Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:49 AM

Chapter 1296

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The next morning, Zhao Wanqing, with her assistant and bodyguard, embarked on the journey of album promotion.

His wife went to all over the country to publicize. Naturally, Xiao Yunhai couldn't make her tired, so she left her private plane.

After sending his wife to the airport, Xiao Yunhai came to Yunqing TV station.

The world cup made Yunqing TV station famous all over the world. What kind of programs to keep the audience next became the most important thing for them.

It would be a pity if the TV series or other programs were not available.

"Robert, what's your plan for the next TV program?"

Xiao Yunhai sat in the office, looking at the red face of Robert asked.

Robert said with a smile, "boss, I'll introduce you. First of all, our three superhero TV series have been finished. After our network survey, we are obviously most interested in Superman, so I'm going to play superman first. The time is golden time the night after tomorrow. "

"Secondly, the third animated film" Transformers "was broadcast yesterday, and the ratings were surprisingly good, far exceeding the previous two. Although the cost of animation advertising is a little cheaper, at least four billion dollars is no problem

"What's more, after our" voice of America "and" multimillionaire "were recorded, they were not broadcast during the world cup. The ratings of other regular programs are maintained at a relatively stable level. In addition, we also bought two MGM TV series, an animation and a documentary. These works are excellent, not worse than ours. After MGM sold the American TV station, it specialized in China, so the contract states that it is not allowed to broadcast these works on Yunqing TV station in China. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction and said:" very good. Robert, the world cup has given us a great opportunity for Yunqing TV station. It's up to you whether we can keep the fruits of our victory. I think your arrangement is very good. By the way, have Superman and transformers been handed over to Huaxia

Robert said, "I often talk to Chen on the phone and have become good friends. Some time ago, Mr. Chen brought more than 20 people here. He not only took Superman, transformers and the voice of America away, but also selected several excellent TV series and cartoons from the original Marvel TV station's film library, saying that they wanted to make use of waste. "

Robert knows that Chen Zhan is the uncle of the boss Xiao Yunhai, so he has been deliberately making friends with him, almost every week to communicate with him.

This time, Chen Zhan brought people over, and Robert entertained them with meticulous care. It is not too much to describe them as being responsive to their needs.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "he is really worried. The foundation of Yunqing TV station in China is too thin, and there is a serious lack of excellent TV programs. However, the competition is far more than ours. In the future, you need more help. This situation is expected to continue for a year, and it will be much better after a year. "

Some time ago, Xiao Yunhai invested 10 billion yuan in Hanhai film and television company of his father-in-law Zhao Mingsheng, mainly to collect excellent scripts and shoot TV dramas.

During the two days in London, Xiao Yunhai chatted with Zhao Mingsheng and learned that Hanhai had five TV dramas in the process of intense shooting, and that two big plays were under close preparation. At the same time, they also launched a variety show about tourism, which is a bit like "flowers and teenagers" of mango TV station.

In addition to the TV station's own investment in film and television works, I believe that next year's ratings will not be much worse.

Robert nodded and said, "don't worry, boss, I understand. Let's have a look at a TV series called Chen qiangu in Europe and America? It's said that the script was written by the boss, and all the alumni from your alma mater were invited. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "yes. This TV play is a pure Chinese Xianxia drama. It took a full year and a half to complete. The quality should be good. I haven't seen it yet

"Flower thousand bones" this TV play, Xiao Yunhai after shooting his own part, has not been in charge of.

Elder brother Ruda is very serious both in shooting and post production. He just keeps improving. He takes it as a film and strives for perfection in every shot.

After finishing his post production last month, he asked himself to go and see it again.

Xiao Yunhai was full of confidence in his level, and he was too busy at that time, so he didn't go back.

Robert said, "I've left the play. These two days, I have been watching. Although I can't understand the lines, the picture is very beautiful. The action scene is magnificent. The fighting method is like our western magic. There are also many Chinese Kung Fu, especially the fairy sword, flying around, which is really beautiful. In addition to you and Miss Zhao, I have also found many actors whose acting skills have reached the level of film emperor and film queen. Is this the strength of your school? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "a lot of supporting roles or guest roles are really actors with the strength of the film queen. Over the past few decades, Huaxia Film Academy has trained numerous artists with outstanding acting skills. Some of them have made great achievements and have made brilliant achievements in film and television. Some have specialized in drama and displayed their superb acting skills on the stage. Our play, which was shot and produced by the students of our school, is of great significance, so everyone is very supportive. Even some teachers and dramatists who have never acted in a play are on the stage. You say, can't it look good? Robert, what do you think of taking it to Europe and America? "Robert said: "the reason why I left this TV series is that I want someone to translate it for our Superman. Mr. Xiao, I'm sure the audience rating of this play will be very good. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "I hope so. Robert, what else can I do for you? Say it together. I'm going to New York tonight. After I'm done, I'll go straight to California to shoot prison break. It's said that they are all ready now. I'll be the director. "

Before the start of the world cup, Neil, the assistant director of prison break, took many people to find a suitable set. Finally, he found a newly abandoned prison in California, and the surrounding environment was in line with the requirements of the play. What makes people more satisfied is that there is a factory less than 10 miles away from the prison. The pipes inside can fully accommodate adults to climb inside. It can be said that it solves the problem by killing two birds with one stone.

Xiao Yunhai asked to start the machine on August 2. Now there are only three days left. The time is a little tight.

Robert thought for a while and said, "Mr. Xiao, our TV station has made a lot of money recently. I hope to keep half of them and shoot more excellent works. We bought more than a dozen scripts at a very high price, plus those super hero TV series that cost a lot of money. If we don't have enough money, it will be very troublesome. "

When Xiao Yunhai saw that the TV station was on the right track, he split the production of TV series from Marvel comics. Raul was in charge of the film, toy, children's paradise and other industries. Robert was responsible for the production of animation and TV series.

On the one hand, it can improve work efficiency, so as to avoid Raul being too busy. On the other hand, it can avoid problems in the future due to too much power of one person.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I can't move a dollar of this money. Yunqing TV station wants to develop, people and money are the most important. Robert, do a good job. The more excellent films and TV works, the better. If you can think of a cycle, the better. "

Robert said happily, "thank you, boss. You can rest assured that with sufficient funds, I will give you a satisfactory answer sheet. "

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said, "come on. According to the current development trend of TV stations, as long as there are no particularly serious problems, it is estimated that you will become a billionaire before Christmas this year. "

Robert was very excited and said, "thank you, boss."

Xiao Yunhai patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "OK, if there's nothing else, I'll go."

Robert will Xiao Yunhai downstairs, looking at the slowly driving out of the car, Robert forced to shake his arm.

A billionaire? In the past, I didn't dare to think of things that I didn't dare to think about. It was just a short year ago that I had this hope. It was just incredible.

It seems that they must work hard, absolutely can not be careless, in case of a sudden drop in ratings, it is completely over.

Thinking of this, Robert took a deep breath, pressed down the ecstasy in his heart, quickly recovered to the original state of mind, and turned back to the television station. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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