Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:51 AM

Chapter 1294

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In their fight for the Jersey, Xiao Yunhai was once again thrown into the sky by Carnival players.

As we all know, if it is not for Xiao Yunhai, let alone win the world cup, it is difficult to say whether he can enter the last eight.

"I've always firmly believed that football is a sport for eleven people, and no matter how strong you are, you can't help the team win," the Brazilian coach said in an interview. Today, I still believe this sentence, but with one exception, Mr. Xiao Yunhai. Even the worst team, as long as he is the goalkeeper, can defeat any enemy

"I admire the Chinese team very much. They could have used man to man tactics to win, but in the second half, they had the courage to attack our Brazil team, which surprised us. There is no denying that if it was me, I would never allow such a thing to happen. "

On the other side, song Yuanyuan said in an interview: "it's not that I want to change the tactics, but Mr. Xiao, Ning Xinghua and all the other players have unanimously asked for a change in tactics. They said it was only a shame to have won the world cup with man to man tactics. I can't help it. I can only take a chance to attack the world's strongest team. Fortunately, I won in the end. Otherwise, I this coach really has no face to face the old Jiangdong

"Coach song, is today really Mr. Xiao's last game?"

Song Yuan nodded and said, "yes. In the future, he will not replace the national team in the world cup, let alone join other teams. After all, he is the richest man in the world. He is too busy to be a professional football player. What's more, he is so strong that he is a bug in itself. If he was a goalkeeper, it would be a nightmare for all forwards. However, our Chinese Football Committee has decided to seal his No. 1 Jersey permanently, unless someone can achieve Mr. Xiao's achievements

After the game, the award ceremony began, Xiao Yunhai won the world cup best goalkeeper and best player with undisputed performance.

When delivering his acceptance speech, Xiao Yunhai publicly announced that he would not play any more, which made countless forwards and coaches breathe a deep breath.

Such a goalkeeper is really stressful.

Next, when song Yuanyuan, Xiao Yunhai and Ning Xinghua held the Hercules cup high together, Huaxia did not know how many fans cried bitterly.

In the VIP box, Xiao Changfeng looked at his son, clapped his hands and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Yunhai actually won the Hercules cup on behalf of the national team. It's just incredible."

Zhao Mingsheng said: "it's nothing strange that anything happens to the sea of clouds. He is a man who is good at creating miracles. With such a son, elder brother Xiao can live without regret. "

Xiao Changfeng laughed and said, "how can he be excellent again? It's not for your daughter. At home, Wan Qing says one, but he doesn't even dare to say two. It's called one thing falling one thing. "

Zhao Mingsheng said: "Wanqing's best choice in this life is to marry Yunhai. Huaxia team won, Yunhai also won, 200 billion US dollars was so easy to get into his pocket. All in all, he has won trillions of dollars in this world cup. I feel a little scared. "

Xiao Changfeng said with a smile: "no matter how rich he is, I believe he will not become another person. I have great confidence in him

That night, Xiao Yunhai and the football team celebrated fiercely. It was early in the morning when I got home.

Zhao Wanqing has been surfing the Internet after sleeping with her two children.

What she likes most now is that netizens praise Xiao Yunhai's post.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai coming back, Zhao Wanqing welcomed him and said with a smile, "did you drink a lot of bars?"

Zhao Wanqing wore a white gauze Nightgown, which was almost transparent, and the perfect figure loomed, which made Xiao Yunhai's eyes bright and said, "wife, this Pajama is really sexy tonight."

Zhao Wanqing's heart a joy, charming white his eye, said: "you don't flatter here. You are now

amazing, your worth is nearly two trillion yuan. Come on, when are you going to change me

Xiao Yunhai laughed, put his arms around her fragrant shoulder and said, "wife, I want to criticize you. Excessive modesty is pride. If you're a yellow faced woman, there won't be any beautiful women that day. As for the change of wife, let alone. I've been poisoned by you all my life. Except you, no beautiful woman is in my eyes. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "as the saying goes, men get worse when they have money. Now that you've won more than a trillion dollars, you're not itching? "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "even if it is one billion yuan, what can it do. Xiao Yunhai is not a person who can be defeated by money. If you don't believe it, let's make two one and make five and divide it equally. If it doesn't work, I'll write down an agreement. If Xiao Yunhai abandons his wife and son one day and leaves you, all the property in my name belongs to you, how about that? "

Zhao Wanqing's heart was moved. Xiao Yunhai was able to say that, more than any sweet words to make her happy.She put her arm around Xiao Yunhai's neck and gave him a long French kiss. Zhao Wanqing said, "husband, I believe you. It was just a joke with you."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I know. By the way, aren't you going to America to deal with music albums? How about we go together the day after tomorrow

Zhao Wanqing thought about it and said, "of course. However, you really don't go back to Yanjing with the team? Finally got the Hercules cup, if you go back, you will certainly be warmly welcomed by the fans

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I will not go as a guest goalkeeper. Moreover, I have to attend the press conference of Barker bank

Zhao Wanqing said: "a bank jointly established by 19 of the world's top richest people with assets of more than $20 trillion will certainly have a huge impact on the whole world."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said in a soft voice, "I have enough confidence in this. Wife, it's getting late. Should we have a rest

Looking at Xiao Yunhai's color expression, Zhao Wanqing's eyes were like silk, and her eyes were about to drip water. She said, "go and take a bath."

Xiao Yunhai gave her a kiss on her face and said with a smile, "yes, leader."

It has been a month since the two men met. Naturally, the fighting situation is extremely fierce.

The next afternoon, Xiao Yunhai, dressed in a suit and tie, appeared at the news conference with 18 other rich people. The scene was much bigger than those international stars.

There were more than 300 journalists who went to the press conference alone. As soon as the 19 rich people appeared, the sound of pressing the shutter was endless, and the flash lights were like a sea of thunder.

"Damn it. Nineteen world-class rich people have bought Barker bank. I'm afraid the world economy will be shaken by three shocks. "

"Yesterday I calculated that their assets add up to $23 trillion, making it a huge economy."

"A new consortium that can influence the whole world may be because this bank appears in front of the world. It's amazing."

All of them sat on the rostrum, and Xiao Yunhai was allowed to speak in the middle.

Reporters raised their hands one after another. Xiao Yunhai looked around and said with a smile, "have the reporters from Yunqing TV station come? Ask you first. "

There was a roaring sound under the stage.

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I can't help it. Who let me be the spokesman. If you have any opinions, please keep them. "


Yunqing TV reporter asked: "gentlemen, first of all, congratulations on the formal establishment of our new Barker bank today. My question is how much money is in our bank? How is its equity allocated? How will banks operate? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "we have invested a total of 1.1 trillion US dollars as the initial capital. The equity is distributed according to the amount of capital invested by everyone. The highest one is me, accounting for 54.5%. Today, with reporters from all over the world, we have officially recruited the governor of Barker bank. Which Mr. or Ms. feel that they are qualified for this position, as far as possible to send a letter of recommendation. If we think it is good and meets the standard of bank CEO, we will interview you. Once passed, congratulations. You will be the president of Barker bank. "

"Mr. Xiao, how much salary are you going to give the president?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed: "his base salary is only one million US dollars, and other salaries need to be talked about by his achievements. Every six months, we will send someone to investigate. The higher the profit, the higher the income. At that time, even a billion dollars in annual income will not be impossible. Therefore, this position will only be reserved for those who are truly talented and capable. "

"Mr. Shaw, what are the investment areas your bank is involved in?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "as long as we make money, we will invest in any field without any restrictions. Of course,

the exception is harmful things like drugs. "

"Mr. Xiao, your current business scope only covers Europe and America. Will you expand to other parts of the world? For example, Asia, Oceania and other places. "

"Of course. The goal of Barker bank is to be no less than any other bank in the world. However, we need to eat one bite at a time. Our plan is to develop the business in Europe and the United States in two years, while other regions will not consider it for the time being. We have to make the foundation firm before we build skyscrapers

"Mr. Xiao, I heard that you made a lot of money by gambling in this world cup? Can you give me some specific figures? "

"Sorry. Today is the press conference of Barker bank, and I will not answer any irrelevant questions. The press conference of the next "


was held for a full hour, and that was the end. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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