Published at 11th of May 2022 05:22:02 AM

Chapter 1286

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After Kristi went out, Xiao Yunhai stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, looking at the people and vehicles coming and going in the street. The whole person was lost in thought.

Although it seems that the whole case has been completed, Xiao Yunhai is very clear that the time bomb was not put by the black knife Gang, they just carried a black pot for others.

Who in the end is so deliberate to kill themselves?

Xiao Yunhai wants to break his head, but he doesn't think of the ugly Yin Mao.

He didn't worry about himself. Unless the other side used weapons of mass destruction such as missiles, it would be a dream to kill himself.

What he was really afraid of was that the other party could not kill himself, and that he would attack his parents, wife and children.

In this world, relatives are the scales in Xiao Yunhai's heart. He absolutely does not allow anyone to hurt them.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai secretly sent someone to investigate this matter this morning. As for whether it can be found out, it is up to fate.

When Xiao Yunhai was shut down, he suddenly received calls from numerous friends at home and abroad.

Naturally, Xiao Yunhai couldn't reply one by one, so he sent a short message to thank everyone for their concern.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, Xiao Yunhai took out the agreement from the bank's vault and took Kristi and others to the hotel where the rich lived.

As soon as I entered the door, I met Wu Yong.

"Mr. Wu, what are you doing?" Xiao Yunhai held out his hand with a smile and asked.

Wu Yong shook hands with him and said, "I have some private affairs to deal with. Mr. Xiao, it was a thrill last night

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, which only shows that they can't do it. Mr. Wu, where is David Stern's room? I want to ask him for money. "

Wu Yong said, "No. I heard that he has arranged for someone to wait for you in the meeting room. So is Max Garcia

Xiao Yunhai sneered and said, "count them as wise."

At this point, David Stern and Max Garcia have been unable to return to the day. It is better to give them honestly and gain a good reputation of willing to gamble and admit defeat.

Xiao Yunhai and his party entered the next room.

Things went very smoothly. In less than 10 minutes, Xiao Yunhai's account had been increased by 180 billion US dollars.

From beginning to end, Xiao Yunhai did not see David Stern and Max Garcia.

"Are these two guys so generous? All the money has been given, but not a single face. " Inside the car, Xiao Yunhai is full of playfulness.

Christie said with a smile, "I can't say you, I can't beat you. It's just a shame to meet you. If it was me, I would be the same. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "ha ha, to tell you the truth, I don't want to see them either. If I can't control it, I'll beat them twice, and I'll kill them. You can handle the affairs in the afternoon. I won't go to the police station. Tomorrow, I'll train with the team. You can go back to America after you finish your work. Is there anything else I need to do? "

Christie said, "Mr. Shaw, what are you going to do with the hundreds of billions of dollars?"

Xiao Yunhai listened and said with a smile, "do you have any good places to go?"

Christie laughed and said, "Mr. Shaw, have you ever thought about setting up a bank?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "bank? Do we have that strength now? "

"Of course. Mr. Xiao, if you want to win an invincible position in the future business competition, you can't rely on your own strength alone. It's the best choice to raise funds from all over the world to serve yourself. There are dozens of world-class rich people in that hotel. Why don't you set up a bank with them. Once they come in, we have a lot of allies, which is very beneficial to us. Don't you think so? "

Hearing Kristi's words, Xiao Yunhai fell into meditation.

It has to be admitted that the attraction of the bank to him is really great.

With it, it is equivalent to having sufficient development funds. As long as there is no mistake in the direction of investment, nothing will happen.

Don't you see that every international bank in this world is rich in oil. Even the financial crisis of the year before last has been successfully resisted, and even some banks have experienced reverse growth. Citibank, for example, is an excellent example.

Of course, some banks went bankrupt, but it was all due to poor management.

"Miss Christie, do you have any goals?"

Christie nodded and said, "yes. British bank Barker is in danger of collapse due to investment problems. We can unite with those who are interested in buying it and opening it all over the world. "

Xiao Yunhai knew that the Barker bank was established by the two brothers in 1904. After hundreds of years of development, it has covered the whole Europe and the United States. Unfortunately, the backers of the Barker brothers had a serious disagreement. In order to fight for power, they had been fighting inside. Today, it has fallen into the hands of a rich second generation, and the final result can be imagined.As long as it can be bought, through scientific management and management, it will certainly become a good bank.

Xiao Yunhai said: "please prepare the relevant materials about Barker bank. I will hold a reception in the evening and invite those rich people to come to attend. The last time I passed, I knew a lot of people, and I believe they should give me this face. "

Christie said happily, "that would be great. Mr. Xiao, the nature of a bank is different from that of other companies. We must have a controlling interest in it. Only in this way can there be no constraints when we need funds. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I understand."

In the afternoon, Kristi and her team arrived at the police station with the contract.

Mark Benton seemed to have taken his life and showed great cooperation. Half an hour later, 90 billion dollars were paid to his son's account, while Christie was given a 9.8% stake in the dream firm STEL networks.

In this way, Xiao Yunhai's trip to the world cup can be said to be a complete victory.

He not only won more than 250 billion US dollars in cash, but also obtained 25% of the shares of stell network company, making a lot of money.

That night, 18 rich people who received Xiao Yunhai's invitation came to his hotel.

"What do you think Mr. Xiao asked us to come here for the reception?"

"Who knows. He's so rich now that he's made more than 400 billion dollars in a single game. It's really enviable. "

"Yes. If I had bought the Chinese team at that time, I would have made at least 10 billion yuan now. "

"Well, we're pretty good. David Stern's three were even worse. They lost $270 billion, and one of them went to prison. Oh, why bother. "

"Mr. Wu, do you know what Mr. Xiao means by inviting everyone here?" Zhang Weikang asked curiously.

Wu Yong shook his head and said, "I don't know. But I know that with Mr. Xiao's character, there is no major event, so we should not hold such a reception. "

At this time, Xiao Yunhai, who was welcoming guests outside, accompanied the last few Arab rich people to come in.

Christie said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw, everyone is here."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and stood on the rostrum with a glass of red wine in his hand, and said, "gentlemen,

first of all, thank you for coming to join me in this reception. All my friends who have been invited have come here this evening, which makes me face saving. I won't say anything. I'll give you a toast first. "

Finish saying, the neck a Yang, the red wine in the cup all under the belly.

People are also very face saving, the same will drink the red wine. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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