Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:39 AM

Chapter 1303

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On August 8, Zhao Wanqing's album "forever in my heart" finally met with her fans.

These days, Zhao Wanqing is running all over the world. She has participated in more than ten programs. She is half dead tired, but the effect is very good.

Since several of her songs have been well known, fans are not worried about the quality of the records. There are long lines in the major audio and video stores in Europe and America.

The headquarters of Huaxia, let alone Tianlai record company, sold more than 5 million copies that day.

If it's not that the video shop is too conservative, it's worth 10 million.

Word of mouth is even better. All the songs Xiao Yunhai plagiarized for Zhao Wanqing are the most classic songs in the past life. Both fans and musicians give very high evaluations. Some even use the sounds of nature to describe them. The lowest scores are given nine points.

From August 8 to August 15, in a week, "my heart forever" album sales directly exceeded 60 million copies, and it was still in a mess. Everyone knows that the album's breaking 100 million is just a matter of time, which makes all singers at home and abroad sigh.

In an interview, Eliot, the king of America, sighed: "Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao are very good friends, but in music, I regard them as the biggest enemy. Xiao's album has sold 130 million copies. Seeing the situation of Miss Zhao at present, there is no suspense, which makes me feel great pressure. Miss Zhao's original album is full of confidence after I heard it. This couple really made all the musicians feel a kind of despair

After learning about Zhao Wanqing's album from reporters, ye Yongren, the king of China, said with a smile: "I'm not surprised by this achievement. From the song "forever in my heart" to the theme song of the world cup, Wanqing has conquered the ears of all musicians and fans, and no one can resist the invasion of these songs. Here, I would like to congratulate Yunhai Wanqing, you two husband and wife have created a miracle in the history of world music. "

"In a week's time, the sales volume of the album has exceeded 60 million. It's something that any singer can't even think of. It's normal to put it on Yunhai Wanqing, a golden boy and a jade girl. Needless to say, Wanqing's singing skills have reached the peak. It is not difficult to break a hundred million albums. Yunhai, Wanqing, come on. There are more miracles to be created in the future. " Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's friends in the circle also praised the album "forever in my heart".

Another week later, Zhao Wanqing's album finally lived up to expectations and broke through the 100 million mark. Zhao Wanqing successfully became one of the world's top music stars.

With such a great achievement, Zhao Wanqing naturally became the target of reporters' crazy pursuit. Unfortunately, she could not find anyone.

It turns out that Zhao Wanqing flew back to Huaxia after the publicity of the album. In addition to the fact that her Uncle Chen Zhan sent reporters to interview her when the sales volume exceeded 100 million yuan, Zhao Wanqing did not appear in public.

This makes reporters hate the teeth itch, but there is no way.

Both husband and wife are always like this, whether it is a movie or a music album, they will disappear immediately after the fire, and will not come out until there is a next work, which is almost speechless.

In addition to the album sales, Zhao Wanqing won the favor of Venice, Berlin and other film award ceremonies for her role of Gong ER in "the great master of the generation", and was shortlisted for the best actress. This makes countless actresses who want to rub the red carpet without awards envy and hate.

Zhao Wanqing, on the other hand, did not take part in all the awards ceremony. For her, winning or not has no meaning.

But the world is so strange, those who try their best to get something often get nothing, while those who do not fight for it easily get it.

Like this best actress, it was awarded to Zhao Wanqing at Venice, Berlin and Tokyo film festivals, which embarrassed Zhao Wanqing.

If she had known about it, she would have been there in person. After all, people have given you awards. If you don't go, it will be disrespectful.

Therefore, on her homepage, Zhao Wanqing sincerely apologized to the three major film festivals and expressed her thanks to the organizers.

Time flies. Half a month has passed in a twinkling of an eye.

That day, Xiao Yunhai had just finished filming a play and received a phone call from his wife Zhao Wanqing.

"One more week, we'll have a thousand things. President Zhuang wants to hold a large-scale party, all performed by students of Yanjing Film Academy, and then broadcast live on our Yunqing TV station. This is the premiere Party of huaqiangu. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "of course. You can go straight to your uncle

Zhao Wanqing said, "uncle has agreed. The main purpose of my call is to tell you that it's better for you to come back and perform a show. After all, "flower thousand bones" is a big event for our whole school. "Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "it's OK. What are you going to do, wife

Zhao Wanqing said: "it's better not to sing. I don't feel a bit fresh myself. Don't you like to play sketches? Why don't you write a script and we'll play a sketch. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK, no problem. There are not many plays in these two nights. I will send them to you after I finish writing them. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "OK. Husband, will this delay your filming? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you can't film every day. We must also have a proper rest. Anyway, back and forth is three days. I'll give the crew three days off. I'm sure you'll be very happy if you don't have to work

Zhao Wanqing kisses him on the phone and says, "great. Honey, I'll see you at Yunqing TV station. "

Xiao Yunhai even said, "OK. By the way, wife, I miss children very much. You ask your mother to take two children to my grandfather's for two days, and I'll see it when I go. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "no problem. I'm going to talk to mom

After the phone call, Xiao Yunhai stood up and said to the actors and staff who were taking a rest: "ladies and gentlemen, it has been half a month since we started up. With everyone's efforts, the shooting progress of TV series is very fast, and everyone is also very hard. I need to go back to China in a few days, about three days. In this way, the whole crew has a three-day holiday, and the salary is paid as usual. Anyone who wants to go home can go back, but he has to come back in three days, so he can't delay filming. Do you understand? "

"I see."

"Long live Mr. Xiao."

There's no need to work hard and get money. Naturally, everyone is very happy.

Three days later, Xiao Yunhai returned to China.

Just out of the Feicheng airport, with sunglasses, Zhao Wanqing, who is perfect in figure, embraces Xiao Yunhai's neck and kisses him fiercely.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "wife, you are not afraid to be seen."

Zhao Wanqing hummed: "I am intimate with my husband. Even if I am seen, what can I do?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and gave her a thumbs up and said, "wife, you have my style now. Let's go home. "

Xiao Yunhai embraces Zhao Wanqing's slender waist and walks to the outside of the airport.

On the way, Xiao Yunhai asked, "how about wife? Is that sketch I wrote good

The day before yesterday, Xiao Yunhai used one night's time to plagiarize "365 blessings" from his previous happy life and sent them to Zhao Wanqing and Huang Bo respectively. Huang Bo was responsible for finding out the other actors.

It is very attractive for film school students to act with Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, even if there is no line.

As a result, the cast was quickly assembled.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "that script is really very good. We have learned it by heart for a long time. Now all the students and actors in our school have arrived and have been arranged in a five-star hotel. Today, they rehearsed all day. Tomorrow, all the actors will arrive and rehearse in the evening. Therefore, we and Huang Bo will spend one day tomorrow to finish this sketch

Xiao Yunhai said: "with our strength, it doesn't take a day. It takes half a day. Is the teacher here? "

Zhao Wanqing knew that Xiao Yunhai was asking Yao Wenyuan. She nodded and said, "of course, teacher Yao is coming to school for such a big thing. His recovery is very good. The family of the kind-hearted person who donated his kidney has been arranged to our company. The house and car have been equipped. The child has entered a very good kindergarten in Yanjing

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. At the beginning, I promised the old man that he would take good care of his family. If something went wrong, it would be too disturbing for me , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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