't leave all night, which really touched me. Thank you. Thank you. "

"Mr. Shaw, I don't understand why Mr. mark Benton wanted to assassinate you?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "gambling. We've made a bet. It's nine billion dollars. "

"What do you think of London now, Mr. Shaw?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I still like here very much. I didn't like the terrorist attack that happened to me last night. In particular, the performance of the city government and the police in this incident has given me more confidence in the future of London. I'm sorry to hear that three of our police officers were injured in the firefight with gangsters. In order to express my gratitude, I would like to donate 100 million US dollars to the police station to purchase all kinds of weapons and equipment. "

On hearing this, William Leopold said happily, "on behalf of the whole police station, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you, Mr. Shaw. I believe that with these equipment, our police officers will be more secure when they carry out their duties. "...

the press conference was held for almost an hour, and then it was over.

Before leaving, Terence may held Xiao Yunhai's hand and was grateful.

With Xiao Yunhai's praise for them at the press conference, both Terrence may and William Leopold have more political capital.

Chinese fans saw that Xiao Yunhai was ok, so they put down their hearts one after another.

"Our Chinese Kung Fu is really amazing. Once again, the emperor of cloud escaped the crisis by feeling."

"Good. It's amazing. If you don't see or hear about it, you may be able to avoid danger in the whole of China. "

"The most amazing thing for me is that emperor Yun dare to stand on the street and let him shoot in order to find the location of the killer. It's really brave of an expert."

"I think the cloud emperor is becoming a land God. Last night's event can be made into an action movie

Back at the hotel, Xiao Yunhai sees Kristi and others.

Because they were on the plane all the time, they didn't know about Xiao Yunhai. After they got to the plane, they learned about the whole incident and scared Kristi.

Although she has been Xiao Yunhai's financial adviser for more than a year, she has already formed a deep friendship with each other.

Kristi was deeply moved by Xiao Yunhai's boundless trust and support. She secretly vowed to help Xiao Yunhai build a giant enterprise that shocked the world and realize her life value at the same time.

If Xiao Yunhai is suddenly ruined, Kristi is absolutely hard to accept.

"Are you all right, Mr. Xiao?"

Xiao Yunhai deeply arms, kicking legs, humor said: "intact. Don't worry. It's just a small scene. If a time bomb, a sniper gun, can get me, then I am the first expert in China is also too many times. Let's go in and say. I have good news for you. "

When they arrived at Xiao Yunhai's room, they sat down and said, "Ms. Kristi, you have two things to do today. One is the $180 billion that David Stern and Max Garcia lost to me. You take the contract to get the money. Another is to draw up a contract as soon as possible. Mark Benton and I have already agreed to buy 9.8% of his shares in stell for $180 billion. In the afternoon, his son will go to the police station. We just need to give him the contract and pay 90 billion dollars to his son's account

Christie was overjoyed and asked, "Mr. Shaw, aren't you and mark Benton enemies? He's looking for someone to kill you. How could I agree to sell you the shares? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there is nothing impossible in this world. Now that we have 24.7% of stell networks, we can challenge David Stern on the board. "

Christie thought for a moment and said, "I'm afraid we're still out of our depth."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I didn't want to overturn him to the ground in one fell swoop, but just to test how deep the water is. We're going to have stern networks sooner or later, and now it's just being managed by David Stern. When I'm done with stell networks, I'll merge it with our industries, and then a super business empire will emerge. It's exciting to think about it. "

Christie looked forward to saying, "I wish I could see that day coming soon."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it should be soon." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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