Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:59 AM

Chapter 1288

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Xiao Yunhai and Kristi are chatting and laughing, and they are very happy. On the other side, his old enemy, David Stern, is a little sad.

This morning, he lost $90 billion to Xiao Yunhai, making his heart bleed. In the evening, after listening to his subordinates' report, Xiao Yunhai invited 18 rich people to a reception. He didn't know what to discuss, which made David stell on pins and needles.

David Stern knows very well that a lone Xiao Yunhai has already made it difficult for him to cope with it. It will be even more difficult to deal with it if he successfully seduces these 18 world-class rich people to form a super large consortium.

Therefore, he was very concerned about Xiao Yunhai's reception.

From nine o'clock in the evening, David Steele sat in the hotel and waited until one o'clock in the morning without seeing them return.

The longer it took, the more uneasy David Stern felt. He was not sleepy at all. It was not until 2:30 that he heard the sound of the rich people coming back from outside.

After thinking about it, David Stern picked up his mobile phone and called one of the rich people who had a good relationship with him.

When he learned that Xiao Yunhai was going to unite with them to set up an international bank, David Stern's face was suddenly hard to see the extreme.

This is the last result he wants to see.

Because once the bank is established, it means that Xiao Yunhai and the 18 world-class rich have formed a community of interests. It is really not an easy thing to crack down on Xiao Yunhai.

Unfortunately, he had no choice but to stop him. He could only watch Xiao Yunhai grow stronger step by step.

Thinking that he and Hanks had lost to each other for 200 billion dollars, David Stern could not help thinking, "is Xiao Yunhai really his nemesis?"

As time flies, the one sixteenth elimination of the world cup has all ended. The top eight teams are Brazil, Britain, Argentina, Uruguay, Italy, Germany, Spain and China.

All the 32 teams are first-class teams, only China is the worst. Although Xiao Yunhai played well in the last game and blocked numerous goals, we only attributed it to luck.

Therefore, the other seven strong teams most hope to meet is Huaxia.

Song Yuan's luck is quite bad, suddenly draw to the Italian team which is good at defense, which makes the whole Italian players and fans jump up happily.

Xiao Yunhai watched the Italian fans on TV and cheered like a festival. He could not help touching his nose and saying, "are we so weak in their eyes? It's a shame. "

Ning Xinghua's face is not good-looking, said: "Italy is a team that is good at defending and counterattack. We can't compare a person with a big horse and physical stamina. What's more, their attack is also very strong. The captain is the best shooter of last year and has scored 45 goals in a league. It's hard to fight. "

Xiao Yunhai patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "don't lose heart. There is not a weak team in the top eight. It will be sooner or later for Italy to meet. Even if it's Brazil, our goal is the world cup. Don't worry, they don't want to score a goal with me. If you can't get in, then penalty kicks. At that time, as long as one of the five of you can kick in, then we will win

Ning Xinghua said: "brother Xiao, we are not even a penalty kick "

before I finished speaking, I suddenly thought of the goalkeeper in front of me, who could not make the whole team rest, so I shut up in the middle of the conversation.

Xiao Yunhai said: "we still have three games to play. When we get the Hercules cup, I'll retire and I won't be a goalkeeper in my life

Ning Xinghua heard, surprised said: "brother Xiao, with your ability, not to be a goalkeeper, it is a pity."

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "I'm a goalkeeper. It's like an adult playing with a group of children. Nobody wants to beat me if I want to. The main purpose of this time is to win a Hercules cup for our Chinese fans and make them happy. In the future, we still rely on you professional athletes

Ning Xinghua said with a bitter smile: "you are right. With you, our Chinese football team has a super cheater, which is unfair to those teams. However, you can rest assured that our Chinese football has sprung up several good players no less than me and Lu Ge. In the next World Cup, they will all appear on the field. At that time, we will definitely win the world cup with our own real level. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "well said, football needs this strength."

With that, he took out his mobile phone, called Zhang xuanhai and asked, "Lao Zhang, what are the odds ratios between us and the Italian team?"

Zhang xuanhai said on the phone, "1:1.4."

"1:1.4?" Xiao Yunhai listened, directly happy: "David Stern is really good, forget the pain scar. I'm sorry to have given me such a good chance to make money. By the way, Lao Zhang, you ask the brothers to put money on our Chinese team. I promise you can make a lot of money. "Zhang xuanhai said with a smile: "boss Xiao, all our brothers, including those who are far away in China, have already taken out all our belongings. A total of 65 million yuan have been put in. You must not lose."

Xiao Yunhai said: "you guys are really good at making holes. Don't worry. I'll lose. I'll give you ten times as much money as you lose. "

After that, she dialed her mobile phone number with Xiao xuanhai.

"Ms. Kristi, the odds ratio between the Chinese team and the Italian team is 1:1.4. Do you understand? "

"Lose? Ha ha, it's impossible with me. Don't worry, we won't lose. "

" OK, 300 billion will buy Huaxia team. "

When Ning Xinghua heard that Xiao Yunhai had put in 300 billion US dollars in one breath, he was stunned. After a good

moment, he said, "brother Xiao, you are so cruel."

Xiao Yunhai said: "men, be cruel to yourself. Once we win, 300 billion dollars will become 720 billion dollars. If I don't do such a good business, I will be a fool. "

Ning Xinghua licked his lips, took out a bank card from his pocket, and ran out.

Xiao Yunhai asked in surprise, "what are you doing?"

Ning Xinghua called out, "go to the betting station. I can't be fucked. "

Xiao Yunhai could not help but smile.

The next day, when Xiao Yunhai put 300 billion dollars into it, the whole gambling market was completely confused.

David Steele frowned and said to more than 40 dealers: "everybody, Kung Fu Xiao's practice is really inappropriate. We can't let him do this. Three hundred billion dollars will be put in all of a sudden. If you win, it will be 720 billion. At that time, I'm afraid we'll all lose money. "

Wu Yong said with a smile, "Mr. stern, when you set the odds, you said that you would be sure of everything.". Now Mr. Xiao is down to 300 billion US dollars, and you say that we will lose money. Hehe, I don't know if your words are accurate or not? "

"More importantly, what should we do? Don't let Mr. Xiao take part in gambling? Or a cap? This is obviously not appropriate. Besides, the overall strength of the Italian team is much stronger than that of the Chinese team. If the Chinese team loses, 30 million dollars will not be left. I don't understand, Mr. stern, what are you afraid of? " A rich Arab.

"Mr. stern lost to Mr. Shaw last time. Was he afraid of losing? It doesn't matter. This time it's not a single bet between you and him

In people's opinion, David Stern is indeed making a fuss. Although Xiao Yunhai's bet amount is relatively large, his bet is normal, and the winning or losing is still uncertain. It's hard to make a fuss there.

Everyone knows that Xiao Yunhai is afraid of him. When he puts all his eggs in one basket, he subconsciously thinks that the other party will win. That's why he is so angry.

At the same time, David stell also felt the power of Xiao Yunhai. After only a few meetings, there were so many people who did not hesitate to offend themselves but also wanted to protect Xiao Yunhai. Obviously, they were completely together. It's so much more powerful than his firm, STEL networks.

Thinking of this, David Stern let out a long breath and said, "since everyone feels normal, I won't say anything."

With that, David Steele left with hatred.

"Once bitten by a snake for ten years, David Steele was frightened by Mr. Shaw." Zhang Weikang sighed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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