Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:47 AM

Chapter 1297

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From Yunqing TV station, Xiao Yunhai went to the company headquarters again.

Magic effects company is still very busy, come to negotiate business every day. Even if Daniel recently recruited more than 100 people from the community, he still couldn't meet the demand.

Fortunately, they have already started using Paramount Pictures' new special effects technology, increasing their efficiency by a quarter, otherwise they would be busier.

At this time, the films that need them to do special effects have been scheduled for two months, and the profit of half a year can reach at least 5 billion dollars.

Moyna's Marvel agency is also full of talents. Not only David Harnett joined in, but also another actress, Phyllis Gabriel, was fooled into Marvel by moyna. As for those actors who are praised by marvel, there are more than 20 people, all of them have stepped into the ranks of Hollywood first-line actors, and their value has increased much more than before Less times.

Storm game company's "Warcraft" was affected by the world cup, the number of online inevitably fell more than 40%, but relatively speaking, the storm is good.

Other companies' games were even worse, and the number of games of STEL network company dropped by more than 65%.

Moreover, the market share of "Warcraft" is still no doubt the first, accounting for more than 50%. It can bring more than 100 million US dollars to Xiao Yunhai every day.

In the two days after the world cup, Warcraft not only returned to normal, but also saw a 10% increase in the number of people online, which can be said to be a surprise.

In addition, the war of the king has already got its outline. After Warcraft had money, sheymore recruited more than 200 technicians to join the storm. After a few months, he made great progress. With the current progress, it is estimated that we can meet the players next year.

Of course, it may also depend on the situation of Warcraft at that time. If it can still occupy more than 30% of the market, the king's man can only be released later to avoid competition between the two games and affect Xiao Yunhai's income.

Marvel cartoon company is also very good, not counting Xiao Yunhai's "master of the generation" and those superhero movies, this year's investment in the production of 16 films, large and small, has made a profit of more than 8 billion, which is very good.

In addition, animation toys sold well, with a profit of $2.8 billion.

The construction of Marvel children's paradise has been basically completed. The number of visitors of those parks which were already in operation has been significantly increased, and the profit is about 3 billion US dollars.

Seeing that the development of his company is very good, Xiao Yunhai is very satisfied. After calling together Raul, Mo Yina and other responsible persons, he praises them severely in the meeting room, saying that as long as it continues, he will give everyone a big red envelope at the end of the year.

I got off the plane for lunch, and then I went to yundun from Xiaohai.

Since Xiao Yunhai bought a private jet, he basically depends on it to travel. After a long time, he doesn't feel much.

Now that the private plane has given way to his wife Zhao Wanqing, Xiao Yunhai once again chose to take an airliner, and immediately felt very inconvenient.

After waiting for two hours, Xiao Yunhai and several bodyguards boarded the plane.

Even on the plane, Xiao Yunhai is also uncomfortable.

Although he bought first class, he was far from comfortable compared with his own private plane.

Many passengers were surprised to see Xiao Yunhai, and they came to him one after another. They wanted to sign and take photos, which made Xiao Yunhai very tired. However, he had to put on an approachable look on his face to interact with his fans.

After a full ten hour flight, Xiao Yunhai arrived at the New York airport. It was Williams ash, a shareholder of the board of directors of stell networks, who came to meet him. "Mr. Xiao, long time no see." Ash is very polite to Xiao Yunhai with a hint of respect.

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and found that the passengers around him seemed to be looking at him. He even said, "Mr. ash, let's get on the bus first. If I'm recognized, I'll be in big trouble. "

Ash nodded, and Xiao Yun sea a top extended version of Lincoln.

"Mr. Shaw, I didn't expect that you should have taken the 9.8% of mark Benton's shares. In this way, we'll have a good chance of winning."

Ash is very impressed with Xiao Yunhai's ability.

He has been fighting with David Steele all his life and knows the strength of each other, but he didn't expect that a World Cup would make David Stern lose a lot. He not only lost $90 billion to Xiao Yunhai, but also succeeded in getting 25% of the shares. Even mark Benton, a good friend of David Stern, went to prison. What he lost was a mess.

At the same time, he also heard that Xiao Yunhai had won more than one trillion dollars from gambling. This is not an asset, but a working capital. He also cooperated with 18 super rich people to establish an international bank.

Everything, let Williams. Ash feel that the young man in front of him is too terrible, terrible, some frightening.That's why he spoke in a different tone.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I spent 180 billion US dollars to buy his 9.8% shares. Speaking of it, I still lost a lot. Mr. ash, when will the board of directors be held? "

Williams ash said: "it's two o'clock this afternoon. However, I would like to remind you that although our shares are much larger than before, David Stern still has an absolute controlling interest. His two or three shareholders who have worked with him in the world all support him 100%, which makes us very passive. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "I didn't think that I could drive Mr. David Stern into the dust all at once. It's too unrealistic. The reason why I volunteered to hold this board meeting was to give David Stern an opportunity to get to know other colleagues at STEL network. As for the matter of joining stell network company, it's still a long time, I'm not in a hurry. "

When Williams ash saw that Xiao Yunhai was not arrogant and impetuous and calm as a mountain, he nodded in his heart and said, "Mr. Xiao, I believe that Stern network company will be yours soon."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I need more help from Mr. ash."

The car drove for about an hour and then stopped at a French restaurant.

Xiao Yunhai got out of the car, took a deep breath and said, "every time I come to Wall Street, I can smell a strong smell of money. To tell you the truth, I really don't like it here, because it always makes me feel like it lacks a trace of humanity. "

Williams ash laughs: "it's almost everywhere, but Wall Street is more realistic. In this world, both ordinary people and big capitalists are chasing wealth. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and agreed with ash's words.

After lunch, it's almost time.

Xiao Yunhai and ash came to the headquarters of STEL network company. Seeing the towering but slightly old building, Xiao Yunhai asked with a smile, "is this the tallest building on Wall Street?"

Williams ash said, "that's right. When David Stern was so ambitious that he vowed to be the most successful businessman on Wall Street, he built this skyscraper with his office on the top floor. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "how can building a building help your career? It's better to give employees more money. At least, it can improve their working enthusiasm."

"Mr. Shaw is right," said Williams ash, laughing , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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