Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:38 AM

Chapter 1304

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Back to his grandfather, Xiao Yunhai said hello to his family and focused on his two children.

Children over one year old are the same every day. Compared with London, both children have some differences.

Zhao Wanqing's elder brother will have a big nose and feet, but she will have a big head and big feet, but she will have a big head and a big foot.

Although only left less than a month, but the children have no memory, see Xiao Yunhai, at first some recognize life, dare not go forward.

Later, Xiao Yunhai played with the two children for more than an hour, and then he got familiar with it. He called his father and father with a tearful voice, which almost made Xiao Yunhai's heart melt.

During the meal, Xiao Yunhai asked, "grandfather, how is our martial arts school built?"

As soon as he mentioned the martial arts school, Chen Jiahong was in high spirits and said, "the progress is very smooth. The construction team you found is really good. It is estimated that it will be completed by the end of the year. By then, we can recruit children. "

Chen Xiuzhu said with a smile, "Yunhai, you don't know. Your grandfather and the old man Li went to watch every day for fear that the construction team would cut corners. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Yu's real estate company is the first one in China in terms of scale, qualification and reputation. It's like cutting corners, and they absolutely dare not do it. Because if there is a bean curd residue project, the brand that Yuhai used for 20 years to create will be doomed. They can't afford to lose. "

Chen Jiahong said, "I understand. Don't listen to your mother. Lao Li and I are just idle and have fun. It's said that your boy won a trillion dollars in the world cup. Hehe, you are so bold. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "how bold people are and how productive the land is. If I am sure to win, I will be more ruthless. After this village, there will be no shop. "

Everyone burst into laughter.

The next morning, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to the hotel where the teachers and students of Yanjing Film Academy lived.

"How are you, teacher? I've been so busy recently that I haven't taken the time to see you? " Seeing Yao Wenyuan, Xiao Yunhai grabbed his hand and said respectfully.

Looking at the student who was very proud of himself, Yao Wenyuan said, "my body has recovered very well. Now it is no different from a normal person. Don't worry about me. As long as you can make more excellent movies and TV series, I will be more happy than anything. It's said that you and Wanqing are going to play a sketch, aren't you? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. I just wrote the script a few days ago. Today I come to Huang Bo for rehearsal and rehearse for the evening

Yao Wenyuan praised: "with your and Wanqing's status in the entertainment industry, it's really good to be able to return to such a small stage to perform sketches."

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, one of the world's top heavenly kings, has just been promoted to the queen of heaven, with hundreds of millions of fans. Even those world-renowned awards ceremonies are not attended. Instead, they come to the party held by Yanjing Film Academy, and even lower themselves to perform a sketch. It can be said that the status of Yanjing Film Academy is greatly elevated.

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is a matter of great significance to our school. As students, of course, we have to make a contribution. Teacher, I'd like to tell you some good news. I'm going to translate this "flower thousand bones" into the languages of various countries and make it on the world stage so that audiences all over the world can see it. "

"Really?" Yao Wenyuan said excitedly, "that's great. I think Mr. Zhuang must be very happy to hear the news. "

After chatting with Yao Wenyuan for a while, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing said goodbye and went to Huang Bo.

"Neck, I've come to the hotel. What room are you in?" Xiao Yunhai called Huang Bo and asked.

Huang Bo gave a cry and said, "no, third brother, didn't we agree to go directly to the TV station? Why don't you tell me in advance

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I didn't forget that I came to visit the teacher. Seeing the time is still early, I want to pick you up. Now that you've arrived, just wait for us for a moment. It's estimated that it's only ten minutes away. "

Huang Bo said, "OK, you come quickly."

Hung up the phone, Xiao Yunhai shrugged: "no wonder I didn't see a classmate when I went upstairs. Everyone's feelings had already gone to the TV station."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "it seems that everyone attaches great importance to it. Let's get there quickly, and don't keep us waiting. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "good."

Yazhou TV station, Huang Bo just put down the phone, was surrounded by a group of beautiful women who had just finished the dance.

They are basically freshmen of Yanjing Film Academy. Some of them are beautiful, some are pure and lovely, some are hot and sexy. They are all beautiful women who can walk on the street and have a turn back rate of more than 90%.

Due to the birth of Xiao Yunhai, the richest international star in the world, Yanjing film and Television University has been far behind in terms of its status in the educational field.For students with star dreams, Yanjing Film Academy is the first choice, followed by Shanghai and Magic City, not to mention other film schools.

With such a large source of students, the quality of students enrolled in Yanjing Film Academy is naturally the highest. The handsome and beautiful women with acting talent are just like crucian carp crossing the river, and their chances of becoming famous are far greater than those of other colleges.

Xiao Yunhai used to say that today I am proud of my school, and tomorrow's school is proud of me. He did it in less than three years.

As soon as these beauties returned to the backstage, they heard Huang Bo talking to Xiao Yunhai. One by one, they all stopped and listened.

When Huang Bo finished the phone call, the group of beautiful women came to his side.

One of the hot looking beauties showed a crazy face and asked, "elder martial brother Huang, is elder martial brother Xiao coming?"

Huang Bo's temperament has always been easy-going. Although he is already a movie superstar in China, he has not changed his words and deeds before he became famous. His mentality is very good.

Hearing the words of these junior sisters, Huang Bo patted his forehead, shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "it's so sad. I thought you came here for me, but I didn't expect... Ah, forget it, although my soul has been seriously injured, I'm a lot of adults. Let me tell you. Yes, you elder martial brother Xiao will arrive in ten minutes. If you want to see him, wait here for a while. By the way, you should master some sense of propriety, because he is accompanied by elder martial sister Zhao. She is the leader of elder martial brother Xiao. If she is upset, it will be a big trouble. "

The beauties jumped up with joy.

"That's great. I finally meet elder martial brother Xiao. He's my idol

"I was admitted to Yanjing film academy because I finally had a chance to meet with you today."

"Look, do you have any flowers in my makeup? Is my dress OK? God, I'm so excited. "

Huang Bo looked helplessly at the group of excited and flushed flower lovers, and sighed: "three brothers, three brothers, you have harmed so many beauties."

The news that Xiao Yunhai will come soon spread all over the studio. Everyone stopped rehearsing and waited for Xiao Yunhai's arrival one by one.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, holding hands, appeared in front of the public.

"How are you, elder martial sister Zhao." Everyone said hello to them.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhao Wanqing for a moment, waved his hand and said with a smile, "my fellow students, our film academy doesn't do this. Hehe, you are all very early. "

The hot beauty stood up again, her eyes seemed to discharge, and said, "elder martial brother Xiao, tomorrow night will be broadcast, we are all a little nervous."

Huang Bo glanced at her full of love, and her face became a little ugly.

Who is Xiao Yunhai? That's the richest man in the world. What kind of woman has not been seen before? I don't know how much more beautiful and hot-blooded beauty is. That is because of the relationship between classmates, or Xiao Yunhai may not even look at her.

Nearby Lin Lu disdains to say: "in front of so many people, show off coquettish, it is really humiliating to throw home."

Zhao Wanqing obviously didn't expect that such a wonderful flower would appear in the school's younger sister. She even seduced her husband in front of her own face. She was just at a loss.

Hearing the speech, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "then rehearse under the stage several times. Dear students, this live broadcast is for the whole country. It is estimated that there will be at least tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people watching this live broadcast. Therefore, we need to refuel. If you can play well on the stage and impress the audience, it will be very good for your future acting road. All right, let's rehearse. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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