Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:55 AM

Chapter 1291

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Two days before the competition, Xiao Yunhai and Zhang xuanhai arrived at London International Airport in a RV worth tens of millions of dollars.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Xiao Yunhai saw his father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, wife and two children walking out of the airport under the close protection of Gao Xiangfeng and song Yunfeng.

Xiao Yunhai quickly went forward to say hello, and then held the child from Chen Xiuzhu and Zhao Wanqing. He was very intimate.

Xiao Changfeng and Zhao Mingsheng are also fans. This is Brazil's championship against China, which makes them feel a little itchy. So after some discussion, they decided to come to London to watch the ball.

Chen Xiuzhu and Yan Feiyun have never been to London and would like to come over for a few days.

In this way, the whole family came by private jet.

To be safe, Xiao Yunhai called Gao Xiangfeng and asked him to send more bodyguards to protect his family. Unexpectedly, he and song Yunfeng arrived in person.

After they got on the bus, Xiao Yunhai joked, "Laogao, brother song, how can you come here in person when you are so busy?"

Gao Xiangfeng said with a smile: "of course, it's to watch the game. Because of your presence, we have finally reached the World Cup finals, which is a great joy for our fans. In fact, even if you don't call me, Yunfeng and I will come here today. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "it's not interesting to stay in school all day. It's good to come out and relax. Listen to elder brother Zhang, you have made a lot of money this time? "

Gao Xiangfeng said with a smile: "if you have boss Xiao as a goalkeeper, it's football. It's just that a mosquito can't get in.". Of course, we can't miss such a good opportunity to make money. We've made 600 million dollars in two consecutive games

Xiao Yunhai raised his thumb and said: "cattle break, you are cruel enough."

Gao Xiang said: "where. Compared with you, we are certainly a little bit inferior to you. "

Zhao Mingsheng, next to him, was interested in asking, "Yunhai, to tell you the truth, how much money did you win through this world cup?"

Xiao Yunhai smile, way: "still don't say, I'm afraid to frighten you."

Chen Xiuzhu scolded: "you don't sell the truth here. The explosion that shocked the world almost scared us to death. I haven't settled with you yet. You've sold the key. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, I say not yet? In fact, I don't know exactly how much. By now, it should be more than 900 billion dollars. "

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's words were spoken, all the people in the car were silent except Zhao Wanqing, who knew the truth for a long time.

It took a while for everyone to recover from the shock.

Yan Piaoyun turned her head and looked at her daughter and asked, "Wanqing, did you know that long ago?"

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "of course. Every time Yunhai wins money, she has to tell me on the phone. "

Chen Xiuzhu said, "why don't you tell us?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "aren't you worried? That happened last time because of $90 billion. Then, in the match against Italy, Yunhai made 420 billion at one go. I didn't dare to tell you

Xiao Changfeng said with a bitter smile: "I really didn't expect that a World Cup would make you earn more than 900 billion yuan. It's really frightening."

I'm sure of Haiyun. Or I won't play if I'm killed. "

Zhao Mingsheng asked: "this time against Brazil, are you going to bet our Chinese team to win?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. The day after tomorrow is the day of the game. The odds are out, 1:1.1. Hehe, even if I didn't lose three consecutive games against Brazil, I didn't give the fans 100% confidence. There are still countless people who bet them to win. That's good. It'll make me win a little bit more. "

Zhao Mingsheng said, "how much did you invest?

Xiao Yunhai held out two fingers and said, "not much. I only invested 190 billion dollars."

Zhao Mingsheng gaped and said, "in the world, you don't pay attention to this 190 billion."

Xiao Changfeng said: "if you are poor, you should be good at yourself; if you reach a goal, you will benefit the world at the same time. Yunhai, since you have money, do more good things. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I know, Dad. After returning home, I will make a donation to the Yunqing charity foundation. "

Xiao Changfeng said, "that's good."

Zhao Wanqing suddenly surprised Yi, asked: "husband, it seems that we are not the way to the hotel?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course not. We are going home."

It turns out that during the world cup, the hotel rooms are already overcrowded.

Zhao Wanqing and his party did not even have a place to live.

Without saying a word, Xiao Yunhai directly spent 250 million dollars to buy a huge manor, which is much bigger than the one in Los Angeles.

Zhao Wanqing didn't like to say: "husband, you can really line, quietly bought such an expensive villa."Xiao Yunhai said triumphantly, "who makes me rich now. It's normal to be rich and willful. "

The crowd burst into laughter.

Making trillions of dollars and buying a villa worth 250 million is nothing.

When they got out of the car, they saw huge lawns, fountains, gardens and parking lots. Even Zhao Wanqing, who was used to the villa in Los Angeles, exclaimed: "it's a dime for a coin. It's bigger here than it is. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "of course."

Entering the living room, people were shocked by the magnificent decoration.

Chen Xiuzhu said with a wry smile, "Yunhai, you boy is really willing."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Mom, if you make money, don't spend it. Do you grow hair there? Besides, I'm investing in real estate, OK? I'll bet that in less than three years, the estate will sell for at least $300 million. "

Zhao Wanqing gave him a look and said, "OK, you don't have to brag here. If the child is sleepy, find a bedroom

Xiao Yunhai quickly agreed and took Zhao Wanqing to his bedroom.

Others went around, Xiao Changfeng and Zhao Mingsheng even played golf on the lawn.

A day later, the British team competed with Argentina for the third place, and the final score was 2:1, and the British team won. Xiao Changfeng and Zhao Mingsheng are in the VIP box. They are excited and excited when they see the end from the beginning.

On July 28, the final match of the World Cup against Brazil began.

The game attracted almost all the teams that did not leave, and the fans were no longer limited to China and Brazil. As it was involved in the closing ceremony, there were almost all fans from all countries.

What people want to see most is undoubtedly Xiao Yunhai, the goalkeeper born in the air, whether he can keep his record of no goals in the face of Brazil's almost unprecedented attack.

If it can, there is no doubt that the best player in this world cup is Xiao Yunhai.

At the beginning of the game, the Brazilian team took the lead to attack. Five world-class forwards rushed in directly with the ball. The moving speed was very fast, and the cooperation between them was just right. The back line of China was almost unbearable. After a few passes, the football had reached the forbidden area. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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