Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:45 AM

Chapter 1298

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Laughing and joking, they came to the door of the elevator and just met Jason stern who came out of the elevator.

"Mr. Xiao, if you don't play football, how can you get to our STEL network company?" Jason Stern was not polite.

In order to avoid causing panic to the company, David Stern didn't tell anyone about Xiao Yunhai's 25% stake in STEL network company, so Jason stern didn't know about it.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "we use this word very well. As the second largest shareholder of stell networks, I'm going to take a look. After all, maybe one day, this is mine. "

Jason Steele turned pale and said, "Mr. Shaw, what do you mean by that? When did you become a shareholder in stell networks? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "it seems that your father, Mr. David Stern, did not tell you. Yes, after all, you are just an executive of the company. It's no use talking to you. Mr. ash, let's go. Don't delay the board meeting. "

They walked into the elevator, leaving Jason Steele standing there with a pale face.

Walking into the conference room, Xiao Yunhai met four shareholders on the same front as ash, who, together with Williams ash, held 17% of the shares.

After getting to know each other, Williams ash asked, "Why are we the only ones here? Mr. David Stern, and they? "

A trace of disdain flashed on Alan felimont's face and said, "I think we should discuss things in his office. Mr. Shaw has become our second largest shareholder, which makes Mr. David Stern nervous. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what's so nervous about. He owns 41% of the shares, and with the strong support of several other shareholders, he has the initiative completely. If I'm worried, I have nothing to say

"He's afraid you're going to pull in a couple of other shareholders, and that's going to be a big problem," said Alan Freemont

As soon as the words fell, David Stern and the three shareholders pushed the door in.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, there was a glimmer of cold light in David Stern's eyes. Without even calling, he sat down as chairman of the board of directors.

Xiao Yunhai saw that David Steele ignored himself, touched his nose and said, "Mr. stern, how can we say that we are future colleagues? This attitude is not appropriate."

David Stern said coldly, "Mr. Shaw, if you don't like it, you can leave."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "that's not good. I own 25% of our stock in stell networks. To be clear, I have a quarter of the company, including this conference room. If it's from the door, maybe the seat you're sitting in is mine

David Stern said coldly, "I don't want to mess with you. It doesn't make any sense. Now we have a meeting. "

Xiao Yunhai smiles and says nothing. He suddenly gets up and goes to David Stern. He says to the shareholder, "Sir, your position is wrong. I am the second largest shareholder and should sit next to Mr. David Stern. "

Seeing the black line on the shareholder's face, Williams ash almost laughed.

According to the ranking, Xiao Yunhai should really sit in the second position. However, for a long time, Williams ash and his gang were quite different from David Stern's and virtually divided the Chu River and Han Dynasty.

Now Xiao Yunhai made such a move, the shareholder can only move the place.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "sorry, I really want to get close to Mr. David Stern. After all, we used to be enemies, but now we've become a family. Our identities change so fast that it's hard to change them all at once. "

David Stern took a long breath and turned a deaf ear to Xiao Yunhai's words. Turning to Williams ash, he asked, "Mr. ash, I don't know what you and Mr. Shaw want to hold this board of directors at the same time. Can you say it now?"

Williams ash held out two fingers and said simply, "we have two purposes. First, Mr. Xiao owns 25% of the shares of our stell network company, becoming our second largest shareholder. At the request of Mr. Xiao, let's get to know each other. After all, they were colleagues from stell networks. I propose that we applaud Mr. Xiao to join our board of directors. "

With that, Williams ash took the lead and clapped.

Unfortunately, except for his shareholders, David Stern's side didn't even have a applaud.

Xiao Yunhai didn't care at all. He stood up and bowed to everyone. He said, "I'm very lucky to join the big family of STEL network company. I'm not here to engage in infighting, but I'm really optimistic about the future of the company. So I hope that you will not be hostile to me because of some of my previous fights with Mr. stern. "

Williams ash said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw said well. The biggest purpose of our company is to make money, not to fight. Because it's normal to quarrel about something, but it's better not to be too aggressive in a private relationship. That's very bad for the development of the company. Mr. stern, don't you think so? "David Steele glanced at ash, a little smug, and said, "now can we talk about the purpose of the second one?"

Williams ash nodded and said, "of course. My second purpose is to ask for the re-election of the chairman of the board of directors. "


tedbunian, a shareholder who was drinking coffee, heard that Williams ash, who was just calling for no infighting, made such a move in a flash and almost didn't spray the coffee out of his mouth.

Don't you say you don't want to engage in infighting? Isn't the sword at war? How can the biggest conflict come before people have a rest.

Re election of the chairman of the board of directors is a slap in the face of David Stern.

Ted Bunian glanced at David Stern and saw that his face was livid and his knife like gaze was directed at Williams ash, who was looking at him with no fear.

Looking at Xiao Yunhai, he still has a smile on his face, as if all things are under his control.

As David Stern's most iron brother, Ted Bunian whispered, "it's not good to see Xiao Yunhai holding the Zhizhu. Can we say that he has something to do? Or is there a traitor in his group?

When Ted Bunian was in doubt, Williams ash met David Stern's eyes and continued: "since our board of directors was ready to march into the entertainment industry, Mr. David Stern has made great mistakes in terms of personnel and decision-making, and has caused great losses to our company." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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