Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:35 AM

Chapter 1306

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With the popularity of the party on the Internet, the audience rating of Yunqing TV station went up and up again. At 10 o'clock,

directly exceeded 15%.

Finally, it was Xiao Yunhai's turn to appear on the stage. After the host burst out their program name, the scene immediately burst into overwhelming applause.

Although Xiao Yunhai has only performed three or four sketches since his debut, almost all of them are classics. The number of downloads on the Internet alone exceeds 100 million, which shows his popularity.

The sketch begins. Xiao Yunhai takes a red envelope and takes the lead on the stage.

"I'm so angry. You said that my daughter-in-law, her father wants to have an appendectomy. For such a small operation, I have to force me to send a big red envelope to the doctor. I said that in what era, the quality of doctors is quite high, and no one has received red envelopes. Her father took a rolling pin and gave me a big red envelope with a bang. Do you think I'll give it or not? " Xiao Yunhai murmured.

While the audience was laughing, there were some shouting to send off and others not to.

No more, Xiao Yun, no more. Well, life matters. I'll give it to you, but it's not money, it's paper. "


"ha ha ha."

"If I go, I'll die without a red envelope. It's too miserable for the emperor."

Just the first paragraph, let the audience laugh, at the same time understand that this is Xiao Yunhai's sketch mapping the real doctor's red envelope problem.

At this time, Zhao Wanqing pushed a wheelchair and stepped onto the stage.

The crowd applauded.

Zhao Wanqing said to Xiao Jianhua, an actor in a wheelchair, "don't worry, Dad. It's OK. The small operation will be finished in a short time. Besides, I tell you, Shen Teng is looking for the best doctor for you. "

Speaking of this, she attached to her father's ear and whispered, "we are all ready for the red envelope. Don't worry."

If you don't cry, I will cry for a long time

"I'll go." The audience burst into laughter.

"The emperor is exaggerating. It's just an appendectomy. It's such a big reaction. Ha ha ha, I'm so happy. Xiao Jianhua, who plays Xiao Yunhai's father-in-law, said, "you can pull it down. You said that when your mother-in-law left."

Zhao Wanqing said discontented: "how to speak, crow mouth."

Xiao Jianhua waved his hand and said, "it's OK. If I can't get out later, Shen, I hope you can keep your word."

"Ha ha ha." The scene laughed again.

Xiao Yunhai licked his tongue, and his eyes were a little flighty. He said, "Dad, I don't mean that. I think I howl two voices, not to show that we have a good relationship

At this time, Huang Bo, who plays the role of a doctor, came out in a white coat and said, "come on, push the patient forward, and the operation will start immediately."

Several assistant performers pushed Xiao Jianhua in, leaving only Xiao Yunhai, Zhao Wanqing and Huang Bo on the stage.

Zhao Wanqing pulled Xiao Yunhai's clothes and said, "Hey, come on, red envelope, hurry up."

Xiao Yunhai said: "no, give it to others, and they can't take it."

Zhao Wanqing said angrily, "if you don't give it, how can you know that he doesn't want it."

Xiao Yunhai had no choice but to pass the red envelope to Huang Bo and asked word by word: "doctor, do you want it?"


"Oh, I'll go. Do you have a red envelope like this? The emperor is really hopeless. "

The audience laughed.

Looking at Xiao Yunhai, Huang Bo asked in tears and laughter, "do you think I can take it?"

"I don't think you can."

"That's over."

"But some people think you can."

Huang Bo waved his hand and said, "OK, I can understand the feelings of your family members, but the hospital has regulations that do not allow red envelopes."

Xiao Yunhai said: "you just take it, you have a look."

Huang Bo said: "the principle question, you don't ink."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I said people won't want it, daughter-in-law..."

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and looked at Zhao Wanqing. He found her standing on the chair, shaking her hands and saying, "what are you doing? What are you doing?"

"Ha ha ha." The audience laughs again.

Zhao Wanqing said, "I'll help you block the camera."

Huang Bo said: "you come down, don't stop."

Xiao Yunhai said: "who knows, hurry down. Look at you. Dad hasn't settled down yet. You'll let the psychiatrist take it away. "

"Ha ha ha."

"This line is so interesting."

The three people on the stage played their roles vividly, and the atmosphere of the scene gradually warmed up.

Zhao Wanqing snatched the red envelope from Xiao Yunhai and said, "Hey, Doctor Liu, don't be polite to us. Anyway, we are not a family."Huang Bo clapped the red envelope into Zhao Wanqing's hand and said, "yes, we are not a family, but your father is my patient. Even if there is no red envelope, I will cure his disease."

Xiao Yunhai stood aside, thumbed up, and said with admiration: "well said, Doctor Liu, you have lived up to..."

Zhao Wanqing pushed Xiao Yunhai and said, "who has no uncle. Dr. Liu, you see, we are not ignorant people. All walks of life have their own hidden rules. You can just hide us. "

"Ha ha ha."

If you sneak in, you can write this line

"The three acted so well and cooperated so well that I had a stomachache."

The audience was smiling.

"It's not easy," said Zhuang bin, laughing. Yunhai and Wanqing are both world stars now, and it's really surprising that they can play such roles by themselves. "

Yao Wenyuan nodded and said, "yes. Our school went out a lot of big stars, but after becoming famous, there are several people who can really bend down to perform on the stage. Yunhai and Wanqing are now standing at the top of the entertainment pyramid. Who can compare them in terms of fame, status and wealth. They are still able to return to the stage and perform such skits, and those who rely on their status should be ashamed. "

In fact, Zhuang bin also invited many famous people from the school to perform in the evening party, but most of them refused because of filming, participating in activities and shooting advertisements.

In fact, everyone knows that they just don't want to be part of the show.

For them, it's right to play well. Once something goes wrong, it's over.

What's more, without a penny of appearance fee, it's good to be able to take time to watch. Who is willing to do such thankless things.

On the other hand, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, one of them filming in California, was extremely busy, and the other did not even attend the three international famous film festivals of Venice, Berlin and Tokyo. They can still spare time, and the other people's reasons are a joke.

Can you be as busy as Xiao Yunhai, the richest man in the world?

Compared with people, it's really far behind.

On the stage, Huang Boyi flatly refused Zhao Wanqing's red envelope.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Hey! Look at you! I say you don't listen, and the doctor says you don't listen to me! You have to let others tell you how many times you can stop it!"

with that, Xiao Yunhai went to the other side and said, "ha ha ha ha ha ha."

When Zhao Wanqing heard Xiao Yunhai's words, she immediately got angry. She pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said with gnashing teeth, "come here, come on, I promise not to shoot you to death."

Xiao Yunhai is very spineless said: "don't be wishful thinking, I can't go."

Zhao Wanqing threatened: "come here!"

seeing the two people quarreling, Huang Bo quickly stopped Zhao Wanqing and advised him, "Oh, no, no, the couple won't be."

Xiao Yunhai some guilty said: "I tell you, this is outside, each other to leave a little face."

Zhao Wanqing said angrily, "OK, then I ask you, do you give a red envelope?"

"is there something wrong with me?"

"do you want a red envelope? It's you. You want it

"What's wrong with me? Can't I discuss it with others?"

"Did you discuss it when you gave it to your family. You just don't want to give it! "

" is that what I don't want to give? People don't want it at all! "

" can people ask for it if you give it like that? You don't mean you at all. " With that, Zhao Wanqing threw the red envelope to the ground.

Xiao Yunhai was also infuriated and said, "I'm not sincere! Ah, I'm not sincere, right? OK."

Xiao Yunhai angrily picked up the red envelope, bowed deeply to Huang Bo, and yelled, "Doctor Liu, please take it!"

Huang Bo said, "OK, I'll take it."

Finish saying, take red envelope, then turn to walk into operating room. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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