Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:42 AM

Chapter 1301

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Xiao Yunhai finally got on the crew's car at seven in the morning.

"Neil, it's been more than a month for you." Xiao Yunhai said to assistant director Neil Felton, who was in the co pilot's seat.

Neil Felton laughs, "director, you're very kind. It's my pleasure to be your deputy director. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and asked, "are the actors here?"

Neil Felton nodded and said, "both the actors and the staff are in their places, ready to start filming. Director Xiao, the script of prison break that you wrote is really wonderful. The progressive plot is comparable to that of a movie. It can definitely be popular all over the world. When we talked about the play, no one had any doubt about its success. "

Xiao yunhaidao: "the goal of prison break is to have an average global audience rating of more than 10%. As long as we are willing to work hard, we will certainly be able to achieve it. "

It took two and a half hours to get from the airport to the hotel where the press conference was held.

At this time, the hotel's huge conference room is already full of reporters. It is estimated that at least there are more than 300.

Not only foreign media, but also Chinese entertainment journalists have come.

Since the "prison break" crew announced the opening time three days ago, the world's major entertainment media reporters have rushed to this place.

Joking, Xiao Yunhai, the king of the box office, suddenly decided to make a TV series written and directed by himself. The shock in the industry caused by it was absolutely nuclear.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Xiao would shoot a TV series. In his words, he was just too self willed."

"Who said no. When I saw that the director of prison break was Yunhai Xiao, I thought there was a duplicate name

"What's so good about prison break that a world-class film director can make a TV series is incredible."

"Look, with the golden lettered signboard of Mr. Xiao, even if prison break is made into garbage, it will surely spread all over the world."

"Forget it, Kung Fu Xiao will produce a rotten film, unless the sun comes out in the West."

The reporters were all in the conference room.

In ten minutes, the press conference is about to start. Xiao Yunhai hasn't arrived yet. It's really worrying.

"Scot, please call Neil again and ask when they will arrive?" Louis hart of the acute.

Scott bloom, with a helpless look on his face, said, "Louis, can you stop for a moment. I've called Neil eight times, and I'm tired of calling myself again. I tell you, with Mr. Xiao's fame and status, even if you come an hour late, do you think that there will be any reporters leaving? Absolutely not. It's just a complaint. "

Rao Kofi, who plays the lead brother, nodded and said, "yes. Speaking of it, Mr. Xiao is so powerful that he can make hundreds of billions of dollars through gambling in the world cup. He is simply my idol. I saw on the Internet last night that he went to Wall Street to attend the board meeting of STEL networks, and almost knocked David Stern out of the position of president

Louis Hart said, "I've seen the news, but I don't know if it's true or not."

"I think it should be true," said Claudia, a beautiful actress who has been playing with laptops. Because today's stock price of stell network company has risen for the first time in more than a month because of the news that Mr. Xiao has become a shareholder

Leo said with a smile, "that's right. Mr. Xiao himself is the richest man in the world, and he has so much liquidity, let alone that he is a shareholder. Even if he speaks for the company, the share price can rise. "

The voice just fell, Xiao Yunhai and Neil came in.

"How can I hear someone just talking about me?" Xiao Yunhai came into the room and said with a smile.

Leo said: "director Xiao, you may have heard wrong. No one is talking about you."

Xiao Yunhai said doubtfully, "is it? But I do hear his voice, and it's almost like yours


"Ha ha ha."

When they heard this, they could not help laughing.

Claudia said, "director Xiao, you'd better go and make up quickly? It's almost time now. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "No. I changed my clothes in the car, so I didn't care about my face. I seldom take part in the make-up except for some parties. Wait a moment, I use this kind of wax yellow face, to set off the handsome boys and girls. My favorite thing to do now is green leaves, ha ha ha

At ten o'clock sharp, under the leadership of Xiao Yunhai, a dozen actors and actresses went on the rostrum and sat in their seats.

Naturally, the reporters had to shoot a lot, and the flash flashed wildly, and the eyes of the people who took the photos couldn't see clearly.

Everyone is a man who has been tested for a long time. Naturally, no one will be stage fright.When the reporters finished taking photos, Xiao Yunhai blew the microphone, which made a rumbling sound. The reporters immediately stopped shooting and looked at Xiao Yunhai.

"I'm sorry, I just came from New York, so I came a little late, but somehow I got here before ten o'clock. Today is a great day for our prison break crew to start. Let me first introduce the play and our actors

"This play is a crime film. Of course, there is no bloody scene in it. The plot is compact and wonderful. This is Scott bloom, the leading actor in the play. This is Rao Kofi, who plays the leading role in the play. This is Rao Kofi, who plays the brother of the protagonist, and this is a beautiful woman... "

after the introduction in turn, Xiao Yunhai said:" frankly speaking, our cast is not strong, and many people don't even know them. But what I want to tell you is that after playing my prison break, they will immediately become one of the most popular first-line stars in the world, so you'd better take more photos now and make some eye-catching news when they become popular. "


"Ha ha ha."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, both journalists and actors could not help laughing.

Making news? Thanks to Xiao Yunhai, I can think of it.

"Well, gentlemen, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask? It's better not to get involved in other topics. Otherwise, I may refuse to answer your question. Have the reporters from Yunqing TV station come? Ask you first. "


Xiao Yunhai's words were too explicit, causing a burst of contempt from reporters.

The reporter sent by Yunqing TV station is a beautiful woman in her twenties. As soon as she stands up, the two majestic peaks in front of her chest will shake constantly.

"Boss, can you tell us what kind of story this prison break is about? And that's why you suddenly stopped making movies and turned to TV series? "

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said with a smile: "our reporters of Yunqing TV station have two things in common. One is that they are both very good-looking. The male reporters are handsome and the female reporters are beautiful. The other thing in common is that they obviously don't learn much about mathematics? Every time they are asked a question, they will ask two or even three questions. It is estimated that mathematics is taught by PE teachers

"Ha ha ha."

The laughter spread all over the venue once again, and the beautiful reporter was even more smiling. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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