Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:36 AM

Chapter 1305

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They all agreed and scattered one after another, but the hot girl was still standing there.

"Elder martial brother Xiao, there seems to be something wrong with our dance. We always feel a little incoherent. Can you give us some guidance?" The girl asked expectantly.

Zhao Wanqing frowned and said, "sister, your elder martial brother can only dance mechanically, and he knows nothing about your national stage. If you want help, you'd better go to your teacher. What's more, rehearsal will be held tonight, and we haven't rehearsed yet. "

Hearing Zhao Wanqing's words, the girl immediately felt the displeasure in the other party's words, so she said a few polite words and left quickly.

Zhao Wanqing looked at her back and asked Lin Lu, "what's her name?"

Lin Lu said: "Zhen Ying'er, who will be a sophomore next semester, is the sex goddess in the school. It is said that she has some unclear relations with several rich people. She has first-class social skills."

Huang Bo snorted and said, "it's really sad that you don't put your heart into acting and engage in some evil ways."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it's people's business what they want to do, and it has nothing to do with us. Neck, it's said that you are very good now. Everyone in the crew calls you Mr. Huang. "

Huang Bo smiles triumphantly and is about to boast, but Lin Lu next to him opens his mouth first.

"Elder martial brother, you don't know. The reason why we call Huang Bo a teacher is not only that he is the best actor in the Golden Cup International Film Festival, but also that he is too old. People in their twenties look like they are in their forties. They don't call them teachers. "


"Ha ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing couldn't help laughing.

Huang Bo said discontentedly, "Lin Lu, you don't have any meaning. If you do this, you will not only hit me in the face, but also expose my shortcomings. Besides, is this old face? It's called maturity. Do you understand? Otherwise, how could my wife fall in love with me. Well, forget it. You haven't even been in love. I'm telling you that's like casting pearls before swine. "

Lin Lu, with a angry look on her face, said, "well, Huang Bo, how dare you say that to me? How can I speak ill of you before Hui Jie's face. Well, I've just been surrounded by so many beauties, but I can see all of them. "

On hearing this, Huang Bo quickly asks Lin Lu for mercy.

After a while, Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "Lin Lu, you're going to meet the audience tomorrow. What's your feeling?"

Lin Lu patted her chest and said, "I'm so nervous. I'm afraid the ratings will be bad."

Xiao Yun Haidao: "I have seen the film of huaqiangu. You can't match the performance before. Obviously, it's very good for you to improve your performance

Lin Lu said with a smile, "I'm relieved to have these words from my senior brother."

Let's not talk about it at half past nine. Third brother, third sister-in-law, I asked the television station for a conference room. Let's go there and string words. The other helpers were busy because they had other programs. Let the three of us come back when we're done. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK, let's go. Lin Lu, if you tell us, I'll invite everyone to dinner at noon. "

Lin Lu said with a smile, "OK. Hee hee, I knew that the elder martial brother would not let everyone go hungry. "

Xiao Yunhai three people in school, I don't know how many times, now the acting skills have reached the stage of the film emperor and the film queen, the deduction is even more no problem.

In only two hours, the three people finished the sketch.

At noon, Xiao Yunhai invited all the teachers and students to have a meal. In the afternoon, he asked for several assistants to rehearse twice. In the evening, he had a rehearsal, and the day passed.

The next night, the premiere of huaqiangu officially began.

The first is a half-hour red carpet show.

This time, Mr. Zhuang was so cruel that he invited innumerable celebrities in the entertainment industry, especially those students who had become famous in the entertainment industry after graduation from school.

No one who receives an invitation dares not to come.

My alma mater is so serious about such a big thing. If you don't come, it's too inappropriate.

According to a rough calculation, there are nearly 100 stars in the film academy this time, and there are more than 30 artists above the first line, which accounts for most of the entertainment circle.

Because they are all classmates, most of them have good relations in the circle, so no one will care about the issue of identity. One is a group of people who laugh and talk and finish the red carpet.

At eight o'clock sharp, two hosts selected by the school stepped onto the stage. One was Bai Huijie, Huang Bo's daughter-in-law, and the other was Zhangjiashan.

After a gag, Bai Huijie said: "today is the most festive day of our Yanjing Film Academy. After more than a year's shooting and post production, the TV series flower thousand bones, which is completely produced by our film academy, will meet with the audience all over the country tomorrow. To be honest, I'm very excited now. It's really meaningful. Among the numerous performing schools in the world, Yanjing Film Academy is a pioneer. "Zhang Jiashan said: "this work is written, invested, acted by Xiao Xuechang and broadcast on our Yunqing TV station. It can be said that without him, there would be no play. Therefore, at the request of school leaders and teachers, I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Xiao Yunhai on behalf of the school. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa"

warm applause broke out at the scene.

"Well, let's start watching. The first program is the song and dance "red and red fire" jointly brought by students of four grades in our school. Please enjoy it

More than 30 tall and good-looking beauties joined in the battle, which instantly caused a burst of ghost calls from the audience.

"Damn it, Yanjing Film Academy is just like a cloud of beautiful women. They are so beautiful."

"Sad, why didn't I take the film school?"

"Who doesn't. Unfortunately, it's a pity. "

For this live broadcast, Yanjing Film Academy has made great efforts to select the best programs that have been performed in these years.

In fact, before the post production of huaqiangu was finished, the school was already preparing for the party. Many students who had been on summer vacation did not go home. For a month, they rehearsed almost every day.

With so much time and energy, the programs are naturally wonderful.

From the beginning of the first program, applause and cheers rang through the entire studio.

In the party to half an hour, Yunqing TV data room inside the cheering.

At first, Chen Zhan and others thought that it would be good if the audience rating of the party could exceed 1%. They never expected that the program would be so wonderful. The audience rating almost went up in a straight line, just over 10%.

In today's competitive TV industry, 10% ratings are a myth.

On the network, netizens are almost all praise.

"The performance of Yanjing Film Academy is really wonderful. I just saw a play and cried."

"That beautiful girl named Ling Yanyan sings so well that it's just the sound of nature."

"Yanjing Film Academy has definitely moved out all the things at the bottom of the box, which is much better than the Spring Festival gala held by various stations."

"Major notice, major notice, the short piece" 365 blessings "by the three film queens of yunhuangqing and Huangbo will be released at 10:00, please don't miss it."

"It's great that we all go to Yunqing TV station to watch the program."

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